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Neural Word Sense Disambiguation Toolkit: implementation in Python of

See the original code on this github repository :

Table of Contents


  1. Create a conda environment with a 3.9 python version.

  2. To install nwsd and develop locally:

git clone
cd nwsd
pip install -r requirements.txt

Sense mappings

Two sense mappings are provided and used in their paper as standalone files in the directory data/sense_mappings.

The files consist of 117659 lines (one line by synset): the left-hand ID is the original synset ID, and the right-hand is the ID of the associated group of synsets.

The file hypernyms_mapping.txt results from the sense compression method through hypernyms. The exact algorithm that was used is located in the method getSenseCompressionThroughHypernymsClusters() of the file src/utils/

The file all_relations_mapping.txt results from the method through all relationships. The exact algorithm that was used is located in the method getSenseCompressionThroughAllRelationsClusters() of the file src/utils/


Run the all pipeline

To run the entire pipeline, which consists of :

  1. Preparing the data
  2. Training a WSD model
  3. Evaluating the trained wsd model
  4. Disambiguate a text

Run the bash script sh Before running it, you have to define the following variables :

  • SEMCOR_PATH : path of the SEMCOR data.
  • WNGT_PATH : path of the WNGT data.
  • BERT_PATH : path of the pretrained BERT embeddings.
  • TEST_DATA : path of the test data.
  • DATA_DIRECTORY : directory to store the prepared data (will be created if it does not exist).
  • TARGET_DIRECTORY : directory to store the WSD model (will be created if it does not exist).
  • TXT_TO_WSD : file with text to disambiguate.

Preparing the data

To prepare the data to train a WSD model, run python src/ with the following arguments :

  • --data_path dir is the path to the directory that will contain the description of the model (files config.json, input_vocabularyX and output_vocabularyX) and the processed training data (files train and dev)
  • --train file1 is the list of corpora in UFSAC format used for the training set
  • --dev file1 file2 fileN (optional) is the list of corpora in UFSAC format used for the development set
  • --dev_from_train N (default 0) randomly extracts N sentences from the training corpus and use it as development corpus
  • --input_features feature1 featureN (default surface_form) is the list of input features used, as UFSAC attributes. Possible values are, but not limited to, surface_form, lemma, pos, wn30_key...
  • --input_embeddings file1 fileN (default null) is the list of pre-trained embeddings to use for each input feature. Must be the same number of arguments as input_features, use special value null if you want to train embeddings as part of the model
  • --input_clear_text True|False (default False) is a list of true/false values (one value for each input feature) indicating if the feature must be used as clear text (e.g. with ELMo/BERT) or as integer values (with classic embeddings). Must be the same number of arguments as input_features
  • --output_features feature1 featureN (default wn30_key) is the list of output features to predict by the model, as UFSAC attributes. Possible values are the same as input features
  • --lowercase True|False (default True) if you want to enable/disable lowercasing of input
  • --sense_compression_hypernyms True|False (default True) if you want to enable/disable the sense vocabulary compression through the hypernym/hyponym relationships.
  • --sense_compression_file file if you want to use another sense vocabulary compression mapping.
  • --add_monosemics True|False (default False) if you want to consider all monosemic words annotated with their unique sense tag (even if they are not initially annotated)
  • --remove_monosemics TrueFalse (default False) if you want to remove the tag of all monosemic words
  • --remove_duplicates True|False (default True) if you want to remove duplicate sentences from the training set (output features are merged)

Training a WSD model

To train a WSD model, run python src/ with the following arguments :

  • --data_path dir is the path to the directory generated by (must contains the files describing the model and the processed training data)
  • --model_path dir is the path where the trained model weights and the training info will be saved
  • --batch_size N (default 100) is the batch size
  • --ensemble_count N (default 8) is the number of different model to train
  • --epoch_count N (default 100) is the number of epoch
  • --eval_frequency N (default 4000) is the number of batch to process before evaluating the model on the development set. The count resets every epoch, and an eveluation is also performed at the end of every epoch
  • --update_frequency N (default 1) is the number of batch to accumulate before backpropagating (if you want to accumulate the gradient of several batches)
  • --lr N (default 0.0001) is the initial learning rate of the optimizer (Adam)
  • --input_embeddings_size N (default 300) is the size of input embeddings (if not using pre-trained embeddings, BERT nor ELMo)
  • --input_elmo_model model_name is the name of the ELMo model to use (one of small, medium or original), it will be downloaded automatically.
  • --input_bert_model model_name is the name of the BERT model to use (of the form bert-{base,large}-(multilingual-)(un)cased), it will be downloaded automatically.
  • --input_auto_path name_or_path is the name of any language model supported by the transformer library, or the path to a local model supported by the library
  • --input_auto_model model is optionally used jointly with --input_auto_path if there is an ambiguity in automatically resolving the auto model's type. MODEL must be one of camembert, flaubert or xlm.
  • --encoder_type encoder (default lstm) is one of lstm or transformer.
  • --encoder_lstm_hidden_size N (default 1000)
  • --encoder_lstm_layers N (default 1)
  • --encoder_lstm_dropout N (default 0.5)
  • --encoder_transformer_hidden_size N (default 512)
  • --encoder_transformer_layers N (default 6)
  • --encoder_transformer_heads N (default 8)
  • --encoder_transformer_positional_encoding True|False (default True)
  • --encoder_transformer_dropout N (default 0.1)
  • --reset True|False (default False) if you do not want to resume a previous training. Be careful as it will effectively resets the training state and the model weights saved in the --model_path

Evaluating a WSD model

To evaluate a WSD model, run python src/ with the following arguments :

  • --data_path dir is the path to the directory generated by (must contains the files describing the model and the processed training data)
  • --weights name is the path where the trained model weights and the training info are saved
  • --corpus file1 fileN is the list of corpora used for the test set
  • --lowercase True|False (default True) if the input is lowercased
  • --sense_compression_hypernyms True|False (default True)
  • --sense_compression_instance_hypernyms True|False (default False)
  • --sense_compression_antonyms True|False (default False)
  • --sense_compression_file file
  • --filter_lemma True|False (default True)
  • --clear_text True|False (default False)
  • --batch_size N (default 1)

Disambiguate a text

To disambiguate a text, run python src/ < stdin > stdout with the following arguments :

  • --data_path dir is the path to the directory generated by (must contains the files describing the model and the processed training data)
  • --weights name is the path where the trained model weights and the training info are saved
  • --lowercase True|False (default True) if the input is lowercased
  • --sense_compression_hypernyms True|False (default True)
  • --sense_compression_instance_hypernyms True|False (default False)
  • --sense_compression_antonyms True|False (default False)
  • --sense_compression_file file
  • --filter_lemma True|False (default True)
  • --clear_text True|False (default True)
  • --batch_size N (default 1)
  • --truncate_max_length N (default 150)
  • --mfs_backoff True|False (default True)



Python implementation of disambiguate tool






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