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flutter_active_loaders: ^<latest_version>
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If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.# loaders
Type | Type | Type | Type |
1. ballPulse | 2. ballGridPulse | 3. ballClipRotate | 4. squareSpin |
5. ballClipRotatePulse | 6. ballClipRotateMultiple | 7. ballPulseRise | 8. ballRotate |
9. cubeTransition | 10. ballZigZag | 11. ballZigZagDeflect | 12. ballTrianglePath |
13. ballTrianglePathColored | 14.ballTrianglePathColoredFilled | 15. ballScale | 16. lineScale |
17. lineScaleParty | 18. ballScaleMultiple | 19. ballPulseSync | 20. ballBeat |
21. lineScalePulseOut | 22. lineScalePulseOutRapid | 23. ballScaleRipple | 24. ballScaleRippleMultiple |
25. ballSpinFadeLoader | 26. lineSpinFadeLoader | 27. triangleSkewSpin | 28. pacman |
29. ballGridBeat | 30. semiCircleSpin | 31. ballRotateChase | 32. orbit |
33. audioEqualizer | 34. circleStrokeSpin |
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Simple but powerful parameters
indicatorType: Indicator.ballPulse,
colors: const [Colors.white],
strokeWidth: 2,