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ECMAScript Module Phase Imports


Champion(s): Luca Casonato, Guy Bedford

Stage: 2

Stage 2 Status

As part of the advancement of this proposal to Stage 2 in the June 2024 TC39 meeting, the following design questions will need to be resolved for Stage 2.7:

  1. The dynamic import behaviour of module sources across different realms (and in future, compartments), which current throws an error in the spec text when importing a source from another realm. This constraint could possibly be relaxed based on a clearer definition of module keying.
  2. To determine if there is a refactoring of ECMA-262 that exposes a compiled module record instead of treating Source Text Module as both a source and an instance representation.
  3. To determine if there is a refactoring of ECMA-262 that generalizes the concept of a module key, in a way that can align with (1) and (2) above.
  4. To explore the cross-specification behaviours of worker instantiation and structured clone for module sources.

Discussions remain ongoing with regards to the above within the Module Harmony design process.

Problem Statement

This proposal seeks to solve the static worker module analysis problem for JavaScript, through defining a source phase import for Source Text Module.


With the recently introduced Source Phase Imports, it is now possible to define import phases that exist prior to the full linking and execution of the module graph.

While WebAssembly is supported, the exact semantics of the source phase for ECMAScript modules themselves is not yet specified.

One of the driving specification constraints for these objects is how they behave for workers and other agents, which we would argue forms a critical design constraint for these features. This is why this proposal's problem statement is seen as the most suitable "next step" in the larger module harmony layering efforts, with the phase object or objects specified here to support the layering of future proposals, including module expressions, module declarations and virtualization through compartments loaders.


Improving runtime and tooling support for workers will enable faster JavaScript applications.

The new Worker() constructor pattern that is currently relied on for these workflows suffers from a number of analysis issues:

  1. It always takes an arbitrary expression to locate the worker URL. The worker is not just a static import, like normal ESM imports.
  2. The string passed to new Worker(url) doesn't support module resolution rules. Because relative URLs are resolved baseURL-relative, users usually need to rely on a resolution function first, such as an out-of-band configuration or expressions involving import.meta.resolve() or import.meta.url. There are many different patterns here and no single standard approache employed by developers, further exacerbating any analysis attempts as per problem (1).

Usage examples:

// Common case, but requires very non-trivial static analysis
const url = new URL("./my_worker.js", import.meta.url);
const worker = new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

const url = import.meta.resolve("./my_worker.js");
const worker = new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

// This can quickly turn into near impossible static analysis for most tools
function createWorker(url) {
  return new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

const url = new URL("./my_worker.js", import.meta.url);
const processor = createWorker(url);

The result is a situation in which is is difficult to reliably statically analyze which modules are loaded in workers, causing issues for runtimes and tools:

  • new Worker is not ergonomic for developers to use when authoring applications and especially when authoring libraries.
  • Tools have difficulty both analyzing and bundling applications that use workers, resulting in less usage and limited compatibility for shared libraries to support workers.

A better language primitive for worker loading can improve worker ergonomics for users as well as their support in analysis and build tooling.


By defining the source phase for ECMAScript module records, it is possible to import a handle to a module statically, and use it to directly initialize the worker:

import source myModule from "./my-module.js";

// `{ type: 'module' }` can be inferred since myModule is a module object
const worker = new Worker(myModule);

This technique solves analysis problems (1) and (2) for worker imports in improving the runtime worker ergonomics - supporting static worker references, while resolving as module-relative via the normal module resolution rules with all resolution features supported.

The improved static analysis makes it possible for tools to analyze the worker references more easily, to determine that a static myModule handle is being passed directly to new Worker. Bundling can be performed by replacing the ./my-module.js phase import with a phase import to the fully optimized worker chunk to load.

Defining the source phase then also lays the ground work for the future module harmony proposals that require a source representation.

Since phases also support a dynamic import form, we also define the dynamic variant:

const workerModule = await import.source('./worker.js');
new Worker(workerModule);


The current proposed API is for a ModuleSource class instance extending AbstractModuleSource.

Dynamic Import

Since module sources are obtained from the module registry, they are cached at their registry key, just like module instances. Dynamically importing a module source, implies dynamically importing the "canonical instance" for the same registry key of that module source.

In the current spec text, this is handled by converting the HostGetModuleSourceName hook for module sources into a HostGetModuleRecordFromSource hook, which obtains the Source Text Module Record for the given module source. This record can then be directly driven to completion.

Further refactoring is currently being explored as part of the Stage 2 process to consider whether a new key record or a new compiled source record that is distinct from the existing Source Text Module Record instance record can be defined in ECMA-262. Under such a refactoring, the hook might become HostGetCompiledModuleRecordFromSource or even just HostGetKeyFromSource. In addition, such a refactoring might allow supporting importing an AbstractModuleSource from another realm, without first needing to pass it through structured clone.

Worker Invocation

The expectation for the HTML integration is that new Worker(module) or any concrete instance of AbstractModuleSource would behave as if the module was first transferred into the worker and then imported with dynamic import().

An additional goal here would be for the created worker to inherit the same resolution rules of the parent environment that the module source was created from to provide consistent module resolution.

Source Analysis


In addition to the primary motivation of making this object available, the object representing the source for a cyclic module record also naturally serves as a home for source analysis since it has information about the compiled source available.

There are two main use cases here:

  1. Tooling that analyzes and traces module graphs. These tools need fast access to the imports of a module to continue tracing the graph.
  2. Creating a wrapper around an existing module, that has the same exports shape. Wrapper module construction is useful when mocking or instrumenting modules, and requires comprehensive knowledge of the set of named exports of that module.


Helper methods are provided to get the direct list of imports and exports of the module, supporting both the tracing and module wrapper use cases described.

These helper methods are designed to allow for determining the static public exports and public imports of a module, but do not give information about the internal module identifiers or dynamic import.


Returns a list of the imports of the module of the form Import[] defined by:

interface Import {
  specifier: string,
  phase: null | 'source'


Returns a list of the explicit exports of the module of the form Export[] defined by DirectExport | Reexport | ReexportAll:

interface DirectExport {
  type: 'direct',
  names: string[]

interface Reexport {
  type: 'reexport',
  name: string,
  import: string | null, // null used to indicate a namespace reexport
  from: string,

interface ReexportAll {
  type: 'reexport-all',
  from: string,

DirectExport provides multiple names to reflect that a single local binding may be exported under multiple aliases.

Note that reexports are reported equivalently for both:

export { a as b } from 'c';


import { a as z } from 'c';
export { z as b }

being represented as Export { type: 'reexport', name: 'b', import: 'a', from: 'c' }.


A boolean getter property indicating if the module accesses the module import.meta.


A boolean getter property indicating if the module contains use of top-level await.

Integration with Other Specifications

CSP Integration

For WebAssembly, CSP integration is a compile-time check, which occurs before construction of the AbstractModuleSource corresponding to the WebAssembly module. That is, by the time one has an AbstractModuleSource one has already passed the CSP policy checks.

For JavaScript, CSP integration similarly occurs statically before execution, where having source phase import handle to a JS ModuleSource implies the CSP permission to execute that source.

For dynamic import, passing an AbstractModuleSource to dynamic import would not need to go through CSP checks, since the obtained object would have already been vetted by CSP.

For new Worker(module), there may be a stricter worker-src policy than the script-src policy, requiring CSP policy verification against the src for the module. In this case, it should be possible to recreate the original CSP src from the [[HostDefined]] data, without needing any explicit ECMA-262 integration.

Structured Clone

A ModuleSource instance can be supportable in structured clone, since the underlying source data has no realm-dependence. Any data stored in [[HostDefined]] would need to be defined to itself be structured cloneable to be able to be recreated.


Source Phase Imports

This proposal is designed to work in conjunction with Source Phase Imports, whether or not it directly specifies a source phase for ECMAScript modules.

Import Attributes

The Import Attributes Proposal provides a way to pass attributes to the module loader. These attributes are used during source loading and resolution. Because the module source has already gone through this process, they are already attributes-influenced by the time their handle is obtained.

When passing a module module source object to a dynamic import() or new Worker, any additional with attributes would therefore be unsupported - and setting attributes would throw an error.

Deferred imports

The Deferred Imports proposal provides a way to defer the synchronous evaluation of a module until it is needed, but not to defer the linking of the module. This is a phase between the "module context attach" phase and the "evaluation" phase.

As an entirely separate phase, this proposal does not otherwise interact with the deferred imports proposal.

Module Expressions & Module Declarations

The module objects defined by the Module Expressions and Module Declarations proposals, should align with whatever SourceTextModule phase object foundations are specified in this proposal.

Analysis metadata for module declaration imports and exports may exposed through an extension of the existing source analysis. These possible analysis extensions are discussed in #19.

Compartment Loaders

The Compartments Proposal provides a way to dynamically create module instances from module source objects, optionally providing custom loaders.

The module source definition here is being aligned with the definitions in use within this proposal and others. Where they are specified in this proposal or others, the compartment loaders proposal may extend their functionality further in future by adding new methods to these existing objects for example.


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