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File metadata and controls

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Use sparkMeasure with Scala shell or notebooks

Notes on how to use sparkMeasure to collect Spark workload metrics when Scala shell or a Scala notebook. See also README for an introduction to sparkMeasure and its architecture.

Run sparkMeasure using the packaged version from Maven Central

  • The alternative, see paragraph above, is to build a jar from master.
    bin/spark-shell --packages
    // or just download and use the jar (it is only needed in the driver) as in:
    bin/spark-shell --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=<path>/spark-measure_2.11-0.15.jar

Download and build sparkMeasure (optional)

  • If you prefer to build from the latest development version:
    git clone
    cd sparkmeasure
    sbt +package
    ls -l target/scala-2.11/spark-measure*.jar  # location of the compiled jar
    # Run as in one of these examples:
    bin/spark-shell --jars <path>/spark-measure_2.11-0.16-SNAPSHOT.jar
    # alternative, set classpath for the driver (it is only needed in the driver)
    bin/spark-shell --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=<path>/spark-measure_2.11-0.16-SNAPSHOT.jar

Example: collect and print stage metrics with sparkMeasure

  1. Measure metrics at the Stage level, a basic exaple:

    bin/spark-shell --packages
    val stageMetrics = 
    stageMetrics.runAndMeasure(spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show)

    Example output:

    Scheduling mode = FIFO
    Spark Context default degree of parallelism = 8
    Aggregated Spark stage metrics:
    numStages => 3
    sum(numTasks) => 17
    elapsedTime => 9103 (9 s)
    sum(stageDuration) => 9027 (9 s)
    sum(executorRunTime) => 69238 (1.2 min)
    sum(executorCpuTime) => 68004 (1.1 min)
    sum(executorDeserializeTime) => 1031 (1 s)
    sum(executorDeserializeCpuTime) => 151 (0.2 s)
    sum(resultSerializationTime) => 5 (5 ms)
    sum(jvmGCTime) => 64 (64 ms)
    sum(shuffleFetchWaitTime) => 0 (0 ms)
    sum(shuffleWriteTime) => 26 (26 ms)
    max(resultSize) => 17934 (17.0 KB)
    sum(numUpdatedBlockStatuses) => 0
    sum(diskBytesSpilled) => 0 (0 Bytes)
    sum(memoryBytesSpilled) => 0 (0 Bytes)
    max(peakExecutionMemory) => 0
    sum(recordsRead) => 2000
    sum(bytesRead) => 0 (0 Bytes)
    sum(recordsWritten) => 0
    sum(bytesWritten) => 0 (0 Bytes)
    sum(shuffleTotalBytesRead) => 472 (472 Bytes)
    sum(shuffleTotalBlocksFetched) => 8
    sum(shuffleLocalBlocksFetched) => 8
    sum(shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched) => 0
    sum(shuffleBytesWritten) => 472 (472 Bytes)
    sum(shuffleRecordsWritten) => 8
  2. An alternative way to collect and print metrics:

    val stageMetrics = 
    ...execute one or more Spark jobs...
  3. Print additional accumulables metrics (including SQL metrics) collected at stage-level, Scala:


Collecting metrics at finer granularity: use Task metrics

Collecting Spark task metrics at the granularity of each task completion has additional overhead compare to collecting at the stage completion level, therefore this option should only be used if you need data with this finer granularity, for example because you want to study skew effects, otherwise consider using stagemetrics aggregation as preferred choice.

  • The API for collecting data at task level is similar to the stage metrics case. An example:
    val taskMetrics =
    taskMetrics.runAndMeasure(spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show)

Exporting metrics data for archiving and/or further analysis

One simple use case is to make use of the data collected and reported by stagemetrics and taskmetrics printReport methods for immediate troubleshooting and workload analysis.
You also have options to save metrics aggregated as in the printReport output.
Another option is to export the metrics to an external system, such as Prometheus Pushgateway

  • Example on how to export raw Stage Metrics metrics data in json format

    val stageMetrics = 
    stageMetrics.runAndMeasure( ...your workload here ... )
    val df = stageMetrics.createStageMetricsDF("PerfStageMetrics")
    stageMetrics.saveData(df.orderBy("jobId", "stageId"), "/tmp/stagemetrics_test1")
    val accumulablesDF = stagemetrics.createAccumulablesDF("AccumulablesStageMetrics")
    stageMetrics.saveData(accumulablesDF, "/tmp/stagemetrics_accumulables_test1")
  • Example, save aggregated metrics (as found in the printReport output) in json format

    val df = stageMetrics.createStageMetricsDF("PerfStageMetrics")
    val aggregatedDF = stageMetrics.aggregateStageMetrics("PerfStageMetrics")
    stageMetrics.saveData(aggregatedDF, "/tmp/stagemetrics_report_test2")
  • Example on how to export raw Task Metrics data in json format

    val df = taskMetrics.createTaskMetricsDF("PerfTaskMetrics")
    spark.sql("select * from PerfTaskMetrics").show()
    taskMetrics.saveData(df.orderBy("jobId", "stageId", "index"), "<path>/taskmetrics_test3")