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Scheduler that manually advances time (#akka#24150)
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* Don't apply dilation to scheduler parameter
* Clarify ExecutionContext usage
* Clarify comment on timePasses
* Make ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler internals private
* List currently scheduled tasks in one log message
* Execute immediately if (initialDelay <= Duration.Zero)
* Don't reschedule if scheduled task fails
* Be more efficient about logging
* Widen `timePasses` delay for now
akka#24243 (comment) for some
discussion on what to do instead
* Remove mechanism for mixing in config from a test trait
  • Loading branch information
raboof authored and manonthegithub committed Jan 31, 2018
1 parent a63cf31 commit 4ce2c27
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Lightbend Inc. <>

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseString;

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;


import org.junit.Test;

import akka.testkit.typed.TestKit;
import akka.testkit.typed.ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler;
import akka.testkit.typed.javadsl.TestProbe;

public class ManualTimerTest extends TestKit {
ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler scheduler;

public ManualTimerTest() {
super(parseString("akka.scheduler.implementation = \"akka.testkit.typed.ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler\""));
this.scheduler = (ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler) system().scheduler();

static final class Tick {}
static final class Tock {}

public void testScheduleNonRepeatedTicks() {
TestProbe<Tock> probe = new TestProbe<>(system());
Behavior<Tick> behavior = Behaviors.withTimers(timer -> {
timer.startSingleTimer("T", new Tick(), Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
return Behaviors.immutable( (ctx, tick) -> {
probe.ref().tell(new Tock());
return Behaviors.same();


scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(Duration.create(9, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), probe);

scheduler.timePasses(Duration.create(2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS), probe);

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import scala.concurrent.duration._


import org.scalatest.WordSpecLike

import akka.testkit.typed.TestKit
import akka.testkit.typed.scaladsl.{ ManualTime, TestProbe }

class ManualTimerSpec extends TestKit(ManualTime.config) with ManualTime with WordSpecLike {

"A timer" must {
"schedule non-repeated ticks" in {
case object Tick
case object Tock

val probe = TestProbe[Tock.type]()
val behavior = Behaviors.withTimers[Tick.type] { timer
timer.startSingleTimer("T", Tick, 10.millis)
Behaviors.immutable { (ctx, Tick)
probe.ref ! Tock


scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(9.millis, probe)


scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(10.seconds, probe)

"schedule repeated ticks" in {
case object Tick
case object Tock

val probe = TestProbe[Tock.type]()
val behavior = Behaviors.withTimers[Tick.type] { timer
timer.startPeriodicTimer("T", Tick, 10.millis)
Behaviors.immutable { (ctx, Tick)
probe.ref ! Tock


for (_ Range(0, 5)) {
scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(9.millis, probe)


"replace timer" in {
sealed trait Command
case class Tick(n: Int) extends Command
case class SlowThenBump(nextCount: Int) extends Command
sealed trait Event
case class Tock(n: Int) extends Event

val probe = TestProbe[Event]("evt")
val interval = 10.millis

val behavior = Behaviors.withTimers[Command] { timer
timer.startPeriodicTimer("T", Tick(1), interval)
Behaviors.immutable { (ctx, cmd)
cmd match {
case Tick(n)
probe.ref ! Tock(n)
case SlowThenBump(nextCount)
timer.startPeriodicTimer("T", Tick(nextCount), interval)

val ref = spawn(behavior)


// next Tock(1) enqueued in mailboxed, but should be discarded because of new timer
ref ! SlowThenBump(2)
scheduler.expectNoMessageFor(interval, probe)


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Expand Up @@ -63,12 +63,15 @@ object AskPattern {
* val f: Future[Reply] = target ? (Request("hello", _))
* }}}
def ?[U](f: ActorRef[U] T)(implicit timeout: Timeout, scheduler: Scheduler): Future[U] =
def ?[U](f: ActorRef[U] T)(implicit timeout: Timeout, scheduler: Scheduler): Future[U] = {
// We do not currently use the implicit scheduler, but want to require it
// because it might be needed when we move to a 'native' typed runtime, see #24219
ref match {
case a: adapt.ActorRefAdapter[_] askUntyped(ref, a.untyped, timeout, f)
case a: adapt.ActorSystemAdapter[_] askUntyped(ref,, timeout, f)
case a throw new IllegalStateException("Only expect actor references to be ActorRefAdapter or ActorSystemAdapter until native system is implemented: " + a.getClass)

private val onTimeout: String Throwable = msg new TimeoutException(msg)
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions akka-docs/src/main/paradox/typed/
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: @@snip []($akka$/akka-actor-typed-tests/src/test/java/jdocs/akka/typed/testing/async/ { #test-spawn-anonymous }

### Controlling the scheduler

It can be hard to reliably unit test specific scenario's when your actor relies on timing:
especially when running many tests in parallel it can be hard to get the timing just right.
Making such tests more reliable by using generous timeouts make the tests take a long time to run.

For such situations, we provide a scheduler where you can manually, explicitly advance the clock.

: @@snip [ManualTimerSpec.scala]($akka$/akka-actor-typed-tests/src/test/scala/akka/actor/typed/ManualTimerSpec.scala) { #manual-scheduling-simple }

: @@snip [ManualTimerTest.scala]($akka$/akka-actor-typed-tests/src/test/java/akka/actor/typed/ { #manual-scheduling-simple }
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package akka.testkit.typed

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory

import com.typesafe.config.Config

import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }

import akka.event.LoggingAdapter

class ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler(config: Config, log: LoggingAdapter, tf: ThreadFactory) extends akka.testkit.ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler(config, log, tf) {

def expectNoMessageFor(duration: FiniteDuration, on: scaladsl.TestProbe[_]*): Unit = {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class TestKit(name: String, config: Option[Config]) extends TestKitBase {
def this(name: String) = this(name, None)
def this(config: Config) = this(TestKit.getCallerName(classOf[TestKit]), Some(config))
def this(name: String, config: Config) = this(name, Some(config))

import TestKit._
implicit val system = ActorSystem(testKitGuardian, name, config = config)
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package akka.testkit.typed.scaladsl

import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }

import akka.testkit.typed._

object ManualTime {
val config: Config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""akka.scheduler.implementation = "akka.testkit.typed.ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler"""")
trait ManualTime { self: TestKit
override val scheduler: ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler = self.system.scheduler.asInstanceOf[ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler]
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
package akka.testkit

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

import com.typesafe.config.Config

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }
import scala.util.Try

import akka.event.LoggingAdapter

* For testing: scheduler that does not look at the clock, but must be
* progressed manually by calling `timePasses`.
* This allows for faster and less timing-sensitive specs, as jobs will be
* executed on the test thread instead of using the original
* {ExecutionContext}. This means recreating specific scenario's becomes
* easier, but these tests might fail to catch race conditions that only
* happen when tasks are scheduled in parallel in 'real time'.
class ExplicitlyTriggeredScheduler(config: Config, log: LoggingAdapter, tf: ThreadFactory) extends Scheduler {

private case class Item(time: Long, interval: Option[FiniteDuration], runnable: Runnable)

private val currentTime = new AtomicLong()
private val scheduled = new ConcurrentHashMap[Item, Unit]()

override def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
schedule(initialDelay, Some(interval), runnable)

override def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
schedule(delay, None, runnable)

* Advance the clock by the specified duration, executing all outstanding jobs on the calling thread before returning.
* We will not add a dilation factor to this amount, since the scheduler API also does not apply dilation.
* If you want the amount of time passed to be dilated, apply the dilation before passing the delay to
* this method.
def timePasses(amount: FiniteDuration) = {
// Give dispatchers time to clear :(. See
// for some discussion on how to deal with this properly.

val newTime = currentTime.get + amount.toMillis
if (log.isDebugEnabled)
log.debug(s"Time proceeds from ${currentTime.get} to $newTime, currently scheduled for this period:" + scheduledTasks(newTime).map(item s"\n- $item"))


private def scheduledTasks(runTo: Long): Seq[Item] =
.filter(_.time <= runTo)

private[testkit] final def executeTasks(runTo: Long): Unit = {
scheduledTasks(runTo).headOption match {
case Some(task)
val runResult = Try(

if (runResult.isSuccess)
task.interval.foreach(i scheduled.put(task.copy(time = task.time + i.toMillis), ()))

// running the runnable might have scheduled new events
case _ // Done

private def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: Option[FiniteDuration], runnable: Runnable): Cancellable = {
val firstTime = currentTime.get + initialDelay.toMillis
val item = Item(firstTime, interval, runnable)
log.debug("Scheduled item for {}: {}", firstTime, item)
scheduled.put(item, ())

if (initialDelay <= Duration.Zero)

new Cancellable {
var cancelled = false

override def cancel(): Boolean = {
val before = scheduled.size
cancelled = true
before > scheduled.size

override def isCancelled: Boolean = cancelled

override def maxFrequency: Double = 42

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