A minimalist JavaScript object container that provides events and state handling.
Download dist/watchman.min.js
and include it in your application as usual.
const watchman = createWM();
const watchman = createWM(object);
All non-getter methods are chainable.
// Get a specific property like
const value = watchman.get('foo');
// Get multiple properties as a new object,
// like kind of a key filter
const values = watchman.get('foo', 'bar');
// Get a shallow copy of the entire object
const object = watchman.get();
// Set a specific property
watchman.set('foo', 42);
// Set multiple properties
watchman.set({foo: 42, bar: 'baz'});
// Delete a specific property
// Unset the entire object (i.e. {})
// Remember the state of a specific property
// Remember the state of the entire object
// Restore a previously remembered property (note that
// this will not restore properties as remembered from
// the entire object)
// Remember a previously remembered object state
// Get the array of the states of a specific property
const propertyStates = watchman.states('foo');
// Get the array of the states of the entire object
const objectStates = watchman.states();
// Bind an event listener. Native events are "change"
// (triggered by set() and unset()), "remember" and "restore"
watchman.on('change', function changeHandler(event) {
console.log(event, this.get());
// The "event" parameter passed to the handler function is
// an object with the properties "type" ("change" etc.),
// "prop" (the affected property or "undefined" if the
// whole object was affected) and "data" (like the restored
// state or the changed value). When using custom events,
// it may just contain "type". You can also pass additional
// arguments from any listenable method, like e.g.
watchman.on('change', function changeHandler(event, that) {
console.log(event, that);
watchman.set({foo: 43}, this);
// Remove all event listeners of a specific type
// Remove a specific event listener by reference to the
// handler function
watchman.off('change', changeHandler);
// Trigger a specific event, again optionally passing
// additional arguments to the corresponding listener
watchman.trigger('change', 'foo', 'bar');
// Register a custom event, like e.g.
watchman.register('reset', function(replacement) {
// Return this to maintain chainability
return this;
// Invoke a previously registered event, optionally
// passing additional arguments to listeners, e.g.
const result = watchman.invoke('reset', {foo: [1, 2, 3]});