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discord-prometheus-exporter, the project :

TLDR; This is a Python rewrite of a another Discord metrics exporter: nimarion/promcord

This project started as I wanted to have a simple and lightweight container to export Discord stats into Prometheus.
So discord-prometheus-exporter (DPE) was born

I found an amazing job done with primcord.
Unfortunately for me, it's in Java - and I can't read a thing.
So for updates or custom features, it was impossible to read or patch something on my side.

I decided to do a fork/rewrite of their job, and with the 1.0.x I achieved a 90% metrics coverage so far.


To work properly, the scripts will require informations and credentials.
We assume they are passed to the container in ENV variables.

Discord Server variables :

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: Your BOT Token (Mandatory)

Exporter variables :

  • EXPORTER_PORT: Listening port (Default: 8080)
  • POLLING_INTERVAL: Interval in seconds between Discord calls (Default: 10)

ENV global variables :

  • LOGURU_LEVEL: Minimal level for log output (Default: DEBUG)

Output on container start

2022-09-20 11:52:17.994 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:13 - [Exporter][✓] System imports
2022-09-20 11:52:17.994 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:23 - [Exporter][✓] Listening on :8080
2022-09-20 11:52:17.995 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:24 - [Exporter][✓] Polling interval 10s
2022-09-20 11:52:18.088 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:70 - [Exporter][✓] Metrics defined
2022-09-20 11:52:18.090 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:82 - [Exporter][✓] Connection OK

Exported metrics so far

# HELP discord_latency            The time in ms that discord took to respond.
# HELP discord_members_registered The number of connected members on a Guild.
# HELP discord_members_online     The number of online members on a Guild.
# HELP discord_bots_registered    The number of connected bots on a Guild.
# HELP discord_bots_online        The number of online bots on a Guild.
# HELP discord_boosts             The number of Server Boosts on a Guild.
# HELP discord_messages_total     The number of messages sent on a Guild by a Member.
# HELP discord_reactions_total    The number of messages sent on a Guild by a Member.


I mainly used :

And of course GitHub to store all these shenanigans.


You can build the container yourself :

$ git clone
$ cd discord-prometheus-exporter/docker
$ docker build .

Or the latest build is available on docker hub :

$ docker pull lordslair/discord-prometheus-exporter:latest
latest: Pulling from lordslair/discord-prometheus-exporter
Digest: sha256:0dae89d2224b58357844492392b21eee56c73181fa9437100c4f9c4e5c00aec1
Status: Downloaded newer image for lordslair/discord-prometheus-exporter:latest

For a Kubernetes (k8s) deployment, I added examples files :
Of course, I encourage you to store Secrets to store your credentials

$ git clone
$ cd discord-prometheus-exporter/k8s
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml


You can import directly in Grafana the related Dashboard here.
There is a preview:



Always store somewhere safe your BOT Token.
I won't take any blame if you mess up somewhere in the process =)

Why this rewrite

To have something:

  • KISS
  • Understandable by a Python newbie
  • Easily maintainable

Resources / Performance

The container is quite light, as Alpine is used as base.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                              TAG       SIZE
lordslair/discord-prometheus-exporter   latest    86.2MB

On the performance topic, the container consumes about :

  • 0,1% of a CPU
  • 25MB of RAM


  • Write a Docker (Compose) file for easy startup
  • Find a way to resume discord_messages_total without a DB

Nothing else, but I'm open to requests and PR.