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John-David Dalton edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 11 revisions


Jan. 26, 2015DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
// in 2.4.1
_.isFinite('1'); // => true
_.keys('hi');    // => []

// in 3.0.0
_.isFinite('1'); // => false
_.keys('hi');    // => ['0', '1']
var object = { 'a': 1 },
    other = { 'a': 2 },
    customizer = function() { console.log(arguments); };

// in 2.4.1
_.merge(object, other, customizer); // => logs [1, 2]

// in 3.0.0
_.merge(object, other, customizer); // => logs [1, 2, 'a', object, other]
  • Made the execution of chained methods lazy, that is, execution is deferred until _#value is implicitly or explicitly called
// in 2.4.1
_([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function(n) { console.log(n); });
// => logs each value from left to right and returns the lodash wrapper

// in 3.0.0
_([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function(n) { console.log(n); });
// => returns the lodash wrapper without logging until `value` is called
_([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function(n) { console.log(n); }).value();
// => logs each value from left to right and returns the array
// in 2.4.1
_.clone(document.body); // => document.body

// in 3.0.0
_.clone(document.body); // => {}
  • Made _.flatten shallow by default & remove callback support
var array = [1, [[2], 3]],
    objects = [{ 'a': [1] }, { 'a': [2, 3] }];

// in 2.4.1
_.flatten(array); // => [1, 2, 3]
_.flatten(objects, 'a'); // [1, 2, 3]

// in 3.0.0
_.flatten(array); // => [1, [2], 3]
_(objects).pluck('a').flatten().value(); // [1, 2, 3]

// legacy usage path available for those writing code for both lodash & underscore
_.flatten(array, !!_.flattenDeep);
var array = [2, 3, 1];

// in 2.4.1
_(array).max().value(); // => 3

// in 3.0.0
_(array).max(); // => 3
  • Made _.memoize cache implement the ES Map interface
var m = _.memoize(_.identity);

// in 2.4.1
m.cache; // => { '1420168181178a': 'a' }

// in 3.0.0
m.cache.has('a'); // => true
var array = [['a'], [1]];

// in 2.4.1; // => [['a', 1]]
_.unzip(array); // => [['a', 1]]

// in 3.0.0; // => [[['a']], [[1]]]
_.unzip(array); // => [['a', 1]]
var object = { 'c': _.noop, 'b': _.noop, 'a': _.noop };

// in 2.4.1
_.functions(object); // => ['a', 'b', 'c']

// in 3.0.0
_.functions(object); // => ['c', 'b', 'a']
var string = '<%= o.a %>',
    options = { 'variable': 'o' },
    data = { 'a': 'b' };

// in 2.4.1
_.template(string, data, options); // => 'b'

// in 3.0.0
_.template(string, options)(data); // => 'b'

// legacy usage path available for those writing code for both lodash & underscore
_.template(string, null, options)(data); // => 'b'
  • Restricted _.mixin to iterating only own properties of source objects
function Foo() {}; = function() {};

var object = {};

// in 2.4.1
_.mixin(object, new Foo);
_.has(object, 'bar'); // => true

// in 3.0.0
_.mixin(object, new Foo);
_.has(object, 'bar'); // => false

_.mixin(object, _.toPlainObject(new Foo));
_.has(object, 'bar'); // => true
var array = [1, 2, 3],
    lessThanTwo = function(value) { return value < 2; },
    greaterThanTwo = function(value) { return value > 2; };

// in 2.4.1
_.first(array); // => 1
_.first(array, 2); // => [1, 2]
_.first(array, lessThanTwo);   // => [1]

_.last(array); // => 3
_.last(array, 2); // => [2, 3]
_.last(array, greaterThanTwo); // => [3]

// in 3.0.0
_.first(array); // => 1
_.take(array, 2); // => [1, 2]
_.takeWhile(array, lessThanTwo); // => [1]

_.last(array); // => 3
_.takeRight(array, 2); // => [2, 3]
_.takeRightWhile(array, greaterThanTwo); // => [3]
var array = [1, 2, 3],
    lessThanTwo = function(value) { return value < 2; },
    greaterThanTwo = function(value) { return value > 2; };

// in 2.4.1
_.initial(array); // => [1, 2]
_.initial(array, 2); // => [1]
_.initial(array, greaterThanTwo); // => [1, 2]; // => [2, 3], 2); // => [3], lessThanTwo); // => [2, 3]

// in 3.0.0
_.initial(array); // => [1, 2]
_.dropRight(array, 2); // => [1]
_.dropRightWhile(array, greaterThanTwo); // => [1, 2]; // => [2, 3]
_.drop(array, 2); // => [3]
_.dropWhile(array, lessThanTwo); // => [2, 3]
  • Changed the categories of _.clone, _.cloneDeep, & _.isXyz methods from “Object” to “Lang”
  • Changed the categories of _.escape, _.template, & _.unescape from “Utility” to “String”
  • Changed the category of _.range from “Array” to “Utility”
  • Changed the category of _.toArray from “Collection” to “Lang”
  • Made method categories singular
  • Moved ./dist/lodash.js to ./lodash.js in master & to ./index.js in npm
  • Moved ./dist/lodash.compat.js to the lodash/lodash-compat repository
  • Moved support for sorting by multiple properties from _.sortBy to _.sortByAll
  • Removed the underscore build
  • Renamed _.createCallback to _.callback
  • Renamed & to &
Low Risk Compatibility Warnings
  • Added customizable argument placeholder support to _.bind, _.bindKey, _.curry, _.curryRight, _.partial, & _.partialRight
  • Added support for matching NaN to _.difference, _.includes, _.indexOf _.intersection, _.lastIndexOf, _.union, _.uniq, & _.xor
  • Ensured _.assign & _.merge don’t assign the customizer result if it’s the same as the destination value
  • Ensured _.mixin does not extend lodash when object is provided with an empty options object
  • Ensured _.sortedIndex returns values that align with the sort order of _.sortBy
  • Ensured functions created by _.matches return true when comparing empty array & object source values
  • Made _.chain use an existing wrapper if available instead of creating a new wrapper
  • Removed the argCount parameter from _.callback
Notable Changes
Other Changes
  • Added cancel method to debounced & throttled functions
  • Added multiValue flag to _.invert, defaultValue argument to _.result, & thisArg argument to _.tap
  • Added _.memoize.Cache to enable ES Map/WeakMap to be used
  • Added support for cloning array buffers & typed arrays to _.clone & _.cloneDeep
  • Added support for comparing error objects & typed arrays to _.isEqual
  • Avoided memory leaks in _.bind, _.bindKey, _.curry, _.partial, & _.partialRight
  • Ensured, _.invoke, _.matches,, & _.pullAt work with falsey array & collection values when keys are provided
  • Ensured _.callback doesn’t error when func is nullish & a thisArg is provided
  • Ensured _.callback supports binding built-in methods
  • Ensured _.debounce & _.throttle work if the system time is set backwards
  • Ensured _.difference works with arrays regardless of argument position
  • Ensured _.includes supports fromIndex when iterating objects
  • Ensured _.indexOf([], undefined, true) returns -1 instead of 0
  • Ensured _.intersection ignores non-array secondary values
  • Ensured _.isEqual works with wrapped arrays & plain objects containing constructor properties
  • Ensured _.keys treats sparse arrays as dense
  • Ensured _.keys works with string objects in IE < 9
  • Ensured _.matches comparison isn’t affected by changes to source objects
  • Ensured _.max & _.min return the correct value when callback computes ±Infinity
  • Ensured _.merge ignores undefined values of source object properties
  • Ensured _.omit & _.pick work on primitives
  • Ensured _.partial & _.partialRight work with curried functions
  • Ensured _.pluck always uses & _.findWhere & _.where always use _.matches
  • Ensured _.random returns 1 or 0 when called with no arguments
  • Ensured _.range, _.slice, & other methods handle NaN arguments
  • Ensured _.runInContext uses a zeroed _.uniqueId counter
  • Ensured _.transform checks that object is an object before using it as the accumulator [[Prototype]]
  • Ensured _.where handles source objects with undefined property values
  • Ensured _.where only returns elements that contain all source array/object values
  • Ensured browserified lodash works in web workers
  • Ensured customizing _.indexOf affects _.includes when iterating objects
  • Ensured lodash works in NW.js
  • Ensured lodash doesn’t add Function.prototype extensions to its prototype
  • Fixed _.isFunction for typed array constructors in Safari 8
  • Made _.escape & _.unescape handle backticks
  • Made _.isElement more robust
  • Made _.parseInt more closely follow spec
  • Made _.wrap use _.identity when wrapper is nullish
  • Made templates avoid referencing _.escape if “escape” delimiters are not used
  • Made array-like object checks follow ES ToLength
  • Made use of ES Set in _.difference, _.intersection, & _.uniq
  • Removed array & object pools
  • Removed all method compilation from the compat build
  • Updated sourceURL syntax & allowed the sourceURL option of _.template to work in production builds

Check out the lodash-cli changelog for changes to lodash-cli as well.


Dec. 2, 2013DiffDocs

  • Ensured __bindData__ is properly cloned
  • Ensured _.isEqual correctly compares objects with shared property values containing circular references
  • Optimized _.partial & _.partialRight
  • Reached ~100% code coverage


Nov. 25, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added _.constant, _.mapValues,,, & _.xor
  • Added an options argument to _.mixin to specify whether the functions added are chainable
  • Added support for _.sortBy to accept an array of property names to sort by
  • Allowed _.zipObject to accept an array of keys with no values argument
  • Removed conditional setImmediate use from _.defer


Nov. 10, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added _.create & _.noop
  • Avoided memory leaks in _.debounce & _.throttle
  • Enhanced _.createCallback to avoid binding functions already bound by Function#bind
  • Ensured rebound functions correctly partially apply arguments
  • Ensured _.isEqual works with objects created by Object.create(null) & _(false)
  • Ensured _.min & _.max work as callbacks for
  • Ensured _.template coerces the text argument to a string
  • Optimized _.difference, _.omit, & _.without by way of baseDifference
  • Optimized _.isBoolean, _.isNumber, _.isString, _.omit, & _.without for the false case
  • Optimized _.sample & _.shuffle by way of baseRandom
  • Reduced _.wrap by way of createBound
  • Removed native Function#bind use for better _.bind cross-environment consistency


Oct. 3, 2013DiffDocs

  • Ensured _.mixin creates functions that work with _.chain
  • Ensured the the createObject fallback is included in the modern build


Sept. 28, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added support for shallow cloning dates, regexes, & other non-plain built-in objects to _.clone
  • Ensured _.random avoids excessive results of 0 when returning floating-point numbers
  • Made compat & underscore builds use when available
  • Reduced dependencies on getObject & releaseObject


Sept. 22, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added Object.defineProperty fallback for the modern build
  • Added support to _.random to explicitly specify floating point numbers
  • Allowed _.compose to be invoked without arguments
  • Ensured _.flatten works with extremely large arrays
  • Ensured properties aren’t minified
  • Ensured reThis isn’t used in Windows 8 applications
  • Made UMD more resistant to false positives
  • Optimized _.isArguments & _.isArray fallbacks


Sept. 13, 2013DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Aligned _.after with Underscore 1.5.0, making it always return a function
  • Made _.unzip an alias of
Notable Changes
  • Created lodash methods as npm packages & AMD/Node.js modules
  • Made _.chain force chaining for all methods, even those that normally return unwrapped values
  • Moved the build utility to lodash-cli
  • Optimized _.contains, _.debounce, _.isArguments, _.throttle, _.where, & functions created by _.bind, _.bindKey, _.curry, _.partial, & _.partialRight
  • Added _.curry, _.forEachRight, _.indexBy, _.findLast, _.findLastIndex, _.findLastKey, _.forInRight, _.forOwnRight, _.pull, _.remove, & _.sample
Other Changes
  • Added Curl & Dojo module loaders to the unit tests
  • Added the modularize build option
  • Added support for the iife command to be used without an %output% token
  • Added support for _.mixin to accept a destination object
  • Added support for _.range to accept a step of 0
  • Ensured “Arrays” methods support arguments objects
  • Ensured “Functions” methods throw when not passed functions
  • Ensured works as a callback for
  • Ensured _.createCallback works when no argCount is specified
  • Ensured _.first & _.last return arrays when passed a falsey array with an n value
  • Ensured _.flatten works with arguments objects
  • Ensured minified files work with Dojo’s builder
  • Ensured _.zipObject skips falsey elements
  • Improved dead code removal from builds
  • Improved JSDoc syntax
  • Made _.eachRight an alias of _.forEachRight
  • Made _.memoize avoid prefixing cache keys when using a resolver function
  • Removed local clearTimeout & setTimeout variables from the underscore build
  • Reduced the size of the repo & npm package
  • Simplified the bailout in createCache
  • Updated sourceURL & sourceMappingURL syntax
  • Updated underscore build compatibility to v1.5.2


June 12, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added missing cache property to the objects returned by getObject
  • Ensured maxWait unit tests pass in Ringo
  • Increased the maxPoolSize value
  • Optimized releaseArray & releaseObject


June 11, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added _.transform method
  • Added _.chain & _.findWhere aliases
  • Added internal array & object pooling
  • Added Istanbul test coverage reports to Travis CI
  • Added maxWait option to _.debounce
  • Added support for floating point numbers to _.random
  • Added Volo configuration to package.json
  • Adjusted UMD for component build
  • Allowed more stable mixing of lodash & underscore build methods
  • Ensured debounced function with, leading & trailing options, works as expected
  • Ensured minified builds work with the Dojo builder
  • Ensured minification avoids deoptimizing expressions containing boolean values
  • Ensured support for --output paths containing build command keywords
  • Ensured unknown types return false in _.isObject & _.isRegExp
  • Ensured _.clone, _.flatten, & _.uniq can be used as a callback for methods like
  • Ensured _.forIn works on objects with longer inheritance chains in IE < 9
  • Ensured _.isPlainObject returns true for empty objects in IE < 9
  • Ensured _.max & _.min chain correctly
  • Ensured clearTimeout use doesn’t cause errors in Titanium
  • Ensured that the --stdout build option doesn’t write to a file
  • Exposed memoized function’s cache
  • Fixed Error.prototype iteration bugs
  • Fixed “scripts” paths in component.json
  • Made methods support customizing _.indexOf
  • Made the build track dependencies of private functions
  • Made the template pre-compiler build option avoid escaping non-ascii characters
  • Made _.createCallback avoid binding functions if they don’t reference this
  • Optimized the Closure Compiler minification process
  • Optimized the large array cache for _.difference, _.intersection, & _.uniq
  • Optimized internal _.flatten & _.indexOf use
  • Reduced _.unzip &
  • Removed special handling of arrays in _.assign & _.defaults


Apr. 29, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added Component package support
  • Updated the build utility to work with changes in GitHub’s API
  • Ensured _.isPlainObject works with objects created by Object.create(null)
  • Ensured “isType” methods return false for subclassed values
  • Ensured debounced functions, with leading & trailing calls enabled, only perform trailing calls after they’re called more than once


Apr. 16, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added _.unzip
  • Added an options argument to _.debounce & _.throttle
  • Allowed non-underscore builds to include _.findWhere & _.chain
  • Ensured “Arrays” & “Objects” category methods work with arguments objects & arrays respectively
  • Ensured build utility runs on Windows
  • Ensured underscore build versions of “isType” methods align with Underscore
  • Ensured methods avoid issues with the __proto__ property
  • Ensured _.isEqual uses a callback only if it’s a function
  • Ensured _.merge applies a callback to nested properties
  • Ensured _.merge passes the correct callback arguments when comparing objects
  • Made lodash work with Browserify
  • Removed all method compilation from the modern build


Mar. 27, 2013DiffDocs

  • Ensured the underscore build of _.forEach accepts a thisArg argument
  • Updated vendor/tar to work with Node v0.10.x


Mar. 26, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added rhino -require support
  • Added _.createCallback, _findIndex, _.findKey, _.parseInt, _.runInContext, &
  • Added callback & thisArg arguments to _.flatten
  • Added CommonJS/Node support to precompiled templates
  • Ensured the exports object is not a DOM element
  • Ensured _.isPlainObject returns false for objects without a [[Class]] of “Object”
  • Made callback support in _.cloneDeep more closely follow its documentation
  • Made _.object an alias of _.zipObject
  • Made the template precompiler create nonexistent directories of --output paths
  • Optimized method chaining, object iteration, _.find, & _.pluck
  • Updated backbone build lodash method dependencies


Feb. 18, 2013DiffDocs

  • Added support for specifying source map URLs in -p/--source-map build options
  • Ensured the second argument passed to _.assign is not treated as a callback
  • Ensured -p/--source-map build options correctly set the sourceMappingURL
  • Made -p/--source-map build options set source map “sources” keys based on the builds performed
  • Made _.defer use setImmediate, in Node.js, when available
  • Made _.where search arrays for values regardless of their index position
  • Removed dead code from _.template


Feb. 14, 2013DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Made _.defaults preserve null values, instead of overwriting them
  • Added & _.partialRight
  • Added “imports” option to _.templateSettings
  • Added modern & -p/--source-map build options
  • Added support for “_.pluck” & “_.where” callback shorthands
  • Ensured _.assign & _.defaults support arrays
  • Ensured _.merge assigns null values & produces dense arrays
  • Deferred minifier downloads until the lodash utility requires them
  • Flipped noNodeClass test to avoid triggering Firebug’s “break on all errors” feature
  • Made _.where support deep object comparisons
  • Optimized _.invert, _.pairs, & _.values
  • Reduced _.max, _.min, _.pluck, _.toArray, & _.where
  • Removed support for automatic with-statement removal from _.template
  • Simplified createIterator & iteratorTemplate
  • Tweaked _.uniqueId to avoid problems with buggy minifiers
  • Updated underscore build compatibility to v1.4.4
  • Added callback & thisArg arguments to _.assign, _.clone, _.cloneDeep, _.first, _.last, _.initial, _.isEqual, _.merge, &


Dec. 17, 2012DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Made _#join, _#pop, & _#shift wrapper methods return unwrapped values
  • Made “Functions” methods wrapper counterparts return wrapped values
  • Removed _.chain & _#chain methods
  • Added _.once to the backbone build method dependencies
  • Ensured backbone builds implement Underscore’s chaining behavior
  • Ensured the settings=… build option doesn’t clobber the default moduleId
  • Ensured lodash’s npm package installation avoids erroring when no other modules have been globally installed
  • Made _.cloneDeep an alias of _.clone(…, true)
  • Made compiled templates loaded via AMD use the lodash module for their _ references
  • Removed the “Collections” method _.forEach dependency from “Arrays” method _.intersection
  • Optimized _.isArray & _.isFunction fallbacks as well as _.intersection, _.isDate, _.isRegExp, _.reduce, _.reduceRight, _.union, & _.uniq


Dec. 5, 2012DiffDocs

  • Specified more method chaining behaviors
  • Updated underscore build compatibility to v1.4.3


Dec. 4, 2012DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Made _(…) chain automatically without needing to call _#chain
  • Made _.isEqual equate arguments objects to similar Object objects
  • Made _.clone copy the enumerable properties of arguments objects & objects created by constructors other than Object are cloned to plain Object objects
  • Ensure lodash runs in the JS engine embedded in Adobe products
  • Ensured _.reduce & _.reduceRight pass the correct number of callback arguments
  • Ensured _.throttle nulls the timeoutId
  • Made deep _.clone more closely follow the structured clone algorithm & copy array properties assigned by RegExp#exec
  • Optimized compiled templates in Firefox
  • Optimized _.forEach, _.forOwn, _.isNumber, & _.isString
  • Simplified iteratorTemplate


Nov. 17, 2012DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Renamed _.lateBind to _.bindKey
  • Made _.defaults & _.extend iterate only own properties of source objects to align with ES Object.assign
  • Added the build commands used to custom build copyright/license headers
  • Added _.assign
  • Ensured the underscore build of _.find returns the first, not last, matched value
  • Ensured _defaults, _.extends, & _.merge work with _.reduce
  • Made lodash’s npm package installation work with more system configurations
  • Made _.extend an alias of _.assign
  • Optimized _.contains, _.defaults, _.extend, & _.filter
  • Restricted _.where to iterate only own properties of source objects
  • Updated backbone build lodash method dependencies


Nov. 9, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added fromIndex argument to _.contains
  • Added moduleId build option
  • Added Closure Compiler “simple” optimizations to the build process
  • Added support for strings in _.max & _.min
  • Added support for ES template delimiters to _.template
  • Ensured re-minification of lodash by third parties avoids Closure Compiler bugs
  • Optimized _.every, _.find, _.some, & _.uniq


Oct. 31, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured _.every returns false as soon as the callback result is falsey
  • Ensured _.isFinite returns false for non-numeric values
  • Removed _.forEach chainability in the underscore build
  • Simplified _.union


Oct. 24, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added a sourceURL option to _.template
  • Ensured _.where returns an empty array if passed an empty properties object
  • Expanded _.isFinite to return true for numeric strings
  • Reduced _.intersection, _.omit, _.pick, _.sortedIndex, & _.where
  • Reduced the npm package size by only downloading minifiers for global installs
  • Reduced lodash’s file size
  • Improved source code comprehension by removing compilation from _.bindAll, _.contains, _.countBy, _.every, _.filter, _.find, _.functions, _.groupBy, _.invert, _.invoke, _.isEmpty,, _.merge, _.omit, _.pairs, _.pick, _.pluck, _.reduce, _.reject, _.some, _.sortBy, _.values, _.where, & internal shimKeys


Oct. 10, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured returns an array when passed a falsey collection
  • Ensured _.throttle clears its timeout when func is called
  • Made _.max, _.min, _.shuffle support iterating objects
  • Reduced createIterator, _.clone, _.compact
  • Re-optimized _.max, _.min, & _.sortedIndex


Oct. 4, 2012DiffDocs

  • Made underscore build include deep clone when clone is requested via include or plus
  • Reverted removal of first argument falsey checks from methods


Oct. 1, 2012DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Made _.random return 0 or 1 when no arguments are passed
  • Moved late bind functionality from _.bind to _.lateBind
  • Removed first argument falsey checks from methods
  • Removed support for custom clone, isEqual, toArray methods from _.clone, _.isEqual, & _.toArray
  • Added -d/--debug, -m/--minify, minus, plus, settings, & template build options
  • Added _.isPlainObject & _.lateBind
  • Allowed _.sortedIndex to accept a property name as the callback argument
  • Ensured methods accept a thisArg of null
  • Fixed the iife build option to accept more values
  • Made _.times return an array of callback results
  • Simplified _.max, _.min, & _.reduceRight


Sept. 11, 2012DiffDocs

Compatibility Warnings
  • Renamed _.zipObject to _.object
  • Replaced _.drop with _.omit
  • Made _.drop an alias of
  • Added _.invert, _.pairs, & _.random
  • Added _.result to the backbone build
  • Added exports, iife, -c/--stdout, -o/--output, & -s/--silent build options
  • Ensured isPlainObject works with objects from other documents
  • Ensured _.isEqual compares values with circular references correctly
  • Ensured _.merge work with four or more arguments
  • Ensured _.sortBy performs a stable sort for undefined values
  • Ensured _.template works with “interpolate” delimiters containing ternary operators
  • Ensured the production build works in Node.js
  • Ensured template delimiters are tokenized correctly
  • Made pseudo private properties _chain & _wrapped double-underscored to avoid conflicts
  • Made minify.js support underscore.js
  • Reduced the size of mobile & underscore builds
  • Simplified _.isEqual & _.size


Aug. 29, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured IE conditional compilation isn’t enabled by the useSourceURL test
  • Optimized isPlainObject


Aug. 28, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added callback & thisArg arguments to _.drop & _.pick
  • Added hasObjectSpliceBug test to avoid delete operator use
  • Added _.unescape
  • Ensured _.reduce works with string objects in IE < 9
  • Made _.omit an alias of _.drop
  • Made compiled methods take advantage of engines with strict mode optimizations
  • Optimized _.intersection & removed its dependency on _.every
  • Reduced the file size of the underscore build


Aug. 21, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured _.isElement uses strict equality for its duck type check
  • Ensured _.isObject returns a boolean value
  • Ensured _.template & “Objects” methods don’t error when passed falsey values
  • Made _.template generate less unused code in compiled templates


Aug. 18, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured _.bind correctly appends array arguments to partially applied arguments in older browsers


Aug. 17, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added _.countBy, _.drop, _.merge, & _.where
  • Added csp (Content Security Policy) & underscore build options
  • Added deep cloning support to _.clone
  • Added Jam package support
  • Added support for exiting _.forEach, _.forIn, & _.forOwn early by returning false in the callback
  • Added support for jQuery/MooTools DOM query collections to _.isEmpty & _.size
  • Ensured development build works with IE conditional compilation enabled
  • Ensured _.clone doesn’t clone functions, DOM nodes, arguments objects, & objects created by constructors other than Object
  • Ensured _.filter’s callback can’t modify result values
  • Ensured _.isEmpty, _.isEquals, & _.size support arguments objects
  • Ensured _.isEqual doesn’t inspect DOM nodes, works with objects from other documents, & calls custom isEqual methods before checking strict equality
  • Ensured _.once frees the given function for garbage collection
  • Ensured _.sortBy performs a stable sort
  • Ensured reEvaluateDelimiter is assigned when _.templateSettings.evaluate is undefined
  • Made _.range coerce arguments to numbers
  • Optimized _.isFunction


July 16, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added strict build option
  • Ensured _.bindAll, _.defaults, & _.extend avoid strict mode errors when attempting to augment read-only properties
  • Optimized the iteration of large arrays in _.difference, _.intersection, & _.without
  • Fixed build bugs related to removing variables


July 11, 2012DiffDocs

  • Fixed _.template regression
  • Optimized build process to detect & remove more unused variables


July 11, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added bin & scripts entries to package.json
  • Added legacy build option
  • Added cross-browser support for passing strings to “Collections” methods
  • Added _.zipObject
  • Leveraged _.indexOf’s fromIndex in _.difference & _.without
  • Optimized compiled templates
  • Optimized inlining the iteratorTemplate for builds
  • Optimized object iteration for “Collections” methods
  • Optimized partially applied _.bind in V8
  • Made compiled templates more debuggable
  • Made _.size work with falsey values & consistent cross-browser with arguments objects
  • Moved _.groupBy & _.sortBy back to the “Collections” category
  • Removed arguments object from _.range


June 14, 2012DiffDocs

  • Ensured _.escape returns an empty string when passed nullish values
  • Ensured sourceURL support doesn’t cause errors in Adobe’s JS engine.
  • Fixed regression in generating custom builds
  • Moved _.invoke & _.pluck back to the “Collections” category
  • Moved _.tap to the “Chaining” category


June 10, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added backbone build option
  • Ensured “Arrays” category methods allow falsey array arguments
  • Removed _.isArguments fallback from the mobile build
  • Simplified _.pluck, _.values & _(...) method wrappers


June 6, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added category build option
  • Added fromIndex argument to _.indexOf & _.lastIndexOf
  • Added //@ sourceURL support to _.template
  • Added thisArg argument to _.sortedIndex & _.uniq
  • Added _.forIn & _.forOwn methods
  • Ensured array-like objects with invalid length properties are treated like regular objects
  • Ensured _.sortedIndex supports arrays with high length values
  • Fixed prototype property iteration bug in _.keys for Firefox < 3.6, Opera > 9.50 - Opera < 11.60, & Safari < 5.1
  • Optimized _.times & this bindings in iterator methods


May 30, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added mobile build option
  • Ensured _.find returns undefined for unmatched values
  • Ensured _.templateSettings.variable is compatible with Underscore
  • Optimized _.escape
  • Reduced dependencies in _.find


May 24, 2012DiffDocs

  • Adjusted the lodash export order for r.js
  • Ensured _.groupBy values are added to own, not inherited, properties
  • Made _.bind follow ES spec to support a popular Backbone.js pattern
  • Removed the alias _.intersect
  • Simplified _.bind, _.flatten, _.groupBy, _.max, & _.min


May 21, 2012DiffDocs

  • Added custom build options
  • Added default _.templateSettings.variable value
  • Added “lazy bind” support to _.bind
  • Added native method overwrite detection to avoid bad native shims
  • Added _.partial method
  • Added support for more AMD build optimizers & aliasing as the “underscore” module
  • Added thisArg argument to _.groupBy
  • Added whitespace to compiled strings
  • Commented the iterationFactory options object
  • Ensured _(...) returns passed wrapper instances
  • Ensured _.max & _.min support extremely large arrays
  • Ensured _.throttle works in tight loops
  • Fixed clearTimeout typo
  • Fixed IE < 9 [DontEnum] bug & Firefox < 3.6, Opera > 9.50 - Opera < 11.60, & Safari < 5.1’s prototype property iteration bug
  • Inlined _.isFunction calls.
  • Made _.debounce’ed functions match _.throttle’ed functions’ return value behavior
  • Made _.escape no longer translate the “>” character
  • Simplified all methods in the “Arrays” category
  • Optimized _.debounce, _.escape, _.flatten, _.forEach, _.groupBy, _.intersection, _.invoke, _.isObject, _.max, _.min, _.pick, _.shuffle, _.sortedIndex, _.template, _.throttle, _.union, _.uniq


Apr. 23, 2012Docs

  • Initial release
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