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How to install the Mbira plugin

Bogdan Pozderca edited this page Aug 23, 2016 · 19 revisions

Prior to installing MBira you'll need KORA installed and running. If you need help with the installation process, contact your server administrator.

  1. FTP or SSH into the server where you've installed KORA.

  2. Navigate to the /plugins folder

  3. Make a copy of pluginsConfig.php.dist, name it pluginsConfig.php, and save it in the same directory.

  4. Edit pluginsConfig.php and fill out the contents. This is the same information that was added to includes/conf.php when installing Kora. You can reference that file.

  5. Within the root of the /plugins folder, run the following command:

    git clone
  6. Using a terminal application, log into the server where you installed KORA. Navigate into the mbira-plugin folder that you created in step 5 and run the following commands to set the necessary permissions for the plugin:

    chmod 775 tmp/
    chmod 775 media/
  7. In your web browser, navigate to your Kora installation, log in with your admin account (which you created when you originally installed KORA).

  8. On the menu on the left, you now see a Plugin Settings option. Click on it. You will see the option “Mbira Activate”. Click on Activate once and wait a few seconds. Be patient! Don’t click again. You will eventually see the Deactivate button. This means that the plugin was successfully installed and the Mbira menu should now be on the left-hand side.

  9. You should now be able to start using the Mbira authoring plugin.

We recommend that you install KORA in a subfolder of your domain or That way, your mbira web template (your mbira powered website) can be installed and accessible at the top level of the domain

Next step: Create a new Project