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LevelX2 edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

Release 1.4.21v1 (2017-01-24)


  • Fixed that the render frame of copies of normal cards got the normal card rule box size.
  • Fixed that wrongly custom set cards were used for Mormir random card selection.
  • Fixed a bug of the Revolt ability word that prevented that ot triggered always correctly.
  • Fixed possible IndexOutOfBoundsException during combat.
  • Fixed that non creature spells with morph could not be countered with Remove if cast with morph.
  • Zoetic Cavern - Fixed that it wrongly could be cast with morph like an instant spell.


  • Aid from the Cowl - Added a message to the log if the player puts the card back to the top of the library.
  • Archive Trap - Fixed that wrongly also searches of other player'S library were taken into account.
  • Chief of the Foundry - Fixed wrong tooltip text.
  • Corrupted Zendikon - Fixed that the token was green instead of black.
  • Donate - Fixed not correctly working change control effect.
  • Eternal Scourge - Fixed that also non card owner could cast from exile if controlled from other player before going to exile.
  • Fairgrounds Trumpeter - Fixed that counters added to permanents entering the battlefield were not taken into account.
  • Gonti’s Machinations - Fixed that it triggered more than once per turn.
  • Lightning Runner - Fixed a bug of the optional untap and add combat phase effect.
  • Maelstrom Nexus - Fixed that cascade wrongly triggered not only for the first spell cast.
  • Mystic Confluence - Judge Promo card set unique card number.
  • Possibility Storm - Fixed a problem with split card moving.
  • See Beyond - Fixed wrong card moving from hand to library.
  • Selvala, Explorer Returned - Fixed that it was showing top of library before using the ability.
  • Steel Golem - Fixed not correct working "dont cast" effect.
  • Toxin Sliver - Fixed not corretly working triggerd ability.

Added cards (8)

[Blanket Of Night]( Of Night)
[Ghost Hounds]( Hounds)
[Muraganda Petroglyphs]( Petroglyphs)
[Powerstone Minefield]( Minefield)
[Spirit Shackle]( Shackle)
[Wall Of Lava]( Of Lava)

Release 1.4.21v0 (2017-01-15)

Just an bug fix release to fix some bugs from Aether Revolt.


  • Added missing creature type "Servo" to the creature type list.
  • Fixed a targeting problem of AI (e.g. for Maulfist Revolutionary).
  • Fixed a bug that players could not join password protected limited games.
  • Fixed a bug with rule text generation (e.g. for Lapse of Certainty).
  • Fixed a bug that adding counters with Skyship Plunder or Maulfist Revolution did not trigger counter added events.
  • Fixed a problem of the improvise ability that prevented to pay costs during the resolution of the spell cast using improvise (e.g. Metallic Rebike).
  • Duel Commander - Removed commander damage logic.
  • Fixed handling of some Revolt triggered abilities from AEN to intervening if clause.


Asylum Visitor - Fixed missing lose life effect.

  • Cabal Conditioning - Fixed that only the first targeted player had to discard.
  • Caught in the Brights - Fixed that it triggered for all attacking vehicles not only controlled vehicles.
  • Champion of Lambholt - Fixed that the triggered ability also triggered for not controlled permanents.
  • Cogwork Assembler - Fixed wrong subtype and that it could wrongly only target controlled artifacts.
  • Daring Demolition - Fixed wrong targeting filter.
  • Defiant Salvager - Fixed wrong card type filter for its sacrifice effect.
  • Felidar Guardian - Fixed that wrongly also Felidar Guardian itself could be selected as target.
  • Foundry Assembler - Fixed wrong subtype.
  • Goblin Chieftain - Fixed the missing haste ability for controlled goblins.
  • Goldnight Commander - Fixed that the triggered ability also triggered for not controlled permanents.
  • Griffin Protector - Fixed that the triggered ability also triggered for not controlled permanents.
  • Hanweir Militia Captain - Fixed that the P/T setting ability of Westvale Cult Leader was applied to recast Hanweir Militia Captain.
  • Healer of the Pride - Fixed that the triggered ability also triggered for not controlled permanents.
  • Implement of Ferocity - Fixed that the activated ability added the wrong counter type.
  • Lazav, Dimir Mastermind - Fixed a problem that was caused when the owner of the copied card left the game.
  • Metallic Mimics - FIxed handling of multiple Metallic Mimics that don't get counters.
  • Mindbreak Trap - Fixed a problem with exiling copied (e.g. by Storm)spells.
  • Monstrous Onslaught - Fixed tooltip text.
  • Nim Deathmantle - Fixed that all controlled creatures returned instead only owned creatures.
  • Outland Boar - fixed wrong P/T of 3/3 to 4/4.
  • Revolutionary Rebuff - Fixed tooltip text.
  • Rishkar, Peema Renegade - fixed that all creatures with counters gain the green mana ability instead of only controlled.
  • Tezzeret, Master of Metal - fixed that its gain control effect was only until end of turn.
  • Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - FIxed a bug that id did not work correctly with some conditional land mana sources (e.g. Gemstone Caverns).
  • Whir of Invention - fixed that it was a Sorcery instead of an Instant.

Added cards (9) Apprentice Necromancer Atalya Samite Master Auramancers Guise Carnival of Souls Divergent Growth Quicksilver Elemental Razias Purification Spectral Searchlight Sun Clasp

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