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Releases: martinvonz/jj


05 Jul 02:59
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Breaking changes

  • In revset aliases, top-level kind:pattern expression is now parsed as
    modifier. Surround with parentheses if it should be parsed as string/file

  • Dropped support for automatic upgrade of repo formats used by versions before

  • jj fix now defaults to the broader revset -s reachable(@, mutable())
    instead of -s @.

  • Dropped support for deprecated jj branch delete/forget --glob option.

  • jj branch set now creates new branch if it doesn't exist. Use jj branch move to ensure that the target branch already exists.


  • Replacing -l shorthand for --limit with -n in jj log, jj op log
    and jj obslog.

  • jj split --siblings is deprecated in favor of jj split --parallel (to
    match jj parallelize).

  • A new jj file subcommand now replaces several existing uncategorized
    commands, which are deprecated.

    • jj file show replaces jj cat.
    • jj file chmod replaces jj chmod.
    • jj file list replaces jj files.

New features

  • Support background filesystem monitoring via watchman triggers enabled with
    the core.watchman.register_snapshot_trigger = true config.

  • Show paths to config files when configuration errors occur.

  • jj fix now supports configuring the default revset for -s using the
    revsets.fix config.

  • The descendants() revset function now accepts an optional depth argument;
    like the ancestors() depth argument, it limits the depth of the set.

  • Revset/template aliases now support function overloading.

  • Conflicted files are individually simplified before being materialized.

  • The jj file subcommand now contains several existing file utilities.

    • jj file show, replacing jj cat.
    • jj file chmod replacing jj chmod.
    • jj file list replacing jj files.
  • New command jj branch move let you update branches by name pattern or source

  • New diff option jj diff --name-only allows for easier shell scripting.

  • In color-words diffs, hunks are now highlighted with underline. See diff
    colors and styles
    for customization.

  • jj git push -c <arg> can now accept revsets that resolve to multiple
    revisions. This means that jj git push -c xyz -c abc is now equivalent to
    jj git push -c 'all:(xyz | abc)'.

  • jj prev and jj next have gained a --conflict flag which moves you
    to the next conflict in a child commit.

  • New command jj git remote set-url that sets the url of a git remote.

  • Author timestamp is now reset when rewriting discardable commits (empty
    commits with no description) if authored by the current user.

  • jj commit now accepts --reset-author option to match jj describe.

  • jj squash now accepts a --keep-emptied option to keep the source commit.

Fixed bugs

  • jj git push now ignores immutable commits when checking whether a
    to-be-pushed commit has conflicts, or has no description / committer / author
    set. #3029

  • jj will look for divergent changes outside the short prefix set even if it
    finds the change id inside the short prefix set.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


06 Jun 10:52
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Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for ui.default-revset config (replaced by revsets.log in

  • The commit_summary_no_branches template is superseded by

  • jj split will now refuse to split an empty commit.

  • jj config list now uses multi-line strings and single-quoted strings in the
    output when appropriate.

  • jj config get/list/set now parse name argument as TOML
    . Quote meta characters as needed.
    Example: jj config get "revset-aliases.'trunk()'"

  • When updating the working copy away from an empty and undescribed commit, it
    is now abandoned even if it is a merge commit.

  • If a new working-copy commit is created because the old one was abandoned, and
    the old commit was merge, then the new commit will now also be.

  • jj new's --insert-before/--insert-after options must now be set for each
    commit the new commit will be inserted before/after. Previously, those options
    were global flags and specifying them once would insert the new commit before/
    after all the specified commits.


  • Attempting to alias a built-in command now gives a warning, rather than being
    silently ignored.

New features

  • jj branch list/tag list now accept -T/--template option. The tag list
    prints commit summary along with the tag name by default.

  • Conflict markers now include an explanation of what each part of the conflict

  • ui.color = "debug" prints active labels alongside the regular colored output.

  • jj branch track now show conflicts if there are some.

  • A new revset reachable(srcs, domain) will return all commits that are
    reachable from srcs within domain.

  • There are now prebuilt binaries for aarch64-linux-unknown-musl.
    Note, these are cross compiled and currently untested.
    We plan on providing fully tested builds later once our CI system allows it.

  • Added new revsets mutable() and immutable().

  • Upgraded scm-record from v0.2.0 to v0.3.0. See release notes at

  • New command jj fix that can be configured to update commits by running code
    formatters (or similar tools) on changed files. The configuration schema and
    flags are minimal for now, with a number of improvements planned (for example,
    #3800 and

  • jj new's --insert-before and --insert-after options can now be used

  • jj git push now can push commits with empty descriptions with the
    --allow-empty-description flag

Fixed bugs

  • Previously, jj git push only made sure that the branch is in the expected
    location on the remote server when pushing a branch forward (as opposed to
    sideways or backwards). Now, jj git push makes a safety check in all cases
    and fails whenever jj git fetch would have introduced a conflict.

    In other words, previously branches that moved sideways or backward were
    pushed similarly to Git's git push --force; now they have protections
    similar to git push --force-with-lease (though not identical to it, to match
    the behavior of jj git fetch). Note also that because of the way jj git fetch works, jj does not suffer from the same problems as Git's git push --force-with-lease in situations when git fetch is run in the background.

  • When the working copy commit becomes immutable, a new one is automatically created
    on top of it to avoid letting the user edit the immutable one.

  • jj config list now properly escapes TOML keys (#1322).

  • Files with conflicts are now checked out as executable if all sides of the
    conflict are executable.

  • The progress bar (visible when using e.g. jj git clone) clears the
    remainder of the cursor row after drawing rather than clearing the entire row
    before drawing, eliminating the "flicker" effect seen on some terminals.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


07 May 15:41
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Fixed bugs

  • jj status no longer scans through the entire history to look for ancestors with conflicts.


01 May 17:11
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Breaking changes

  • The default template aliases were replaced as follows:

    • builtin_op_log_root(op_id: OperationId) ->
      format_root_operation(root: Operation)
    • builtin_log_root(change_id: ChangeId, commit_id: CommitId) ->
      format_root_commit(root: Commit)
    • builtin_change_id_with_hidden_and_divergent_info ->
      format_short_change_id_with_hidden_and_divergent_info(commit: Commit)
  • The --revision option of jj rebase is renamed to --revisions. The short
    alias -r is still supported.

New features

  • The list of conflicted paths is printed whenever the working copy changes.
    This can be disabled with the --quiet option.

  • Commit objects in templates now have a mine() -> Boolean method analog to
    the same function in revsets. It evaluates to true if the email of the commit
    author matches the current

  • Commit objects in templates now have a contained_in(revset: String) -> Boolean method.

  • Operation objects in templates now have a snapshot() -> Boolean method that
    evaluates to true if the operation was a snapshot created by a non-mutating
    command (e.g. jj log).

  • Revsets and templates now support single-quoted raw string literals.

  • A new config option ui.always-allow-large-revsets has been added to
    allow large revsets expressions in some commands, without the all: prefix.

  • A new config option ui.allow-filesets has been added to enable "fileset"
    . Note that filesets are currently experimental,
    but will be enabled by default in a future release.

  • A new global flag --ignore-immutable lets you rewrite immutable commits.

  • New command jj parallelize that rebases a set of revisions into siblings.

  • jj status now supports filtering by paths. For example, jj status . will
    only list changed files that are descendants of the current directory.

  • jj prev and jj next now work when the working copy revision is a merge.

  • jj squash now accepts a --use-destination-message/-u option that uses the
    description of the destination for the new squashed revision and discards the
    descriptions of the source revisions.

  • You can check whether Watchman fsmonitor is enabled or installed with the new
    jj debug watchman status command.

  • jj rebase now accepts revsets resolving to multiple revisions with the
    --revisions/-r option.

  • jj rebase -r now accepts --insert-after and --insert-before options to
    customize the location of the rebased revisions.

Fixed bugs

  • Revsets now support \-escapes in string literal.

  • The builtin diff editor now allows empty files to be selected during
    jj split.

  • Fixed a bug with jj split introduced in 0.16.0 that caused it to incorrectly
    rebase the children of the revision being split if they had other parents
    (i.e. if the child was a merge).

  • The snapshot.max-new-file-size option can now handle raw integer literals,
    interpreted as a number of bytes, where previously it could only handle string
    literals. This means that snapshot.max-new-file-size="1" and
    snapshot.max-new-file-size=1 are now equivalent.

  • jj squash <path> is now a no-op if the path argument didn't match any paths
    (it used to create new commits with bumped timestamp).


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


03 Apr 19:48
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  • jj move was deprecated in favor of jj squash.

Breaking changes

  • The git_head template keyword now returns an optional value instead of a
    list of 0 or 1 element.

  • The jj sparse set --edit/--reset flags were split up into jj sparse edit/reset subcommands respectively.

  • The jj sparse subcommands now parse and print patterns as workspace-relative

  • The jj log command no longer uses the default revset when a path is specified.

New features

  • Config now supports rgb hex colors (in the form #rrggbb) wherever existing color names are supported.

  • ui.default-command now accepts multiple string arguments, for more complex
    default jj commands.

  • Graph node symbols are now configurable via templates

    • templates.log_node
    • templates.op_log_node
  • jj log now includes synthetic nodes in the graph where some revisions were

  • jj squash now accepts --from and --into (also aliased as --to) if -r
    is not specified. It can now be used for all use cases where jj move could
    previously be used. The --from argument accepts a revset that resolves to
    more than one revision.

  • Commit templates now support immutable keyword.

  • New template function coalesce(content, ..) is added.

  • Timestamps are now shown in local timezone and without milliseconds and
    timezone offset by default.

  • jj git push now prints messages from the remote.

  • jj branch list now supports a --conflicted/-c option to show only conflicted branches.

  • jj duplicate and jj abandon can now take more than a single -r argument,
    for consistency with other commands.

  • jj branch list now allows combining -r REVISIONS/NAMES and -a options.

  • --all is now named --all-remotes for jj branch list

  • There is a new global --quiet flag to silence commands' non-primary output.

  • jj split now supports a --siblings/-s option that splits the target
    revision into siblings with the same parents and children.

  • new function working_copies() for revsets to show the working copy commits of all workspaces.

Fixed bugs



Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


07 Mar 05:22
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No code changes (fixing Rust Cargo.toml stuff).


06 Mar 22:12
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Breaking changes

  • The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is now 1.76.0.

  • The on-disk index format changed. New index files will be created
    automatically, but it can fail if the repository is co-located and predates
    Git GC issues #815. If
    reindexing failed, you'll need to clean up corrupted operation history by
    jj op abandon ..<bad operation ID>.

  • Dropped support for the "legacy" graph-drawing style. Use "ascii" for a very
    similar result.

  • The default log output no longer lists all tagged heads. Set revsets.log = "@ | ancestors(immutable_heads().., 2) | heads(immutable_heads())" to restore
    the old behavior.

  • Dropped support for the deprecated : revset operator. Use :: instead.

  • jj rebase --skip-empty no longer abandons commits that were already empty
    before the rebase.

New features

  • Partial support for commit signing. Currently you can configure jj to "keep"
    commit signatures by making new ones for rewritten commits, and to sign new
    commits when they are created.

    This comes with out-of-the-box support for the following backends:

    • GnuPG
    • SSH

    Signature verification and an explicit sign command will hopefully come soon.

  • Templates now support logical operators: ||, &&, !

  • Templates now support the self keyword, which is the current commit in jj log/obslog templates.

  • jj show now accepts -T/--template option to render its output using

  • jj config list now accepts -T/--template option.

  • jj git fetch now accepts -b as a shorthand for --branch, making it more
    consistent with other commands that accept a branch

  • In the templating language, Timestamps now have a .local() method for
    converting to the local timezone.

  • jj next/prev now infer --edit when you're already editing a non-head
    commit (a commit with children).

  • A new built-in pager named :builtin is available on all platforms,
    implemented with minus

  • Set config ui.log-synthetic-elided-nodes = true to make jj log include
    synthetic nodes in the graph where some revisions were elided
    #2971). This may become the
    default depending on feedback.

  • When creating a new workspace, the sparse patterns are now copied over from
    the current workspace.

  • jj git init --colocate can now import an existing Git repository. This is
    equivalent to jj git init --git-repo=..

  • jj git fetch now automatically prints new remote branches and tags by default.

  • --verbose/-v is now --debug (no short option since it's not intended to be used often)

  • jj move --from/--to can now be abbreviated to jj move -f/-t

  • jj commit/diffedit/move/resolve/split/squash/unsquash now accept
    --tool=<NAME> option to override the default.

  • Added completions for Nushell to jj util completion

  • jj branch list now supports a --tracked/-t option which can be used to
    show tracked branches only. Omits local Git-tracking branches by default.

  • Commands producing diffs now accept a --context flag for the number of
    lines of context to show.

  • jj commands with the -T/--template option now provide a hint containing
    defined template names when no argument is given, assisting the user in making
    a selection.

Fixed bugs

  • On Windows, symlinks in the repo are now supported when Developer Mode is enabled.
    When symlink support is unavailable, they will be materialized as regular files in the
    working copy (instead of resulting in a crash).

  • On Windows, the :builtin pager is now used by default, rather than being
    disabled entirely.

  • Auto-rebase now preserves the shape of history even for merge commits where
    one parent is an ancestor of another.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


07 Feb 23:54
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  • jj checkout and jj merge are both deprecated; use jj new instead to
    replace both of these commands in all instances.

    Rationale: jj checkout and jj merge both implement identical
    functionality, which is a subset of jj new. checkout creates a new working
    copy commit on top of a single specified revision, i.e. with one parent.
    merge creates a new working copy commit on top of at least two specified
    revisions, i.e. with two or more parents.

    The only difference between these commands and jj new, which also creates
    a new working copy commit, is that new can create a working copy commit on
    top of any arbitrary number of revisions, so it can handle both the previous
    cases at once. The only actual difference between these three commands is the
    command syntax and their name. These names were chosen to be familiar to users
    of other version control systems, but we instead encourage all users to adopt
    jj new instead; it is more general and easier to remember than both of

    jj checkout and jj merge will no longer be shown as part of jj help, but
    will still function for now, emitting a warning about their deprecation.

    Deadline: jj checkout and jj merge will be deleted and are expected
    become a hard error later in 2024.

  • jj init --git and jj init --git-repo are now deprecated and will be removed
    in the near future.

    Use jj git init instead.

Breaking changes

  • (Minor) Diff summaries (e.g. jj diff -s) now use D for "Deleted" instead
    of R for "Removed". @joyously pointed out that R could also mean

  • jj util completion now takes the shell as a positional argument, not a flag.
    the previous behavior is deprecated, but supported for now. it will be removed
    in the future.

New features

  • jj util completion now supports powershell and elvish.

  • Official binaries for macOS running on Apple Silicon (aarch64-apple-darwin)
    are now available, alongside the existing macOS x86 binaries.

  • New jj op abandon command is added to clean up the operation history. Git
    refs and commit objects can be further compacted by jj util gc.

  • jj util gc now removes unreachable operation, view, and Git objects.

  • jj branch rename will now warn if the renamed branch has a remote branch, since
    those will have to be manually renamed outside of jj.

  • jj git push gained a --tracked option, to push all the tracked branches.

  • There's now a virtual root operation, similar to the virtual root
    . It appears at the end of jj op log.

  • jj config list gained a --include-overridden option to allow
    printing overridden config values.

  • jj config list now accepts --user or --repo option to specify
    config origin.

  • New jj config path command to print the config file path without launching
    an editor.

  • jj tag list command prints imported git tags.

  • jj next and jj prev now prompt in the event of the next/previous commit
    being ambiguous, instead of failing outright.

  • jj resolve now displays the file being resolved.

  • jj workspace root was aliased to jj root, for ease of discoverability

  • jj diff no longer shows the contents of binary files.

  • jj git now has an init command that initializes a git backed repo.

  • New template function surround(prefix, suffix, content) is added.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed snapshots of symlinks in gitignore-d directory.

  • Fixed data loss in dirty working copy when checked-out branch is rebased or
    abandoned by Git.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


04 Jan 04:25
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Breaking changes

  • jj git fetch no longer imports new remote branches as local branches. Set = true to restore the old behavior.

New features

  • Information about new and resolved conflicts is now printed by every command.

  • jj branch has gained a new rename subcommand that allows changing a branch
    name atomically. jj branch help rename for details.

Fixed bugs

  • Command aliases can now be loaded from repository config relative to the
    current working directory.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!


06 Dec 00:45
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Breaking changes

  • The remote_branches() revset no longer includes branches exported to the Git
    repository (so called Git-tracking branches.)

  • jj branch set no longer creates a new branch. Use jj branch create

  • jj init --git in an existing Git repository now errors and exits rather than
    creating a second Git store.

New features

  • jj workspace add can now take multiple --revision arguments, which will
    create a new workspace with its working-copy commit on top of all the parents,
    as if you had run jj new r1 r2 r3 ....

  • You can now set git.abandon-unreachable-commits = false to disable the
    usual behavior where commits that became unreachable in the Git repo are
    abandoned (#2504).

  • jj new gained a --no-edit option to prevent editing the newly created
    commit. For example, jj new a b --no-edit -m Merge creates a merge commit
    without affecting the working copy.

  • jj rebase now takes the flag --skip-empty, which doesn't copy over commits
    that would become empty after a rebase.

  • There is a new jj util gc command for cleaning up the repository storage.
    For now, it simply runs git gc on the backing Git repo (when using the Git

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed another file conflict resolution issue where jj status would disagree
    with the actual file content.


Thanks to the people who made this release happen!