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perfectionist edited this page Nov 14, 2012 · 38 revisions

Using RubyMine IDE for Hartl's Rails Tutorial

This is about how to use RubyMine as your editor for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial version 3.2 by Michael Hartl. The tutorial covers three applications. The first_app is very simple, the second, demo_app has some active record stuff but the third sample_app is a full blown application with lots of good stuff to learn from. I highly recommend Michael's work over any other tutorial that I have seen especially because of the depth it goes into as well as breadth.

I have updated these directions after I updated my MacBook Pro to run Mountain Lion. I did a clean install and copied over just the user files. This left me with a pretty clean slate to start over with.

When I worked though Hartl's applications using RubyMine I ended project names with _project instead of _app. I do this because I worked the tutorial with Sublime Text 2 and wanted to distinguish easily between the applications.

Table of Contents

What editors have I tried? Well, Aquamacs was my first choice because I am a long time emacs user (since 1980 with Multics emacs). I did a lot of work setting up the environment and it works pretty well. But it is still an editor and does not have as much knowledge other tools used like SCSS. Another was MacVim with a ton of rails extensions. Very nice editor and like it almost as much as Aquamacs. I even wrote some extensions for BBEdit but it was much harder to extend and I gave up. The old gold standard, textmate was used for part of 3.0 version of Ruby on Rails Tutorial but since I did not purchase version 1.5 I could not try out version 2. So I took a pass on it this time around. Sublime Text 2 is great and I would recommend it over textmate now.