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Dev Release 2015_03_14

LevelX2 edited this page Apr 12, 2015 · 18 revisions

All release notes

Release 2015-03-14v7 (2015-04-12)


  • Fixed a bug that user data was not set for players of tournaments leading to UI bugs if tournament games starts.
  • Fixed basic land image download from gatherer.
  • Fixed handling of Anthology Duel Decks.

Release 2015-03-14v6 (2015-04-11)

  • Added Tempest Remastered Set
  • Added a deck hash code that is shown in the game log for each deck so you can verify if a deck is changed.


  • Fixed some problems with order selection of triggered abilities not showing the card images.

  • Exploit - Fixed that Exploit also triggered if the creature with Exploit left the battlefield before the first ability of Exploit resolved.

  • Morph/Megamorph - Fixed that morph cards that where manifested could only be turned face up for its morphcosts. They can now also be turned face up for the manifest turn face up costs.

  • Fixed some problems with transform triggering on the wrong card side.

  • Fixed that continuous effects of copied cards with limited duration stop to work as the copied card stops to exist.

  • Fixed that to allow watchers of a game to see the hand cards of players did not work correctly.

  • Fixed that modes (if more than one was selected) did not resolve in the order they are written on the card but in order of selection by user.

  • Arashin Sovereign - Fixed that the player had no option to let the card go to the graveyard.

  • Chained Throatseeker - Fixed that it could not attack if defending player hat a poison counter.

  • Chord of Calling - Fixed that it was mandatory to find a card if it did exist.

  • Deadeye Navigator - Fixed that the return effect was always done independant from zone changes that happended.

  • Eyes of the Wisent - Fixed that the triggered effect was not optional.

  • Feldon of the Third Path - Fixed that to the token was no Artifact card type added.

  • Fleetfoot Panther - Fixed filter condition for creature to return.

  • Foul Renewal - Fixed that the value was added instead of subtracted to taget's power/toughness.

  • Frontier Siege - Fixed the dragon ability did not fire the fighting event.

  • Harabaz Druid - FIxed allowing any combinations of colors instead of any one color.

  • Humble Defector - Fixed that if its activated ability is on the stack and the Humble Defector left battlefield and returned before resolving the control of it changed regardless.

  • Lightkeeper of Emeria - Fixed that the lifegain was not multiplied by two.

  • Loyal Cathar - Fixed that dies triggered ability also triggered for the night side card.

  • Obscuring AEther - Fixed that the turn face down ability did not work.

  • Orator of Ojutai - Fixed that triggered ability did not work if Orator of Ojutai was destroyed before resolution.

  • Orator of Ojutai - Fixed that the card draw did not work always as expected.

  • Necropotence - Fixed that the name of the exiled cards was shown in the log.

  • Nether Traitor - Fixed that the last ability did not trigger if a Token creature died.

  • Polymorphous Rush - Fixed missing filter (controlled creatures).

  • Rise // Fall - Fixed a bug that the discard of Fall did not work correctly.

  • Ruinous Minotaur - Fixed that the sacrifice was optional.

  • Scaleguard Sentinels - Fixed that triggered ability did not work if Scaleguard Sentinels was destroyed before resolution.

  • Self-Inflicted Wound - Fixed that controller instead of target opponent got damage.

  • Shorecrasher Elemental - Fixed that the creature was not correctly exiled and returned face down to battlefield.

  • Skyshroud Cutter - Fixed wrong live gain from 6 to correctly 5.

  • Wirewood Channeler - Fixed allowing any combinations of colors instead of any one color.

  • Worldgorger Dragon - Fixed that the exiled permanents did not return after Worldgorger Dragon left the battlefield.

  • Yomiji, Who Bars the Way - Fixed that the return effect did not work.

Added cards (862)

Release 2015-03-14v5 (2015-03-26)


  • Dynamic mana effects - Fixed that dynamic mana effects (e.g. Cabal Coffers, Elvish Archdruid) did not benefit from mana manipulation effects like Mana Reflection. Fixed that to manifest an aura enchantments did not work correctly.

  • Convoke - Fixed that it was not possible to pay with convoke mana costs containing no colorless mana.

  • Fixed handling of singleton abilities gained to face down creatures (fixes Cloudform not giving Flying and Hexproof to enchanted permanent correctly).

  • Combat - Fixed a bug that creatures that have to block were not forced to block.

  • Fixed not working Raid condition.

  • CantBeCounteredControlledEffect - Fixed a bug that the counter source was not cheched correctly (e.g. it was possible to counter spells with blue counters after Autumn's Veil).

  • Ashcloud Phoenix - Fixed that the dies triggered abilitiy worked if he died face down.

  • Blood-Chin Rager - Fixed that the can't be blocked effect did last until game end.

  • Brutal Hordechief - Fixed a bug that prevented controller from making block decisions.

  • Call the Skybreaker - Fixed wrong Retrace costs.

  • Cavern of Souls - Fixed a bug of the can't be countered handling.

  • Chorus of the Conclave - Fixed that the counter were not added to the creature cast.

  • Den Protector - Fixed that the triggered ability was missing.

  • Devout Witness - Fixed missing discard card cost.

  • Diluvian Primordial - Fixed a bug that the game was stuck after casting a spell from opponents graveyard.

  • Dragon-Scarred Bear - Fixed wrong sub- and supertype.

  • Dragonlord Dromoka - Fixed that the can't cast ability did not work.

  • Dromoka's Command - Fixed second mode that was not restricted to enchantments but permanents.

  • Dromoka's Command - Fixed that mode 3 is applied before mode 4 resolves.

  • Evershrike - Fixed wrong mana cost to cast.

  • Fracturing Gust - Fixed that the life gain did not work if permanent with life gain preventing effect was destroyed.

  • Foul Renewal - Fixed that the X value was set fix to 4 instead of toughness of the returned creature.

  • Hardened Berserker - Fixed that the cost reduction did only work if no spell cast was canceled.

  • Keeper of the Lens - Fixed wrong rarity (was uncommon instead of common).

  • Leyline of Singularity - Fixed that also lands wrongly became legendary.

  • Liliana of the Veil - Fixed that for the third ability permanents with hexproof could not be selected.

  • Martyr of Sands - Fixed that a player got only a maximum of 3 life also if he tried to reveal more cards.

  • Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - Fixed that the given undying ability did not trigger.

  • Necropotence - Fixed that the face down card going to hand was revealed in game log.

  • Path to Exile - Fixed that zone change replacement effects prevented the search effect to happen.

  • Pyxis of Pandemonium - Fixed that the exiled permanents were not put to battlefield.

  • Salt Road Quartermasters - Fixed missing cardType and wrong super/subtypes.

  • Scroll of the Masters - Fixed activated ability (did add counter instaed of doing a boost until end of turn).

  • Shorecrasher Elemental - Fixed that the choice how to boost was not made during resolutiuon.

  • Silumgar's Command - Fixed tooltip text of first mode.

  • Soulfire Grand Master - Fixed that lifegain did not work correctly.

  • Spitting Image - Fixed wrong Retrace costs.

  • The Abyss - Fixed wrong collectors number (number of Recall).

  • Undiscovered Paradise - Fixed that the return to hand effect did wrongly use the stack.

Added cards (66)

Release 2015-03-14v4 (2015-03-20)


  • Added option to set the order if multiple cards going to graveyard at the same time.

  • Tiny Leaders Format - Fixed a bug that happened as you did not set the Leader name to the deck name.

  • Manifest - Fixed that the name of the manifested card was shown in the game log.

  • Arashin Foremost - Fixed that it wrongly targeted any warrior instead of another warrior.

  • Deathmist Raptor - Fixed a bug that the ability to return it from graveyard did not trigger.

  • Dragon Whisperer - Fixed that its firebreathing wrongly cost R instead of 1R.

  • Dragonlord Kolaghan - Fixed wrong power (was 5 instead of 6).

  • Elusive Spellfist - Fixed that the can't be block effect did not end on turns end.

  • Ojutai's Summons - Fixed tooltip text ("with flying" was missing).

  • Revealing Wind - Fixed that the selected card was not revealed.

  • Scale Blessing - Fixed that the second effect was not applied.

  • Scaleguard Sentinels - Fixed that the +1/+1 counter was not added if a dragon from hand was revealed.

  • Surrak, the Hunt Caller - Fixed wrong tooltip.

  • Savage Ventmaw - Fixed that it produced UUURRR instead of GGGRRR.

  • The Chain Veil - Fixed that the activated ability did not only last until end of turn.

Release 2015-03-14v3 (2015-03-19)


  • Changed font for feedback area from "times" to logical java font "Dialog".

  • Fixed a bug of Tiny Leaders format that user was disconnected as he submitted his deck after sideboarding.

  • DTK 264/264 cards included.

  • Grizzly Fate - Fixed that Beast instead of Bear tokens were created.

  • Kaalia of the Vast - Fixed that the creature put into play was not tapped.

  • Loyal Sentry - Fixed a bug that the blocked creature was not destroyed.

Added cards (13)

Release 2015-03-14v2 (2015-03-18)

Release 2015-03-14v1

New Features

  • Dragons of Tarkir Set (179 of 264 cards included)
  • New Format - Tiny Leaders (you need to write the name of your Tiny Leader in the deck name!)
  • MTGO Legacy Cube 2015
  • You can switch on/off the spell counter for storm


  • Fixed a bug that replacemet effects did not work if the source object of the replacemet effect also changed zone.
  • Storm counter - Moved the counter to hot key area to prevent area movement for small screen resolutions. Added an option in preferences to switch counter on/off.
  • Storm - Fixed a bug that the number of copies for storm were calculated wrong if a card was cast multiple times in one turn (e.g. by Yawgmoth's Will).
  • Bestow - Fixed handling of Bestow that left the bestow creature as ara on the battlefield after the enchanted creature died.
  • Cascade - Fixed a bug that caused the controlling player to lose the game if all cards of the library were exiled with cascade although the cards were returned to library.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause endless loop of applying replacement/prevention effects (e.g. prevent effect of Hedron-Field Purists) locking the UI.
  • Suspend - Removed the use prompt for suspend spells that can't be cast without suspend (e.g. Ancestral Vision) because mana payment can't be undone at this point anyway.
  • Convoke - Fixed a bug that for convoke was wrongly checked that a creature has to be in the graveyard of the controller.
  • Fixed that manifested card wrongly went to exile face down.
  • Fixed that exile costs were not applied if the exiled creature was not moved to the exile zone because of (e.g. commander) replacement effect. Exile costs are considered as paid now (117.11).


  • AEtherspouts - Fixed a bug that could lead to endless loop if player left during resolution.
  • Bant Charm - Fixed missing null pointer check.
  • Epochrasite - Fixed the not working suspend handling.
  • Comet Storm - Fixed wrong damage handling for target players.
  • Cylian Elf - Fixed missing creature card type attribute.
  • Daretti, Scrap Savant - Fixed a bug that the game is locked if multiple delayed triggered abilities from the emblem trigger.
  • Extirpate - Fixed that non basic lands could not be selected.
  • Geist of Saint Traft - Fixed that the Token was not exiled at end of combat.
  • It That Betrayed - Fixed a bug that sacrificing controlled but not owned permanents came back to the battlefield of the controller of It That Betrayed
  • Jhoira of the Ghitu - Fixed the not working suspend handling.
  • Lobotomy - Fixed that non basic lands could not be selected.
  • Natural Order - Fixed that it was possible to search for all green cards instead of only green creature cards.
  • Nemesis of Mortals - Fixed that the cost reduction did not work for the monstrosity ability.
  • Parallax Wave - Fixed a bug that always all exiled objects returned also if they were exiled by an earlier instance of Parallax Wave (combo with Opalescence).
  • Suppression Field - Fixed that the effect was also applied to special actions (e.g. Convoke).
  • Surgical Extraction - Fixed that non basic lands could not be selected.
  • True-Name Nemesis - Fixed that the protection ability did not work correctly concerning abilities of cards of target player in graveyard (e.g. Vengeful Pharaoh).


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