This program tests different search algorithms to solve the 8 puzzle.
The goal of the 8 puzzle is arrange the number in the puzzle as below.
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 0]
Zero stands for an empty tile.
All the numbers on the puzzle can be move to the empty tile if they are on the side of it.
Start random puzzle
python3 -a AStar -p
Start with specific puzzle
python3 -a BFS -i 135470826 -p
The initial state is formatted from row to column.
For example: 135470826 is
[1 3 5]
[4 7 0]
[8 2 6]
Check for all options
python3 -h
select algorithm from BFS, DFS, AStar. Default is BFS.
print out all the solution state
select a specific initial state, initial state is random if didn't select this option
BFS calculates the optimal solution by traveling all the node and its childs in a queue order.
DFS calculates the solution by traveling all the node and its childs in a stack order.
A* star calculates the optimal solution by sorting the nodes with the h-cost value.
H-cost value equals cost-to-come + cost-to-go
Start goal
[1 3 5] [1 2 3]
[4 7 0] [4 5 6]
[8 2 6] [7 8 0]
BFS | DFS | A* | |
Searched nodes | 3789 | 180357 | 98 |
Solution steps | 14 | 22294 | 14 |