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PanStephan edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 9 revisions


When migrating from Underscore to Lodash there are several differences to be aware of.
Below are some of the ones that stand out. For a more thorough guide check out lodash-codemods, eslint-plugin-lodash & Underscore to Lodash Converter.

  • Underscore _.any is Lodash _.some
  • Underscore _.all is Lodash _.every
  • Underscore _.compose is Lodash _.flowRight
  • Underscore _.contains is Lodash _.includes
  • Underscore _.each doesn’t allow exiting by returning false is Lodash _.forEach
  • Underscore _.findWhere is Lodash _.find
  • Underscore _.flatten is deep by default while Lodash is shallow
  • Underscore _.indexOf with 3rd parameter undefined is Lodash _.indexOf
  • Underscore _.indexOf with 3rd parameter true is Lodash _.sortedIndexOf
  • Underscore _.indexBy is Lodash _.keyBy
  • Underscore _.invoke is Lodash _.invokeMap
  • Underscore _.mapObject is Lodash _.mapValues
  • Underscore _.max combines Lodash _.max & _.maxBy
  • Underscore _.min combines Lodash _.min & _.minBy
  • Underscore _.sample combines Lodash _.sample & _.sampleSize
  • Underscore _.object combines Lodash _.fromPairs and _.zipObject
  • Underscore _.omit by a predicate is Lodash _.omitBy
  • Underscore _.pairs is Lodash _.toPairs
  • Underscore _.pick by a predicate is Lodash _.pickBy
  • Underscore _.pluck is Lodash
  • Underscore _.uniq by an iteratee is Lodash _.uniqBy
  • Underscore _.where is Lodash _.filter
  • Underscore _.isFinite doesn’t align with Number.isFinite
    (e.g. _.isFinite('1') returns true in Underscore but false in Lodash)
  • Underscore _.matches shorthand doesn’t support deep comparisons
    (e.g. _.filter(objects, { 'a': { 'b': 'c' } }))
  • Underscore ≥ 1.7 & Lodash _.template syntax is
    _.template(string, option)(data)
  • Lodash _.memoize caches are Map like objects
  • Lodash doesn’t support a context argument for many methods in favor of _.bind
  • Lodash supports implicit chaining, lazy chaining, & shortcut fusion
  • Lodash split its overloaded _.head, _.last,, & _.initial out into
    _.take, _.takeRight, _.drop, & _.dropRight
    (i.e. _.head(array, 2) in Underscore is _.take(array, 2) in Lodash)


Lodash works great with Backbone. It’s even run against Backone’s unit tests on every commit.
You can replace Underscore with Lodash in Backbone by using an AMD loader, browserify, or webpack.

Note: Lodash v4 works with Backbone ≥ v1.3.0.

  • Using AMD “paths” configuration
  'paths' {
    'backbone': 'path/to/backbone',
    'jquery': 'path/to/jquery',
    'underscore': 'path/to/lodash'
}, ['backbone'], function(Backbone) {
  // use Backbone
  • Using the aliasify transform for browserify by adding a section to your package.json
  "browserify": {
    "transform": ["aliasify"]
  "aliasify": {
    "aliases": {
      "underscore": "lodash"

and executing browserify with the aliasify parameter

$ browserify entry.js --global-transform aliasify -o out.js
module.exports = {
  'resolve': {
    'alias': {
      'underscore': 'absolute/path/to/lodash'
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