Compile WebAssembly .wat files to a common js module
npm install -g wat2js
See for more WebAssembly goodies.
Currently requires the wat2wasm
program to be installed globally. If you don't have that already you can get that by installing the webassembly binary toolkit by using this little helper
First make a basic WebAssembly .wat file
;; example.wat
;; var result = add(a, b)
(func (export "add") (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
;; return a + b
(get_local $a)
(get_local $b)
Then compile it to WebAssembly and wrap in a common js loader by doing
wat2js example.wat -o example.js
To run the WebAssembly simply do:
var example = require('./example.js')() // load the wasm
if (!example) throw new Error('WebAssembly not supported by your runtime')
var result = example.exports.add(1, 2)
console.log('1 + 2 = ' + result)
To keep recompiling the .wat
file when it changes pass the --watch
option as well
wat2js example.wat -o example.js --watch # recompile when example.wat changes
You can also pass arguments to wat2wasm
wat2js example.wat -o example.js --watch -- --debug-names # add debug names section
Loads your WebAssembly module. If WebAssembly is not supported by the runtime, null
is returned.
Options include:
imports: {...} // import objected forwared to WASM,
async: true // force async loading.
Note that if your WASM is larger than 4kb, some browsers might force async loading.
looks like this
exports: {...}, // exports WASM functions
memory: Uint8Array, // exports.memory wrapped in a uint8array (if exported)
buffer: Uint8Array, // the WASM module as a buffer
onload: onload(cb), // function you can call to wait for async loading
realloc: realloc(bytes) // reallocate the memory buffer to a new size
In case of async loading exports
and memory
will be null
until the module has been loaded.