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Modules for building projects using CMake, vcpkg, clang-tidy and include-what-you-use with Visual Studio.


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Modules for building projects using CMake.

Release Tests License


  • Common build settings for Visual Studio 2019 and 2022.

  • Bootstrapping of vcpkg.

  • Supports vcpkg registries and vcpkg binary caching.

  • Supports CMake generators Ninja and Ninja Multi-Config

  • Allow use of local source for vcpkg library instead of version from repository. This allows working in two projects in parallel, e.g. a library and a user of this library, without lengthy round trips to update the vcpkg repository. For a local source, the library directory is added to the consuming project using add_subdirectory and setting the directory's SYSTEM property.

  • Run checks using clang-tidy and include-what-you-use.

  • Check includes of precompiled header files in a way similar to include-what-you-use.

  • Supports unity builds for build and clang-tidy (no support for include-what-you-use and precompiled header check).

  • Script for running single file compilation, clang-tidy, include-what-you-use and the precompiled header check from within Visual Studio. Single file compilation is provided as an alternative to the built-in feature of Visual Studio 2019 which fails with an error message if a precompiled header is used. Single file compilation seems to work in Visual Studio 2022, so this feature might be removed in the future.

  • GitHub actions for setting MSVC build environment and bootstrapping cmake-utils.

  • GitHub workflows for re-use of a fully configured CI, testing and linting pipeline.


  • Set environment CMake variable BUILD_ROOT to the path of an output folder. A subfolder will be created therein for every project.

  • Supply the file Toolchain.cmake to CMake using -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=<path>/cmake-utils/Toolchain.cmake. Everything else will configure itself, e.g. if vcpkg.json is found.

  • Optional user overrides are read from cmake-utils/UserSettings.cmake and ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/UserSettings.cmake.

  • Setting CMake variable CMU_DISABLE_DEBUG_INFORMATION or CMU_DISABLE_DEBUG_INFORMATION_<Config> to true skips generation of debug information and PDB to speed up builds when debug information is not required (e.g. in some CI scenarios).

  • If CMake variable CMU_DISABLE_CLANG_TOOLS is set to true, configure will skip detection of clang but retain common build settings and vcpkg integration. This can speed up generation of CMake cache in some scenarios if a plain build is sufficient.

  • CMake variable CMU_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS is read at build time to modify the set of checks for clang tidy. The content is passed to clang-tidy as --checks. This can be used in the development workflow to reduce the run-time of clang-tidy when fixing a particular warning.

Changes to Build

  • Sets common build options for both local projects and libraries built by vcpkg.

  • Enables CMake option BUILD_TESTING if a project is at the top level (PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL).

  • Setup vcpkg toolchain automatically, if vcpkg.json if present in the project root folder.

  • Switches off vcpkg compiler tracking and instead adds VCToolsVersion to VCPKG_ENV_PASSTHROUGH to speed-up vcpkg installation step in CMake while still keeping the compiler part of the hash for binary caching. However. if the feature is enabled explicitly, this setting will be retained.

  • Set VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS matching the static build configured in the triplet.

  • Enables the features test, tests and testing for vcpkg if available in the top level target and BUILD_TESTING is set. This allows providing dependencies for running tests in the top level target while not creating a transitive to those test-only dependencies for all users of a package.

  • Set LOCAL_<Package Name>_ROOT in UserSettings.cmake to use a local source tree instead of the version from vcpkg and add the respective targets to the current project as local targets. However, the package MUST exist in vcpkg. Please note, that while the includes of the local copy have higher precedence, the original include path is still available. This might lead to unexpected results if a file is removed in the local copy. Use the feature at your discretion for local development, but always check that the build still works in a clean environment.

  • Creates targets clang-tidy, iwyu and pch to run the respective checks on all targets.

  • Creates targets clang-tidy-<target>, iwyu-<target> and pch-<target> to run the respective checks on a single target.

GitHub Actions

Three actions perform common build tasks.

  • configure - Configure a CMake build using cmake-utils.
  • msvc-dev-env - Set-up MSVC development environment.

GitHub Workflows

Two workflows can be used by consuming projects to get a full-featured build pipeline with

  • Configure CMake build for MSVC.
  • Build dependencies configured for vcpkg.
  • Build both Debug and Release configuration.
  • Run tests using CTest.
  • Get code coverage for Debug configuration and send to Codacy and Codecov.
  • Run clang-tidy for both Debug and Release.
  • Run CodeQL for Release.
  • Apply vcpkg binary caching.
  • Caching of vcpkg artifacts for GitHub actions.

Visual Studio Integration

Add one or more external tools within Visual Studio with the following settings:

  • Command: Path of scripts/run-clang-tools.bat.

  • Arguments: <tool> "$(ItemPath)" "<vcvars>" [ "<cmake>" ] with

    • tool set to either compile, clang-tidy, clang-tidy-custom, iwyu or pch.
      • compile runs a build for a single file (which is broken in MSVC at least in v16.11 when using precompiled headers).
      • clang-tidy-custom runs a clang-tidy but allows entry of custom checks to reduce time required by clang-tidy
    • vcvars set to the full path of a batch script to set the build environment, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat and
    • cmake optionally set to the full file path of cmake.exe. If cmake is not provided, cmake.exe from the current path is used.
  • Initial Directory: $(SolutionDir).

  • Use Output window: checked.

System Requirements / Tested with

  • Visual Studio 2019 v16.11 or newer.

  • CMake v3.25 or newer running on Microsoft Windows.

  • clang 13.0.0 or newer is required for precompiled header analysis. Set environment variable clang_ROOT to folder path if not found automatically.

  • clang-tidy 13.0.0 or newer. Set environment variable clang-tidy_ROOT to folder path if not found automatically.

  • include-what-you-use executable 0.16 or newer. Set environment variable include-what-you-use_ROOT to folder path if not found automatically. stl.c.headers.imp is expected in the same path.

  • Visual Studio integration requires the use of a CMakePresets file which sets the environment variable BINARY_DIR.


The code is released under the Apache License Version 2.0. Please see LICENSE for details.