The first project of Common Core at 42 Prague. The goal is to create my very first library. Recoded several functions from libc and more (linked lists included). The Libft is used in the majority of my subsequent projects because the standard C library (libc) is forbidden to be used for 42 projects.
- ft_atoi
- ft_calloc
- ft_itoa
- ft_lst*** (all linked-list functions)
- ft_split
- ft_strchr (+ ft_strrchr)
- ft_strdup
- ft_strjoin
- ft_strlen
- ft_strncmp
- ft_strtrim
- ft_substr
- I learned about Makefiles and header files (what, why and how to use them)
- Compile library with Makefile
- I learned the basics of structs
- I learned about linked lists
- I learned the basics of file descriptors