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a JavaScript utility class that provides various functions for common web development tasks, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and more.

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Pue - A JavaScript Utility Class

Pue is a JavaScript utility class that provides various functions for common web development tasks, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and more.

Selecting DOM Elements

You can use Pue to select DOM elements by their CSS selectors.

<script src=""></script>
npm install pue.js

import pue from 'pue.js'
// Select a single element
const singleElement = pue.el('.my-element');

// Select multiple elements
const multipleElements = pue.els('.my-elements');

Creating and Using References

Pue allows you to create references with data binding capabilities.

// Create a reference
const myRef = pue.ref('myReference');

// Set the value of the reference
myRef.value = 'Hello, Pue!';

// Watch for changes in the reference, () => {
  console.log(`Reference value changed: ${myRef.value}`);

Computed References

You can create computed references that depend on other references.

// Create references
const num1 = pue.ref(5);
const num2 = pue.ref(10);

// Create a computed reference that calculates the sum
const sum = pue.computed(() => num1.value + num2.value, [num1, num2]);

// Watch for changes in the computed reference, () => {
  console.log(`Sum is now: ${sum.value}`);

// Update the values of the dependent references
num1.value = 7;
num2.value = 20;

Event Listeners

Pue makes it easy to add event listeners to DOM elements.

// Attach a click event listener
pue.onClick(singleElement, () => {
  console.log('Element clicked!');

// Attach a double-click event listener
pue.onDoubleClick(singleElement, () => {
  console.log('Element double-clicked!');

// Attach a keydown event listener
pue.onKeyDown(document, (event) => {
  console.log(`Key pressed: ${event.key}`);

Rendering Mustache Templates

You can use Pue to render Mustache templates with data.

const template = 'Hello, {{name}}!';
const data = { name: 'Pue' };

const renderedHTML = pue.render(template, data);
console.log(renderedHTML); // Outputs: Hello, Pue!

These snippets provide examples of how to use various features of the Pue utility class in your web development projects.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Methods


Pue is designed to simplify common tasks in web development. It offers functions for selecting elements, creating references with data binding, handling timeouts and intervals, and attaching event listeners to DOM elements.

Getting Started

To use Pue in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the Mustache library (if not already imported) since Pue uses it for rendering templates:

    import Mustache from 'mustache';
  2. Import Pue:

    import pue from './pue'; // Adjust the path to match your project structure
  3. You can now use the various methods provided by Pue to simplify your web development tasks.


el(selector, all = false)

  • Description: Selects a DOM element by the specified selector.
  • Parameters:
    • selector (string): The CSS selector for the element you want to select.
    • all (boolean): If set to true, it selects all matching elements; otherwise, it selects the first matching element.
  • Returns: A DOM element or a NodeList of elements if all is true.


  • Description: Alias for el(selector, true). Selects all DOM elements that match the specified selector.
  • Parameters:
    • selector (string): The CSS selector for the elements you want to select.
  • Returns: A NodeList of matching elements.


  • Description: Creates or retrieves a reference to a DOM element with data binding capabilities.
  • Parameters:
    • value (string): The name of the reference.
  • Returns: A reference object with data binding capabilities.

watch(ref, effect)

  • Description: Adds an effect (callback) to a reference. When the reference's value changes, the effect is triggered.
  • Parameters:
    • ref (Reference object): The reference to watch.
    • effect (function): The callback function to execute when the reference changes.

computed(callback, refs)

  • Description: Creates a computed reference that depends on one or more other references. The computed reference updates its value when the dependencies change.
  • Parameters:
    • callback (function): A function that computes the value of the reference.
    • refs (Reference or array of references): The references that the computed reference depends on.
  • Returns: A computed reference.

timeout(callbacks, interval)

  • Description: Executes one or more callbacks after a specified time interval.
  • Parameters:
    • callbacks (function or array of functions): The callback(s) to execute.
    • interval (number): The time interval in milliseconds.

interval(callbacks, interval)

  • Description: Executes one or more callbacks at specified time intervals.
  • Parameters:
    • callbacks (function or array of functions): The callback(s) to execute.
    • interval (number): The time interval in milliseconds.

style(el, obj)

  • Description: Applies CSS styles to one or more DOM elements.
  • Parameters:
    • el (DOM element or array of DOM elements): The element(s) to apply styles to.
    • obj (object): An object containing CSS property-value pairs.

render(template, obj)

  • Description: Renders a Mustache template with the provided data object.
  • Parameters:
    • template (string): The Mustache template string.
    • obj (object): The data object to use for rendering.
  • Returns: The rendered HTML string.

Event Listeners

Pue provides several methods to attach event listeners to DOM elements:

  • onClick(el, callback): Attaches a click event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onDoubleClick(el, callback): Attaches a double-click event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onKeyDown(el, callback): Attaches a keydown event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onKeyUp(el, callback): Attaches a keyup event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onMouseEnter(el, callback): Attaches a mouseenter event listener to the specified element(s).
  • `onMouseLeave(el, callback

)`: Attaches a mouseleave event listener to the specified element(s).

  • onMouseMove(el, callback): Attaches a mousemove event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onContextMenu(el, callback): Attaches a contextmenu (right-click) event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onDragStart(el, callback): Attaches a dragstart event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onDragEnd(el, callback): Attaches a dragend event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onDragOver(el, callback): Attaches a dragover event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onDrop(el, callback): Attaches a drop event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onTouchStart(el, callback): Attaches a touchstart event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onTouchEnd(el, callback): Attaches a touchend event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onTouchMove(el, callback): Attaches a touchmove event listener to the specified element(s).
  • onTouchCancel(el, callback): Attaches a touchcancel event listener to the specified element(s).

These event listeners simplify the process of adding interactivity to your web applications.


a JavaScript utility class that provides various functions for common web development tasks, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and more.







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