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Taking Care Of Dogs With Anxiety Problems

manishrr edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Anxiety in pets is a common occurrence. If you or your veterinarian was able to determine this kind of problem while your pet was still a puppy or a kitten, then well and good. This is because pets also have the tendency to be born with anxiety, just like they are predisposed to have diabetes or other physical ailments. And if these anxieties and other illnesses can be detected and treated while they are still young, then additional problems or further aggravations in the Vets Near Me future will certainly be avoided.

Many seasoned vets say that puppies that tend to be timid, very fearful and growls a lot and even acts aggressively during routine examinations are usually the ones that have some anxiety problems. These anxiety problems are not usually caused by the way the owner handles or take cares of the puppy but the pup just really has an anxious personality.

Spotting this problem early in puppies is actually a good thing. Veterinarians say that during these early stages, such a condition can be treated successfully with certain behavioural modification techniques such as using positive reinforcement and if a drastic method is needed, they will prescribe anti-anxiety medications.

But as the owner, how can you help your furry friend deal with and overcome this kind of problem? Below are some advices that you can keep in mind when helping your beloved dog:

Anxieties in dogs are usually caused by or due to: physical ailments, a biological predisposition to this problem or a traumatic event that your pet experienced. And if you cannot pinpoint which of these reasons or if there are even others that cause your dog to be anxious, do not hesitate to consult a trusted veterinarian. They will run tests and use other evaluation methods to correctly identify the source or sources of your dog's anxiety. From here, an appropriate and suitable treatment can be provided for your pet.

Provide your dog ample opportunities to exercise and be regularly active. Dogs that have plenty of exercise tend to be less aggressive and they will forget or stop focusing on their anxieties. As the owner, make sure that you take your dog out for regular walks, play with your canine and get involved with other physical activities that you and your pup can both participate in and have fun with.

Be patient with your dog and be open to different treatments that can help your pet. It will take a lot of time and hard work from your part to help your pup overcome this kind of problem. And you need to be understanding of your pet as well.

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