Getting Dependencies
To Build
To Run
go test <specific test file>
dvpn can be run with the following command line arguments:
basedir [default: /opt/marconi] Base of directory tree that will be used to store all configs and data files related to dv
region [default: "US:CA"] Indicates the location/region of the server
socks5-port [default: 5657] Port to run the socks5 server on
http-port [default: 8080] Port to run the http server on (only applicable to bootnodes)
Nodes running in 'Bootnode mode' also have an API exposed on whatever port is indicated by the httpPort command line argument. In order to run a node in "bootnode" mode, simply include the node's address in the BootNode.Address configuration.
Returns all ip addresses for a specific region. (All Machines broadcasting that region)
The region to query
Returns all available regions, in which each region has at least 1 IP address associated with it.
There is a simple testing framework that lives under the devtest directory.
Configurations for this can be edited by editing devtest/data/config.yml
To build binaries and docker images run:
To launch containers:
sudo ./
Note: Running the above will launch 4 containers
n0: BootNode (Has Http Server, RPC Server, Socks5 Server (optional) running)
n1, n2, n3: PeerNodes (Has socks5Server running)
Log.Level string indicates the log level ('info', 'debug' etc.)
Log.Dir string Directory in which to store logs in
BootNode.Address string Indicates the address of the bootnode used for discovery by peer nodes
BootNode.RPC_Port string Indicates which port to run the rpc client on
Bootnode.Server_Address_TTL_Minutes int Indicates how long the bootnode will keep a server address for a region without receiving an announcement
Bootnode.Run_Socks_5 bool Indicates if the BootNode should run a Socks5 server
Announcement.Region_Announcement_Interval_Seconds int Indicates how often the machine's region + socks5 server address gets announced to the bootnode
Example Configuration:
LOG.dir: /var/log/marconi
LOG.Level: debug
BootNode.Address: ""
BootNode.Server_Address_TTL_Minutes: 1
BootNode.RPC_PORT: "5000"
BootNode.Run_Socks_5: false
Announcement.Region_Announcement_Interval_Seconds: 5