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Fly Multiple QGC mission, one by one
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Shakthi Prashanth M committed Feb 21, 2018
1 parent 05cb50a commit 5aec81f
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Showing 2 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions example/fly_multiple_qgc_mission/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)


add_definitions("-std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Werror")
add_definitions("-std=c++11 -WX -W2")


215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions example/fly_multiple_qgc_mission/fly_multiple_qgc_mission.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
* @file fly_multiple_qgc_mission.cpp
* @brief Demonstrates how to import multiple mission from QGroundControl plan,
* and fly them using DroneCore.
* Steps to run this example:
* 1. (a) Create a Mission in QGroundControl and save them to a file (.plan) (OR)
* (b) Use a pre-created sample mission plan in "plugins/mission/qgroundcontrol_sample.plan".
* 2. Run the example by passing path of the QGC mission plan as argument (By default, sample mission plan is imported).
* Example description:
* 1. Imports next QGC mission from command line argument. (If there are none, it will fly a default one.)
* 2. Uploads mission items to vehicle.
* 3. Starts mission from first mission item.
* 4. Waits for the mission to complete.
* 5. Goto next mission: Repeat steps 2-4 for each mission.
* 6. Exit when there are no mission left.

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julianoes Feb 22, 2018


I think it is very valuable to fly several missions in sequence, I'm not sure it makes sense to have that as an example. An example is supposed to be simple and quick to explain a user how to do something. However, this is more like an regression test and would be great to have as an integration test.

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hamishwillee Feb 22, 2018


I agree. The "learning" from this example really isn't anything extra for users over the import mission example - but as a test of running multiple missions it would be useful.
Actually I'd like to see much more mission testing, covering things like very large missions etc.

* @author Shakthi Prashanth M <>
* @date 2018-02-21

#include <dronecore/action.h>
#include <dronecore/dronecore.h>
#include <dronecore/mission.h>
#include <dronecore/telemetry.h>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

#define ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT "\033[31m" //Turn text on console red
#define TELEMETRY_CONSOLE_TEXT "\033[34m" //Turn text on console blue
#define NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT "\033[0m" //Restore normal console colour

using namespace dronecore;
using namespace std::chrono; // for seconds(), milliseconds()
using namespace std::this_thread; // for sleep_for()

// Does discover, add connection
void do_init(DroneCore &dc);
// Fly a QGC mission plan
void fly_qgc_mission(Device &device, const std::string &plan);
// Handles Action's result
inline void handle_action_err_exit(Action::Result result, const std::string &message);
// Handles Connection result
inline void handle_connection_err_exit(DroneCore::ConnectionResult result,
const std::string &message);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::vector<std::string> plans;

if (argc == 1) {
auto default_plan = "../../../plugins/mission/qgroundcontrol_sample.plan";
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [plan-0] [plan-1]..." << std::endl;
plans.push_back(default_plan); // default plan
std::cout << "Importing mission from Default mission plan: " << default_plan << std::endl;
} else {
for (argv++; *argv; argv++) {
std::cout << "Adding plan to the list: " << *argv << std::endl;

DroneCore dc;

// discover, add connection.

Device &device = dc.device();

// Health check
std::shared_ptr<Telemetry> telemetry = std::make_shared<Telemetry>(&device);
while (!telemetry->health_all_ok()) {
std::cout << "Waiting for device to be ready" << std::endl;

// Fly each QGC mission , one by one.
for (auto plan : plans) {
fly_qgc_mission(device, plan);
// Wait for some time.
std::cout << "Lets wait for 5 seconds before starting next mission." << std::endl;

// Land it, if not already.
if (telemetry->in_air()) {
std::shared_ptr<Action> action = std::make_shared<Action>(&device);
handle_action_err_exit(action->land(), "Landing failed: ");

while (telemetry->in_air()) {
std::cout << "Now ready: " << plan << std::endl;

return 0;

void do_init(DroneCore &dc)
auto connection_result = dc.add_udp_connection();
handle_connection_err_exit(connection_result, "Connection failed: ");

while (!dc.is_connected()) {
std::cout << "Wait for device to connect via heartbeat" << std::endl;

inline void handle_action_err_exit(Action::Result result, const std::string &message)
if (result != Action::Result::SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT << message << Action::result_str(
result) << NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT << std::endl;

// Handles connection result
inline void handle_connection_err_exit(DroneCore::ConnectionResult result,
const std::string &message)
if (result != DroneCore::ConnectionResult::SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT << message
<< DroneCore::connection_result_str(result)
<< NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT << std::endl;

void fly_qgc_mission(Device &device, const std::string &plan)
std::shared_ptr<Action> action = std::make_shared<Action>(&device);
std::shared_ptr<Mission> mission = std::make_shared<Mission>(&device);
std::shared_ptr<Telemetry> telemetry = std::make_shared<Telemetry>(&device);
auto i = 0;

std::cout << "Mission path[" << i++ << "]: " << plan << std::endl;

// Import Mission items from QGC plan
Mission::mission_items_t mission_items;
Mission::Result mission_result = Mission::import_qgroundcontrol_mission(mission_items, plan);
if (mission_result != Mission::Result::SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT << "Failed to import mission items: "
<< Mission::result_str(mission_result)
<< NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT << std::endl;

if (mission_items.size() == 0) {
std::cerr << "No mission items! Going to next mission..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Found " << mission_items.size()
<< " mission items in the given QGC plan." << std::endl;

std::cout << "Uploading mission..." << std::endl;
// Wrap the asynchronous upload_mission function using std::future.
auto prom = std::make_shared<std::promise<Mission::Result>>();
auto future_result = prom->get_future();
mission_items, [prom](Mission::Result result) {

mission_result = future_result.get();
if (mission_result != Mission::Result::SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT << "Mission upload failed: "
<< Mission::result_str(mission_result)
<< NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mission uploaded." << std::endl;

std::cout << "Arming..." << std::endl;
const Action::Result arm_result = action->arm();
handle_action_err_exit(arm_result, "Arm failed: ");
std::cout << "Armed." << std::endl;

// Before starting the mission subscribe to the mission progress.
[](int current, int total) {
std::cout << "Mission status update: " << current << " / " << total << std::endl;

std::cout << "Starting mission." << std::endl;
auto prom = std::make_shared<std::promise<Mission::Result>>();
auto future_result = prom->get_future();
[prom](Mission::Result result) {
std::cout << "Started mission." << std::endl;

mission_result = future_result.get();
if (mission_result != Mission::Result::SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << ERROR_CONSOLE_TEXT << "Mission start failed: "
<< Mission::result_str(mission_result)
<< NORMAL_CONSOLE_TEXT << std::endl;

while (!mission->mission_finished()) {

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