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9.3 Boolean

Davide Magni edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

These functions return a boolean value (either 0 or 1). All these are inline functions and are based on the new Math functions.


This function returns 1 if a is greater than b and 0 if b is greater than a. bool.is_greater(<a>,<b>)

  • a First integer parameter
  • b Comparison integer parameter


This function returns 1 if a is smaller than or equal to b and 0 otherwise. bool.is_greater(<a>,<b>)

  • a First integer parameter
  • b Comparison integer parameter


This function returns 1 if a equals b and 0 if a differs from b. bool.is_equal(<a>,<b>)

  • a First integer parameter
  • b Comparison integer parameter


This function returns 1 if a differs from b and 0 if a equals b. bool.is_not_equal(<a>,<b>)

  • a First integer parameter
  • b Comparison integer parameter


This function returns 1 if value is in the range from a to b and 0 otherwise. bool.is_in_range(<value>,<btm>,<top>)

  • value Value to be evaluated
  • btm Lower value of the range
  • top Higher value of the range
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