uac-test is a simple, no-frills* command-line utility to test DPS for Ultra Autocannons (UACs) in PGI's MechWarrior Online.
*Sorry, I wish it could make you a sandwich, but sudo
err, I mean Run as administrator
can only do so much.
uac-test [uactype] [module] [fastfire] [cycles]
Note: all arguments are required!
uactype: 2 | 5 | 10 | 20
module: 0 | 1
fastfire: 0 | 1
cycles: between 1 and 1000000 (upper bound defined in cycle_max)
UAC Type: as described on the tin.
Module: is the cooldown module equipped or not? (Note: UAC2 technically shouldn't have a module.)
Fast Fire: is the Fast Fire skill unlocked or not?
Cycles: number of attempted double-tap cycles.
(Total damage should be at least Cycles * Damage and no greater than 2 * Cycles * Damage.)
Outputs a .csv
based on specified flags:
UAC## Module Fastfire NumCycles.csv
UAC2 noMod FF 100.csv
##System Requirements##
- Windows 7 or later
- Python 3 (for script only)
##Additional Notes## This project is only meant to be a fun exercise in code (and marginally useful for proving theorycrafting shenanigans) and is intended to be superseded by a GUI version.