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Dev Release 2015_02_07

LevelX2 edited this page Feb 27, 2015 · 12 revisions

All release notes

Release 2015-02-07v7 (2015-02-27)


  • Fixed a bug of attack restriction effect that did not allow to attack even if the needed condition was fulfilled (Dandan, Godhunter Octopus, Serpent of the Endless Sea, Sea Serpent, Pirate Ship, Whimwader, Sea Monster, Dreamwinder, Sealock Monster).
  • Holiday Cube 2014 - Removed additional blank in the name of "Hero of Oxid Ridge" that prevented the use of this card in the cube.
  • Reworked Delve and Convoke to be more rule conform.
  • Fixed that commander mana sources could not produce mana where the symbols were only included in the rule text (Command Tower, Commanders Sphere, Opal Palace).
  • 5 Primordial cards (e.g. Diluvian Primordial) - Fixed a bug that it only was able to cast a card from one opponent (last handled) in a multiplayer game.
  • Miracle - Fixed that the Miracle ability was also checked for inital card draw.
  • Bestow - Fixed that the converted mana costs were calculated from the bestow costs instead of the base cost of the spell (concerns also Overload ability).
  • Undying - Fixed that the creature with undying returnd under the control of the previous controller instead of the card owner.
  • Fixed some cards where it was possible to sacrifice not controlled permanents (e.g. Fireblast).


  • Brain Maggot - Fixed that the exiled cards were not returned to opponents hand.
  • Bramblewood Paragon - Fixed subtype check (not working for Changeling).
  • Brutal Hordechief - Fixed that the activated ability to decide how to block did not work.
  • Contaminated Bond - Fixed that the damage was wrongly dealt to aura controller instead of enchanted creatures controller.
  • Contamination - Fixed that it also replaced mana from non land sources.
  • Cranial Archive - Fixed that the cost was defined as sacrifice instead of correctly exile Cranial Archive.
  • Defend the Hearth - Fixed that also non combat damage to the player was prevented.
  • Frontier Siege - Fixed that the second ability (Kahns) was not optional.
  • Garruk, Apex Predator - Fixed that the third abilit did not apply the life gain if the target creature did not die (e.g. because of indestructable).
  • Ghostway - Fixed that the creatures returned wrongly tapped.
  • Goblin Charbelcher - Fixed that the revealed land was taken into account to determine the damage to deal.
  • Hellkite Tyrant - Fixed that the control effect did end if Hellkite Tyrant left the battlefield.
  • Karona, False God - Fixed that the untap effect was applied continuous.
  • Nether Traitor - Fixed that it did trigger for every card instead only for creature cards.
  • Penumbra Wurm - Fixed wrong P/T of created token from 3/3 to 6/6.
  • Praetor's Grasp - Fixed that the cast and reveal effects did not work.
  • Runic Repetition - Fixed that exiled cards not in the default exile window could not be selected as target.
  • Sharding Sphinx - Fixed that ability also triggered for damage not done to players, added missing color to created token.
  • Shimian Specter - Fixed that the triggered ability did not work.
  • Skirk Fire Marshal - Fixed that Skirk Fire Marshal could not tap Goblins with protection from red.
  • Soulflayer - Fixed a bug that Soulflayer had abilities from previous casts when leaving and returning to battlefield.
  • Sphinx Sovereign - Fixed that the life loss was also applied to the controller.
  • Stoneforge Mystic - Fixed that all artifacts cards could be brought into play instead of only equipment artifacts.
  • Tidehollow Sculler - Fixed that the exiled card did not return to opponents hand.
  • Training Grounds - Fixed that the reduction did not work correctly with hybrid mana. Fixed the check what ability is an activated ability.
  • Tuktuk Scrapper - Fixed that the triggered ability did not work.
  • Vengeful Pharaoh - Fixed that it triggered for every creature doing simultaneously combat damage. Fixed that it wrongly also worked, if Vengeful Pharaoh already left the graveyard.


Release 2015-02-07v6 (2015-02-14)


  • Fixed more CPU load caused by endless loops in calculation of available mana (e.g. combination of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Sylvan Caryatid + 1 land caused a endless loop).


  • Vedalken Engineer - Fixed that the choice for the mana color selection was not shown.

Release 2015-02-07v5 (2015-02-12)


  • Fixed more CPU load caused by calculation of available mana.

Release 2015-02-07v4 (2015-02-12)


  • Fixed FRF booster generation were sometimes common cards were missing.
  • Fixed CPU load caused by calculation of available mana.

Release 2015-02-07v3 (2015-02-12)


  • Fixed FRF booster generation were sometimes common cards were missing.
  • Fixed CPU load caused by calculation of available mana.

Added cards (8)

Release 2015-02-07v3 (2015-02-12)


  • Fixed a bug in calculation of available mana, that caused high CPU load by unintened looping (e.g. Chromatic Sphere or Chromatic Star cause this).
  • Fixed some problems with filtering nonbasic lands (e.g. Fulminator Mage).
  • Fixed a bug that mana sources that could produce any mana (e.g. Forbidden Orchard) did trigger the TAPPED_FO_MANA event twice.
  • Fixed a possible endless loop while player left game during damage distribution.
  • Fixed a possible null pointer exception concerning Aura enchantments without targets log message.
  • Fixed that manifested or morphed creatures did wrongly trigger "enters the battlefield" abilities with their card attributes (e.g red card manifested triggered Foundry Street Denizen's boost ability).


  • Benevolent Offering - Fixed that the number of creatures were not multiplied by 2 for life gain.
  • Mesmeric Fiend - Fixed that the exiled card did not get back to hand of target opponent as Mesmeric Fiend left battlefield.

Added cards (18)

Release 2015-02-07v2 (2015-02-08)

  • Fixed a bug that tournament tables waiting for players to join where removed by the table healthy checker running every 10 minutes (Releasing fix later today 2014-02-08).

  • Fixed spelling error for Fire // Ice card of Holiday Cube 2014.

  • Rings of Brighthearth - Fixed that it triggered on every ability, not only your own.

Release 2015-02-07v1

  • Added a small counter (below phase bar) that shows the number of spells called during the current turn (storm counter).
  • Text importer - If available the most recent version of a card from expansion or core set type is used.


  • Fixed that devotion value was wrongly calculated with manifested/morphed creatures as beeing face up.
  • Auras that enchant a card in a graveyard (e.g. Animate Dead) or a player are no longer attached to the first permanent on the battlefield. As long as they don't enchant a permanent on the battlefield they are in their own stack now.
  • Fixed handling of enlarged view for manifested and morphed cards (shows manifest token image now, shows original card image if mouse wheel turned down, also on stack now for cards cast with morph).
  • Fixed the TargetNonNasicLandPermanent class checking for name instead of subtype (concerned Ore Gorger, Tectonic Edge, Ravenous Baboons, Goblin Ruinblaster, Detritivore, Fissure Vent, Dust Bowl, Incendiary Command, Fulminator Mage).
  • Commander format - Fixed that the commanders color identity was not correctly set for the mana replacement effect. Mana symbols from the rule text were not taken into account.
  • Fixed some problems with Ferocious, were continuous effects check the Ferocious condition not only while the Ferocious resolved.
  • Dash - Fixed that the return effect did also return the creature it it was already recast before end of turn.
  • AI PLayer - Fixed a problem with targets of Venser, Shaper Savant.
  • Fixed handling of morphed cards in exile zone.
  • Fixed that Auras that were manifested had wrongly to select aura target.
  • Annihilator - Fixed that the triggered ability did not resolve correctly, if the source was removed from battlefield before resolving.
  • Fixed / reworked prevent damage by source effect (related to Burrenton Forge-Tender, Pay no Heed, Prahv, Spires of Order).
  • Fixed handling of Split cards cast with Flashback (e.g. Snapcaster Mage) if not both sides had valid targets.
  • Manifest - Fixed that turn face up costs of creatures with bestow were the bestow costs instead of the normal casting costs without bestow.
  • Fixed that for "Shoal" spells a wrong CMC was calculated while on the stack, if alternate casting cost was used.
  • Reworked calculation of available mana that can be a source of heavy server load.
  • Fixed that PriorityTimer was not canceled.


  • Alchemist's Refuge - Fixed that the ability was restricted to creature cards instead of only nonland cards.
  • Arcbond - Fixed that Arcbond fizzled if targeted creature died before arcbonds delayed triggered ability resolved.
  • Cunning Strike - Fixed that double damage (2 x 2 to each target) was dealt.
  • Fruit of the First Tree - Fixed that the life and card draw gained wronlgy the creature controller instead of Fruits controller.
  • Jeskai Infiltrator - Fixed that Jeskai Infiltrator stayed wrongly on it's battlefield position after returning from exile.
  • Order of Succession - Fixed multiplayer handling if player already lost or left.
  • Pride of the Clouds - Fixed boost ability not counting only other creatures with flying.
  • Profane Command - Fixed a bug that target of second mode was not set correctly.
  • Putrit Imp - Fixed tooltip text for Threshhold.
  • Rakshasa Vizier - Fixed that the ability also triggered for cards of other players.
  • Rally the Ancestors - Fixed that creatures cards were moved to exile also if already in the graveyard.
  • Rite of Undoing - Fixed that the first target could also be a non controlled permanent.
  • Simic Charm - Fixed wrong color setting.
  • Skaab Ruinator - Fixed that casting from graveyard was implemented as activated ability instead of casting creature spell (that prevented the use of Ancient Ziggurat for casting from graveyard).
  • Stasis - Fixed that all untap actions were replaced instead of only the untap step of players.
  • Sultai Emissary - Fixed wrong collectors number leading to wrong image download. Delete wrong image manually to download the correct image.
  • Write into Being - Fixed that the other card could not be kept on top of library.

Added cards (142)

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