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Better Lists

A simple implementation of doubly linked lists in C.

I made this mostly because I was bored, but I went on because I took this as a challenge. When I first studied C at university (it was my first year!), I couldn't get linked lists to work. It's a very satisfying goal to reach, about 5 years (and a degree) later.

Each function is well commented, and in this readme I have included some examples. The code is fully tested against memory leaks using Valgrind. Inside the tests.c file I have implemented a simple test suite using the assert.h library. It's not pretty, but it works.

Check the documentation here or scroll a little bit below to see some examples in action.

Functions in library

Lists related

List *listCreate(list_type type);
void listDelete(List *list);
int listGetItem(List *list, union Data *destination, int index);
int listGetFirstItem(List *list, union Data *destination);
int listGetLastItem(List *list, union Data *destination);
int listAddItem(List *list, union Data *destination, int index);
int listPush(List *list, union Data *data);
int listPrepend(List *list, union Data *data);
int listReplaceItem(List *list, union Data *new_value, int index);
int listReplaceItemByValue(List *list, union Data *old_value, union Data *new_value);
int listCountReplace(List *list, union Data *old_value, union Data *new_value, int replace_count);
int listCountItem(List *list, union Data *value);
int listRemoveItem(List *list, union Data *data, int index);
int listRemoveItemByValue(List *list, union Data *old_value);
int listCountRemove(List *list, union Data *old_value, int remove_count);
int listPop(List *list, union Data *last);
int listShift(List *list, union Data *destination);
int listSwap(List *list, int first_index, int second_index);
int dataInList(List *list, union Data *destination);
int listToArray(List *list, union Data *array);
int listGetSize(List *list);
int listSort(List *list, int reverse);
int listShuffle(List *list);

Helper functions

int listGetInt(List *list, int index);
char listGetChar(List *list, int index);
float listGetFloat(List *list, int index);
double listGetDouble(List *list, int index);
char *listGetString(List *list, int index);
void *listGetPointer(List *list, int index);

Iterator related

// Iterator related functions
Iterator *iteratorCreate(List *list, int start);
void iteratorDelete(Iterator *it);
int iteratorEnded(Iterator *it);
int iteratorStarted(Iterator *it);
int iteratorNext(Iterator *it);
int iteratorPrevious(Iterator *it);
int iteratorGetNode(Iterator *it, Node *destination);
int iteratorGetData(Iterator *it, union Data *destination);
int iteratorSetData(Iterator *it, union Data *new_value);
int iteratorGetIndex(Iterator *it);

Data structures in library

Union data

union Data
  int i;
  char c;
  float f;
  double d;
  char *s;
  void *p;

The union Data represents contained in each node of the list. It can contain an integer, a char, a float, a double, a string or a void pointer.

To access the value associated to a Data union, simply access the field associated to the desired type.

// define a generic union Data
union Data data;
// get an integer 
int i_data = data.i;
// get a char
char c_data = data.c;
// get a float
float f_data = data.f;
// get a double
double d_data = data.d;
// get a string
char *s_data = data.s;
// get a void pointer
void *p_data = data.p;

List types

typedef enum
} list_type;

The list_type enum represents the type of the list. It can be an integer list, a char list, a float list, a double list, a string list or a pointer list.

The list_type is passed in the listCreate function to create a list of the desired type.


typedef struct node
  union Data data;       /**< Data contained in node. */
  struct node *previous; /**< Pointer to previous node */
  struct node *next;     /**< Pointer to next node */
} Node;

The Node struct represents a node of the list. It contains a union Data field, a pointer to the previous node and a pointer to the next node.


typedef struct list
  Node *head;     /**< Pointer to first node */
  Node *tail;     /**< Pointer to last node */
  int length;     /**< Number of nodes in list */
  list_type type; /**< Type of data contained in node. */
} List;

The List struct represents a list. It contains a pointer to the first node, a pointer to the last node, the number of nodes in the list and the type of the list.


typedef struct iterator
  struct node *previous; /**< Pointer to previous node */
  struct node *next;     /**< Pointer to next node */
  struct node *current;  /**< Pointer to current node */
  int index;
} Iterator;


List creation

While creating a list, you have to specify the type of the list. The type can be an integer list, a char list, a float list, a double list, a string list or a pointer list (as explained in List types).

// create int list
List *int_list = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create char list
List *char_list = listCreate(CHAR);
// create float list
List *float_list = listCreate(FLOAT);
// create double list
List *double_list = listCreate(DOUBLE);
// create string list
List *string_list = listCreate(STRING);
// create pointer list
List *pointer_list = listCreate(POINTER);

List deletion

When you are done with a list, you have to delete it to free the memory calling the listDelete function.

List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
/* ... */

Adding items to list

Items can be added to a list via the functions:

  • listPush: add an item to the end of the list
  • listPrepend: add an item to the beginning of the list
  • listAddItem: add an item to the list at a specific index
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data data;
// add an item to the end of the list
data.i = 1;
listPush(l, &data);
// add an item to the beginning of the list
data.i = 2;
listPrepend(l, &data);
// add an item to the list at a specific index
data.i = 3;
listAddItem(l, &data, 1);

Getting items from list

Items can be retrieved from a list via the functions:

  • listGetItem: get an item from the list at a specific index
  • listGetFirstItem: get the first item from the list
  • listGetLastItem: get the last item from the list
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data data;
// get an item from the list at a specific index
listGetItem(l, &data, 1);
// get the first item from the list
listGetFirstItem(l, &data);
// get the last item from the list
listGetLastItem(l, &data);

Getting items from list - alternative

Items can be retrieved from a list via the functions:

  • listGetInt: get an integer from the list at a specific index
  • listGetChar: get a char from the list at a specific index
  • listGetFloat: get a float from the list at a specific index
  • listGetDouble: get a double from the list at a specific index
  • listGetString: get a string from the list at a specific index
  • listGetPointer: get a pointer from the list at a specific index

With all these functions, the value is returned directly, without the need to pass a union Data variable.

// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// get an integer from the list at a specific index
int i_data = listGetInt(l, 1);
// delete the list

// create a list
l = listCreate(CHAR);
// get a char from the list at a specific index
char c_data = listGetChar(l, 1);
// delete the list

// create a list
l = listCreate(FLOAT);
// get a float from the list at a specific index
float f_data = listGetFloat(l, 1);
// delete the list

// create a list
l = listCreate(DOUBLE);
// get a double from the list at a specific index
double d_data = listGetDouble(l, 1);
// delete the list

// create a list
l = listCreate(STRING);
// get a string from the list at a specific index
char *s_data = listGetString(l, 1);
// delete the list

// create a list
l = listCreate(POINTER);
// get a pointer from the list at a specific index
void *p_data = listGetPointer(l, 1);
// delete the list

Replacing items in list

Items can be replaced in a list via the functions:

  • listReplaceItem: replace an item in the list at a specific index
  • listReplaceItemByValue: replace an item in the list by value
  • listCountReplace: replace a number of items in the list by value
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data new_data, old_data;
// maximum number of items to replace
int max_count = 5;
// replace an item in the list at a specific index
new_data.i = 1;
listReplaceItem(l, &new_data, 1);
// replace an item in the list by value
new_data.i = 2;
old_data.i = 1;
listReplaceItemByValue(l, &old_data, &new_data);
// replace a number of items in the list by value
new_data.i = 3;
old_data.i = 2;
listCountReplace(l, &old_data, &new_data, max_count);

Removing items from list

Items can be removed from a list via the functions:

  • listRemoveItem: remove an item from the list at a specific index
  • listRemoveItemByValue: remove an item from the list by value
  • listCountRemove: remove a number of items from the list by value
  • listPop: remove the last item from the list
  • listShift: remove the first item from the list
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data data;
// maximum number of items to remove
int max_count = 5;
// remove an item from the list at a specific index
listRemoveItem(l, 1);
// remove an item from the list by value
data.i = 1;
listRemoveItemByValue(l, &data);
// remove a number of items from the list by value
data.i = 2;
listCountRemove(l, &data, max_count);
// remove the last item from the list
// remove the first item from the list

Support functions

The library provides some support functions:

  • listGetSize: get the length of the list
  • listCountItem: count the number of items in the list
  • listSwap: swap two items in the list
  • dataInList: check if an item is in the list
  • listSort: sort the list
  • listShuffle: shuffle the list
  • printList: print the list
  • listToArray: convert the list to an array
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data data;
// get the length of the list
int size = listGetSize(l);
// count the number of items in the list
int count = listCountItem(l, &data);
// swap two items in the list
listSwap(l, 1, 2);
// check if an item is in the list
int in_list = dataInList(l, &data);
// sort the list
listSort(l, 0);
// sort the list in reverse order
listSort(l, 1);
// shuffle the list
// print the list, each item on a new line
printList(l, "\n");
// print the list, each item separated by a space
printList(l, " ");
// convert the list to an array
int *array = listToArray(l);

Iterating over list

The library provides a structure to iterate over a list (Iterator struct) and a set of functions to use it:

  • IteratorCreate: create an iterator
  • IteratorDelete: delete an iterator
  • IteratorNext: move the iterator to the next item
  • IteratorPrevious: move the iterator to the previous item
  • IteratorGetNode: get the node pointed by the iterator
  • IteratorGetData: get the data pointed by the iterator
  • IteratorSetData: set the data pointed by the iterator
  • IteratorGetIndex: get the index of the node pointed by the iterator
// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
// create a union Data
union Data data;
// create an iterator
Iterator *it = IteratorCreate(l);
// move the iterator to the next item
// move the iterator to the previous item
// get the node pointed by the iterator
Node *node = IteratorGetNode(it);
// get the data pointed by the iterator
IteratorGetData(it, &data);
// set the data pointed by the iterator
data.i = 1;
IteratorSetData(it, &data);
// get the index of the node pointed by the iterator
int index = IteratorGetIndex(it);
// delete the iterator

The list can be iterated over using the following code:

// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
/* fill the list */
// declare an iterator
Iterator *it;
// start the loop
for (it = IteratorCreate(l, 0); !iteratorEnded(it); IteratorNext(it)) {
    // get the data pointed by the iterator
    IteratorGetData(it, &data);
    /* do something with the data */
// delete the iterator

The list can be iterated over in reverse order using the following code:

// create a list
List *l = listCreate(INTEGER);
/* fill the list */
// declare an iterator
Iterator *it;
// start the loop
for (it = IteratorCreate(l, -1); !iteratorStarted(it); IteratorPrevious(it)) {
    // get the data pointed by the iterator
    IteratorGetData(it, &data);
    /* do something with the data */
// delete the iterator


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.