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Releases: mattheworres/hootdraft


06 Jul 12:33
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FIXED: Registration was broken because Recaptcha was borked. Still not sure why, but it was related to a recent frontend package upgrade, and I was able to remedy the situation by fixing what appeared to be a broken Gulp toolchain from my past laziness (I put off upgrading to 4.x).

UPDATED: Added a few nice to haves around the draft table on the main page, something that's driven me nuts for a while. Life got in the way on this one, as these changes were 90% done on my working directory for over a year before I finally came back and just finished it! Yeesh :)

UPDATED: Player data from the scraper added and updated.

UPDATED: A few assorted package updates, mostly from the automated bot. Thanks, robot.

This update is about 10x larger than the previous one, I think because I have to include Deployer in order to make "auto" deploys possible. That's down from 800MB, but I will likely be tweaking this a bit more in the future.


23 Aug 19:07
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FIXED: A bug acting as an uncaught remnant from the Coffeescript-to-ES6 conversion last winter prevented the draft board from automatically updating once the first update came through

FIXED: Small bug with the historical NHL teams. Sorry, hockey!

UPDATED: Player data from the scraper added and updated.

UPDATED: A few dependencies that were out of date, including the Angular version of Lodash that was years out of date and still based on the Bower package. Some more technical debt recognized here as I'll need to refactor the build tools around Gulp in the next go-round as it's getting too old to keep around.


17 Mar 03:01
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ADDED: A favicon (sorry, this isn't much, but it was bugging me for weeks now!)

UPDATED: Using the scraper updated the MLB players for the (fast) upcoming 2019 season.


27 Jan 03:13
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Official Release

RENAMED: Despite my severe lack of creativity since the beginning of this project, I have officially decided to rename it from PHP Draft to Hoot Draft, complete with a new logo. Namespacing, repo name, domain name, etc. will all be gradually migrated over in a non-breaking sort of way. Hope you like it, it's much less of a mouthful than before! 😸

ADDED: #49 Invite new users feature! For now, open to all commissioners, but in the future if this is abused in any way I'll pull it back for admin-only access, but if you want to invite a pal of yours this gives them a speedy track to getting started

ADDED: Commish Action shortcuts. Seems like the navigation is less than intuitive, and putting the actions available to the commissioner right on the main draft page makes sense. Hopefully this makes it easier to use, but I am always open for better suggestions (hit me up on Gitter or Twitter!)

ADDED: Pro Player Sports scraper (get it here). Realized when I went to update the NHL and NBA CSV data (sorry guys!) that it was an incredibly dull and time consuming process I no longer wanted to do by hand. In the past I failed to use GUI-based tools, so this time I just decided to write my own with Node and related tools. So go clone that repo and you, too can scrape your own updated player data as needed!

FIXED: Vegas Golden Knights exist, and they should've been in the app last year. Whoops.

FIXED: Replaced Angular Datatables in favor of Smart-Table, complete with working sorting/filtering for the draft data columns. Because of this, the entire "Leagues by Commissioner" page is gone - you can do the same thing in a much easier way on the home page!

FIXED: #45 Replace mcrypt with OpenSSL. This one was silly and honestly I should've had mcrypt removed as a dependency a long time ago. Despite my initial (erroneous) thinking, this will not result in a breaking change for users and should upgrade without a hitch or any user intervention.

FIXED: #46 Library dependency upgrades (Deployer, Phinx, PHPUnit, Silex, Angular, etc.) as well as migrating as many Bower dependencies as possible over to NPM.


05 Jan 16:52
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Fixes Release

ADDED: #34 Vagrant deployment box for local development. See the Development wiki page for instructions on how to get started!

DEBT ERASED: #40 Moved source from Coffeescript to ES6, updated AngularJS code to use component model. Also refactored a lot of the draft data strategy on the frontend to be more explicit and less... global (too much reliance on $scope, $rootScope and listeners)

FIXED: A few small bugs that existed in 2.2.0, but mostly the refactor focused on 1:1 feature replacement.

NOTE: If you have saved settings (through the dep setup step introduced in 2.1.0), you will need to create new settings, as config.js and index.html have changes that will break if you use old versions.


20 Jan 18:53
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Official Release

ADDED: Deployer automated deployments with settings wizard and settings export/import. This should make installing a release (downloaded from the Github Releases page) super easy and repeatable with less human error. Follow the settings wizard once, and then allow it to back up your settings in a secure folder locally so that you can import them each time you download a new release. Maintain settings for multiple instances to easily keep them up to date. I also added a packaging task with Deployer to make building the release ZIP files for Github more repeatable and with less human error. Because I error. A lot.

ADDED: Phinx database migrations! No more hand-coded SQL files. Phinx is totally integrated with the automated deploys, and in most instances you shouldn't be touching much (if any) SQL. Provided a 2.1-to-2.2 SQL migration file to prepare 2.1 installs for the 2.2 code, but this should make adding columns/features pretty straightforward

ADDED: Support and tooling to better help CI and deployment servers to support PHPDraft installs. I have a personal copy of Atlassian Bamboo that I now use to push builds to production, and so can you. Special .ci files that have replacement tokens for secret values that servers like Bamboo and Jenkins easily replace.

FIXED Issues #38 and #41 - I was lazy with this bug previously by switching the MySQL mode (bad developer!) but should have fixed the queries related to the draft statistics for good now. Huzzah.

FIXED Issue #37 - Updated this document! My gosh. I've been sitting on these changes for like 8 months. Crazy year in terms of time spent (and not much was spent developing, good and bad) - but hopefully I can more regularly get changes out with the deployment/database dev ops support I've added.

FIXED Updated PHPMailer dependency to skirt a security issue (thanks to Scrutinizer!)

2.1.1 Hotfixes 1

17 Aug 01:29
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FIx an issue with new user verification (yet another reason why unit tests would be super helpful rn), as well as some minor cosmetic cleanup items on the depth chart view. I also forgot (yet again) to update the version in the footer.


13 Aug 16:44
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Official Release

ADDED: Depth chart view. Something I've wanted to implement for years (literally). Specify which positions your league drafts for, then managers can use a drag-and-drop (desktop only - I'd like to get a mobile friendly view eventually) to setup their depth charts.

ADDED: Draft order randomizer - now there's no need to open a new tab to and manually input your teams. PHP Draft can randomize your draft order, because, well because it's 2016 and random number generators are a thing! Added some flair to make it a fun presentation, so make sure your league gathers around your screen to see who gets to draft where.

ADDED: The concept of historical teams. Since the Rams moved from St. Louis to Los Angeles this year, I thought this was a great time to add in some "historical compatability" as I also fixed #16. So now, drafts from previous years will still show the "St. Louis Rams", but drafts from 2016 on will only have "Los Angeles Rams" as an option.

FIXED Issues #17 (user management was broken). ALSO, for anyone running an instance of the app that upgraded from 1.x to 2.0, you need to change the column type of the "enabled" column on the "users" table from BIT to TINYINT. New installs won't have this issue as initialize.sql correctly set the column to TINYINT.

FIXED Trade bugs were squashed, and I removed unnecessary validation that each manager needed to get an asset in return (unbalanced trades are a thing now, Jason from @drinkfive) !)

UPDATED 2016 NFL player CSV data for the soon-to-be-here season.

2.0.3 Hotfixes 3

14 Apr 19:23
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Hotfix Release

Fixed issue with missing MLB player data (sorry Joey Votto, Anthony Rizzo, Josh Harrison et. al.)

Fixed issues #12 and #13

Fixed a few random issues related to Extended NFL leagues. Saved myself entering a Github issue :)

Also updated frontend and backend dependencies, including the libraries to use JSON web tokens with Silex.

2.0.2 Hotfixes 2

15 Mar 18:58
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Hotfix Release

Fixed issue #9 with UTC dates not displaying in local timezones properly.

Updated 2016 MLB player CSV data for the soon-to-be-here season.