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Templates for author list, affiliations, and funding (#550)
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* Temporarily add exported HTML manuscript to support subsequent diff

* Derive author initials and confirm authors approve manuscript

* Standardize funders in author table

* Further standardize funding information in author table

* Add functions to format funding information for templates

* Add templates for funding information

* Add predetermined author order to prepare for additional templating

* Generate affiliation numbers

* Refactor affiliation code and add annotation to first author

* Add corresponding author annotation

* Better support for  multiple middle initials

* Remove trailing whitespace

* Add template for corresponding author contact information

* Replace defaultdict with setdefault

* Sort author table and remove author ordering column

* Switch to OrderedDict for funding information

* Separate author name, affiliation, and symbol for template

* Improve code style

* Format affiliations in jinja2

* Ignore and remove exported HTML manuscipt
  • Loading branch information
agitter committed Jun 21, 2017
1 parent bf9de06 commit 1a2afbb
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 2 deletions.
130 changes: 128 additions & 2 deletions build/
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,119 @@
Process author table

import collections
from collections import OrderedDict

import pandas
import numpy as np

def initials(full_name):
Return author intials in the form F.L. for First Last. Accomodates an
aribtrary number of whitespace-separated strings. Converts periods to
whitespace so that multiple middle initials are retained.
full_name = full_name.replace('.', ' ')
name_tokens = full_name.strip().split()
# Keeps only the first part of hyphenated names
name_tokens = [name[0] + '.' for name in name_tokens]
return ''.join(name_tokens)

def format_list(tokens):
Format a list of string tokens such that a pair [X, Y] is formatted 'X and
Y' and a list [X, Y, Z] becomes 'X, Y, and Z'. Single tokens are returned
if len(tokens) <= 2:
return ' and '.join(tokens)
tokens[-1] = 'and ' + tokens[-1]
return ', '.join(tokens)

def get_funding(author_df):
Returns a dictionary mapping funders ('GBMF', 'NIH', 'NSF', 'OTHER') to
award and author text. An author may have more than one funding
source and multiple authors may have the same funding source.
# Initially create a map from funders to dictionaries that map an award to
# the authors supported by that award
# funding_info data structure has the form
# {funder1: {award1: [author1], award2: [author2, author3]}}
funding_info = OrderedDict()
for (_, row) in author_df.dropna(subset=['funding']).iterrows():
for grant in row['funding'].split(','):
# Separate into the funder and the award
grant_tokens = grant.strip().split(None, 1)
funder_map = funding_info.setdefault(grant_tokens[0], dict())
funder_map.setdefault(grant_tokens[1], list()).append(row['initials'])

formatted_info = OrderedDict()
for funder in funding_info.keys():
# The map from awards to author lists for a single funder
funder_map = funding_info[funder]
funder_awards = list()
for award in sorted(funder_map.keys()):
authors = sorted(funder_map[award])
funder_awards.append(f'{award} ({format_list(authors)})')
formatted_info[funder] = format_list(funder_awards)

return formatted_info

def get_affiliations(author_df):
Takes an author data frame in which authors have already been ordered and
creates affiliation mappings. Each unique affiliation is assigned an
index based on the order in which it appears in the ordered author list.
Complete affiliation strings are used to determine affiliation uniqueness
even if on string contains multiple departments or institutions.
# Each author is a dict with a name, affiliation index, and symbol that
# indicates corresponding or other special notes
authors = list()
affiliations = list()
corresponding = list()
affiliation_map = dict()
affiliation_counter = 1

for (_, row) in author_df.iterrows():
name = row['full_name']
affiliation = row['affiliation']

# Lookup the affiliation index or create it
# Only list each affiliation once
if not affiliation in affiliation_map:
affiliation_map[affiliation] = affiliation_counter
affiliation_info = OrderedDict()
affiliation_info['index'] = affiliation_counter
affiliation_info['institution'] = affiliation
affiliation_counter += 1
index = affiliation_map[affiliation]

# Add the affiliation superscript
# Assumes a single affiliation per author (which could contain multiple
# institutions) but could be generalized
author = OrderedDict()
author['name'] = name
author['affiliation'] = index
if pandas.notnull(row['corresponding']) and row['corresponding'].lower() == 'yes':
author['symbol'] = ',†'
corresponding.append(f'{row["email"]} ({row["initials"]})')
author['symbol'] = ''

# Add special annotation for the first listed author
first = authors[0]
first['symbol'] = first['symbol'] + ',*'

affiliation_info = OrderedDict()
affiliation_info['authors'] = authors
affiliation_info['affiliations'] = affiliations
affiliation_info['corresponding'] = format_list(corresponding)
return affiliation_info

def get_author_info(author_file):
Expand All @@ -13,6 +123,22 @@ def get_author_info(author_file):
author_df = pandas.read_table(author_file)

author_info = collections.OrderedDict()
# Add author initials
author_df['initials'] = author_df['full_name'].apply(initials)

# Avoid initial collisions, will need a more general way to refer to
# authors if they occur
assert len(author_df['initials'].unique()) == len(author_df), \
'All authors must have unique initials'
assert np.all(author_df['approve'].str.match('Yes', case=False)), \
'All contributors must approve of the manuscript before being ' + \
'added as authors'

author_info = OrderedDict()
author_info['count'] = len(author_df)

# Add funding, author order, and affiliation information

return author_info

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