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Malte Löpmann edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 6 revisions

RCB supports online scrapers that will fetch information and artwork from various internet sites like thegamesdb or mobygames and offline (local) scrapers that will import information that is already stored on your computer.

This site collects what is provided by certain scrapers (sometimes there is not more information available on the site/API, sometimes we may need to update our scrapers to get more info).

Game info

Scraper Title Plot Genre Developer Publisher Release Year Max Players Rating Media Controller Perspective Region
thegamesdb X X X X X X X X - - - -
mobygames X X X X X X X - - X - -
giantbomb X X X X X X - - - - - -
Game-database-info X X X X X X X X - - - -
MAME X X - - X X - - - - - -

Artwork (from online scrapers)

Scraper 3dbox action boxfront boxback cabinet cartridge clearlogo fanart marquee screenshot title gameplay (video)
thegamesdb - - X X - - X X - X - -
mobygames - - X X - X - - - X - -
giantbomb - - X - - - - - - - - -

Artwork (from other sources)

Scraper 3dbox action boxfront boxback cabinet cartridge clearlogo fanart marquee screenshot title gameplay (video)
emumovies X X X - X X X X X - X X
libretro-thumbnails - - X - - - - - - X X -

action vs. title vs. screenshot

RCB know 3 different types of screenhots: action, title and screenshot. As the name suggests action screenshots show the game in action, title screenshots just show the title screen at the beginning of the game. In most cases (all except emumovies) there is no distinction between these two. So RCB just uses screenshot as artwork type. If you use emumovies as source for your artwork, you can map emumovies "Snap" to RCBs "action" artwork type like suggested here. You can choose where to show which type of artwork via RCBs Image placing options.

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