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Malte Löpmann edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 3 revisions

Navigation should be self explanating. Move around with the arrow keys and see what happens. There is an extra panel with filter controls at the right and an options menu at the left side of the page. They will show up if they receive focus and hide if they lose it. In horizontal game lists you can go to the filter panel with the DOWN key and to the options panel with the UP key. In vertical lists the RIGHT key will take you to the filter controls and the LEFT key to the options menu.

In game list you can launch games with "ENTER" or go to the details page with "I" (or INFO-Button on the remote).

Pressing "C" or (MENU-button on the remote) will launch the context menu.

To exit the script or to leave the details page just press "ESC" (or BACK-Button on a remote).

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Function
C Launch the context menu
I Launch the Info dialog
R Launch the Rom Collection Filter
F Add/Remove selected game to/from favorites
Ctrl+F Add/Remove selection to/from favorites
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