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Flutter Testing using BDD

A Sample Flutter project showing Bloc Architecture and BDD Testing using Gherkins plugin.

  • Clone the project
  • Run flutter pub get
  • Run the tests using dart test_driver/test_config.dart

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Flutter Folder Structure

📁 android
📁 build
📁 ios
📁 assets
> > 📁 fonts
> > > 📑 Raleway-Regular.ttf
> > > 📑 Raleway-Italic.ttf
> > 📁 images
> > > 🖼️ image1.jpg
> > > 🖼️ image2.jpg
> > 📁 icons
> > > 🖼️ cloudicon.png
> > > 🖼️ thumbsupicon.png
📁 lib
> 📁 bloc
> > 📑 home_page_bloc.dart
> > 📑 login_page_bloc.dart
> 📁 services
> > 📁 sqflite
> > 📁 api_manager
> 📁 pages
> > 📑 home_page.dart
> > 📑 login_page.dart
> 📁 models
> > 📑 user_model.dart
> > 📑 sample_model.dart
> 📁 widgets
> > 📑 circular_button_widget.dart
> > 📑 common_widget.dart
> 📁 test
> > 📑 homepagewidget.dart
> > 📑 custombuttonwidget.dart
> 📁 test_driver
> > 📁 features
> > > 📑 login.feature
> > > 📑 home.feature
> > 📁 steps
> > > 📑 loginstep.dart
> > 📑 test_config.dart
> 📁 const
> > 📑 color_const.dart
> > 📑 string_const.dart
🐳 docker
📑 jenkins
📑 pubspec.yaml

--------------------------------------------------------------# Summary #-------------------------------------------------------------


we use this folder to manage the state of our widgets across screens. each file in the bloc folder should correspond to a specific page data must flow through pages-->bloc-->services-->models-->pages(ui)

📁 Services

  • 📁 Sqflite

    • this folder will contain all the database related stuff CRUD irrespective of the type of database
  • 📁 api_manager

    • here we do all the api requests and http calls.

📁 Pages

  • this folder contains all the frontend pages of your application

📁 widgets

  • In this folder we write the custom widgets,that we have to reuse in mutiple pages

📁 models

  • here you write all your pojo/model classes to pass the data objects across screens

📁 test (TDD)

  • this folder is by default created by flutter sdk when we create a new project here we do the widget testing

📁 test_driver (BDD)

📁 steps

  • here we have to write the steps to implement the feature files

📁 features

  • this file contains the features in the gherkins language for the bdd

📁 const

  • this folder contains some string and color files to use them at mutiple places inorder to keep the code clean and have some meaningful strings and colors in the code.