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Binder License: CC BY-SA 4.0 ruff

Open Archive of Educational Chemistry Notebooks

An open collection of educational Jupyter Notebooks relevant to chemistry. The notebooks can e.g. exemplify how to use a theory, process experimental data, or visualise data. It can also be tutorials, labs, etc.

Getting started

We recommend to install Anaconda or the much smaller Miniforge. For the latter, the following installs all dependencies and starts JupyterLab in a web-browser:

conda env create -f environment.yml # done only once
source activate luchem


General Chemistry

Physical Chemistry


Contributions are very welcome and done in the following steps:

  1. Make a fork/branch of this repository
  2. Add files and update Topics in this file
  3. Submit a pull-request (PR)
  4. Await review


Please avoid using exotic dependencies - we do not want to pin the python version, or common libraries. If your contribution has special needs, consider placing it in a separate sub-directory with it's own environment.yml file.