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Your personal AI health assistant


Aiden is your personal AI-powered health assistant. It provides daily insights and prompts based on your health data, goals, and lifestyle to help you build healthy habits.

Aiden uses Metriport for secure and private access to health data through an open-source, SOC2-audited API.

In addition, Aiden uses Evervault to anonymise personal information to the eyes of AI providers.

More data privacy techniques are planned to allow the user maximum comfort.

Key features

  • Connects with your wearables and health apps via Apple Health, Google Fit, Garmin, Fitbit, etc.
  • Set a health goal and get personalized prompts based on your progress
  • Send messages, photos, voice notes of what you eat, drink, do, feel, to get tailored recommendations
  • Receive daily insights based on your lifestyle, habits and sensor data
  • Available on WhatsApp and Telegram


  • Privacy by Design - User data privacy and security is a core principle. We use privacy-preserving techniques like data anonymization and encryption to protect sensitive information.

  • Software 3.0 Native - Aiden interfaces are optimized for natural human interaction through conversational language and voice.

  • Empathetic AI - Aiden is designed to understand users' emotions, perspectives, and needs in order to provide supportive and compassionate assistance. We aim to build AI that can sense, interpret, and respond to human feelings.

  • Transparent AI - Aiden is Open Source and strives to be transparent about how the AI works, what data it uses, and how it benefits the user. We believe users should understand how the technology impacts them.


  • Evervault user prompt data anonymization
  • Evervault whole prompt data anonymization
  • Supabase column encryption
  • More health sources
    • Muse head band
  • Self-hosted
  • Your own LLM, 100% private