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How to create a websocket module

Lloyd Brookes edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 4 revisions

DEPRECATED. The --websocket option and WebSocket modules were removed in v3.

If your app needs a bi-directional communication channel with the server then WebSockets are the way forward.

Remember: Websockets are not compatible with HTTP2 therefore will not work with the --http2 flag.

Create a WebSocket module

This is the minimum code required to create a WebSocket server. Only the websocket method is required which receives a WebSocket.Server instance. This method is not required to return a value.

module.exports = SocketBase => class Socket extends SocketBase {
  websocket (wss) {}

To handle incoming WebSocket connections, attach a listener to the connection event. Save the following trivial echo server example in a file named ws-example.js:

module.exports = SocketBase => class Socket extends SocketBase {
  websocket (wss) {
    wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {
      ws.on('message', data => {
        ws.send(`message received: ${data.toString()}`)

Use a WebSocket module

Save the following client example to a file named index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>WebSocket example</title>
      const socket = new WebSocket('ws://')
      socket.onopen = function () {
        socket.send('Trivial example')

Now, launch ws with your WebSocket server and navigate to one of the listed URLs. You will be able to see socket communications in the DevTools Network panel.

$ ws --websocket ws-example.js
Serving at http://mbp.local:8000,,

Websocket server options

You can set the options the Websocket.Server is created with by returning a plain object from the wsOptions method.

In this example, the WebSocket will only accept connections from requests to /socket.

module.exports = SocketBase => class Socket extends SocketBase {
  wsOptions () {
    return { path: '/socket' }
  websocket (wss) {
    wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {
      ws.on('message', data => {
        ws.send(`message received: ${data.toString()}`)

Verbose events

To send debug information to the --verbose output, you can emit a verbose event from any method within the module passing a key and value.

module.exports = MiddlewareBase => class Example extends MiddlewareBase {
  middleware (options) {
    return (ctx, next) => {
      this.emit('verbose', 'middleware.example.config', { message })
      ctx.response.body = options.message
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