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Table Component

Matt Bates edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

Displays a list of complex objects as a table.


Outcomes associated with a table will be displayed in an Actions column. Each outcome will only operate on the item that the table row is associated with e.g. an Edit outcome in a table will edit the row that the outcome is in.

Is Bulk Action

If an outcome is defined as Is Bulk Action it will be displayed above the table and will operate on whatever item(s) are selected in the table.


A search box can be made visible by checking the Searchable option in the table component editor. If the table is populated from a list the search will act upon every visible column, if the table gets its items from a service the search will be handled by the service.


By default pagination is disabled for tables populated by a list. You can enable it by setting the pagination attribute to true.

You can adjust the amount of items that are displayed per page (default is 10) by changing the paging.table setting. See Settings for more information. Alternatively you can adjust the page size for a specific table by adding the paginationSize attribute.


"attributes": {
  "borderless": false,
  "striped": false,
  "radio": false,
  "outcomes": "icons",
  "classes": "myclass1 myclass2",
  "pagination": false,
  "paginationSize": 10,
  "onlyDisplaySearchResults": false,
  "isExecuteRequestOnRenderDisabled": false,
  "noResults": null,
  "isRowSelectionDisabled": false
Key Value Description
borderless true or false Removes all vertical borders, removes table-bordered class
striped true or false Adds a background color to every other row, adds the table-striped class
radio true or false Adds an extra column at the beginning of the table with a radio button input for each row. Multi-select tables will display checkboxes.
classes strings Custom class names that will be added to the table-container element
pagination true or false Enable pagination if the table is bound to a list of items
paginationSize number Set the number of items displayed on each "page" of this table. Set to zero to display all items (if supported by the Service the table is loading data from)
onlyDisplaySearchResults true or false If true then initially don't display any results until the user has performed a search#
isExecuteRequestOnRenderDisabled true or false If true then don't execute the object data request when the table is first displayed
noResults string Custom messsage that will be displayed if no results are found
isRowSelectionDisabled boolean Set to true to disable selecting a row in the table by clicking on it. If this is set to true then you'll also need to set "radio" to true to allow selection



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