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Runtime of Fast Higashi

ruochiz edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 3 revisions

Unless stated, all numbers reported at running Fast-Higashi at 500kb resolution on all autosomal chromosomes. All numbers are consistent with the uploaded tutorial notebook.

Runtime for processing

Dataset Number of cells Runtime - contact pairs 2 sparse matrix Runtime - sparse matrix to sparse tensor
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain) 1954 72.79s 28.50s
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain + visual cortex) 3646 122.20s 50.50s
Lee et al. Nature Methods 2019 (human PFC) 4238 100.99s 75.21s
Liu et al. Nature 2021 (mouse hippocampus) 5398 85.35s 65.91s
Heffel et al. biorxiv 2022 (human developing brain) 53063 955.64s 841.25s
Kim et al. Plos Compbio 2020 (subset) 6388 26.59s 40.39s
Kim et al. Plos Compbio 2020 (all) 16707 43.39s 95.93s
Ramani et al. Nature Methods 2017 (ML1 + ML3 - 1mb) 620 5.04s 7.19s
Ramani et al. Nature Methods 2017 (all - 1mb) 2271 16.51s 18.21 s

Runtime for tensor decomposition

main factor that decides are hyperparameters:

  1. do linear convolution or partial random walk with restart or not
  2. tolerance. (Suggested 3e-4 for high-cov data with medium number of cells, 2e-5 for low-cov data or data with large number of cells. Overall, one should try to run with 3e-4 first, inspect the results, and fine tune the model with 2e-5 or even smaller threshold when needed. Fast-Higashi will resume previous training. )
Dataset Number of cells Hyperparam: Tol Hyperparam: conv / rwr Runtime - tensor decomposition
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain) 1954 3e-4 F/F 137.82s
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain) 1954 2e-5 F/F 527.38s
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain) 1954 3e-4 F/T 150.15s
Tan et al. Cell 2021 (mousebrain + visual cortex) 3646 3e-4 F/T 147.13s
Lee et al. Nature Methods 2019 (human PFC) 1954 3e-4 F/F 228.38s
Liu et al. Nature 2021 (mouse hippocampus) 5398 2e-5 F/T 559.02s
Heffel et al. biorxiv 2022 (human developing brain) 53063 2e-5 F/F 899.69s
Kim et al. Plos Compbio 2020 (subset) 6388 2e-5 T/T 1157.30s
Kim et al. Plos Compbio 2020 (all) 16707 2e-5 T/T 1375.53s
Ramani et al. Nature Methods 2017 (ML1 + ML3 - 1mb) 620 2e-5 T/T 71.32s
Ramani et al. Nature Methods 2017 (all - 1mb) 2271 2e-5 T/T 230.51s
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