Code for Picard et al., A distributed brain response predicting the facial expression of acute nociceptive pain
The scripts were developed to analyze already preprocessed trial-by-trial fMRI activation maps (hdr/img files). The data used in this study come from Kunz et al. (2012) study. The data were not in BIDS format, thus the scripts might not directly work on BIDS organized data. Each script can be run separately (see the documentation below), but a main script ( is provided to run the complete analysis pipeline.
The preprocessing of the data and the first level analysis were performed using SPM8. Details about those steps can be found in the Method section of the article.
The brain signatures used for the similarity analyis can be found below:
All the analyses were run in a virtual environment using python 3.9.12. Required python packages can be found in the requirements.txt file. To install the packages in a virtual environment, use the following line:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The LMM analyses are run using LMM.R.
How to run the LMM analyses:
Open the LMM.R script, change the paths to load the data to the correct ones, and run the script line by line.
The regression analysis is run using
How to run the LASSO-PCR analysis:
python ./ --path_dataset /path/to/dataset --path_fmri /path/to/fmri/data --path_output /path/to/output --seed 42 --model 'whole-brain' --reg 'lasso' --confound /path/to/confound/file --run_regression --transformation log
- --path_dataset: specifies the path to json file containing the dataset
- --path_fmri: specifies the path containing the fmri data (not in BIDS format)
- --path_output: specifies the path to output the results of the regression analysis
- --seed (optional): specifies the integer to initialize a pseudorandom number generator. The default value is 42
- --mask (optional): specifies the mask to use to extract the signal. This argument can take the path to a nii file containing a mask. The default value is 'whole-brain', meaning that the signal from the whole-brain will be used
- --reg (optional): specifies the regression algorithm to use in the analysis. The default value is 'lasso', meaning that a LASSO regression will be performed
- --confound (optional): specifies the path to the counfounds file if needed. The default value is None, meaning that no confounds will be taken into account for the signal extraction
- --run_regression: need to be specified in order to run the regression analysis. No value is needed for that argument
- --transformation (optional): specifies the transformation to apply to the target variable. The results included in the manuscript were run using the
The permutations tests are run using
How to run the permutation tests:
python ./ --path_dataset /path/to/dataset --path_fmri /path/to/fmri/data --path_output /path/to/output --seed 42 --model 'whole-brain' --reg 'lasso' --confound /path/to/confound/file --run_permutations
- --path_dataset: specifies the path to json file containing the dataset
- --path_fmri: specifies the path containing the fmri data (not in BIDS format)
- --path_output: specifies the path to output the results of the regression analysis
- --seed (optional): specifies the integer to initialize a pseudorandom number generator. The default value is 42
- --mask (optional): specifies the mask to use to extract the signal. This argument can take the path to a nii file containing a mask. The default value is 'whole-brain', meaning that the signal from the whole-brain will be used
- --reg (optional): specifies the regression algorithm to use in the analysis. The default value is 'lasso', meaning that a LASSO regression will be performed
- --confound (optional): specifies the path to the counfounds file if needed. The default value is None, meaning that no confounds will be taken into account for the signal extraction
- --run_permutations: need to be specified in order to run the permutation tests. No value is needed for that argument
The bootstrap tests are run using
How to run the bootstrap tests:
python ./ --path_dataset /path/to/dataset --path_fmri /path/to/fmri/data --path_output /path/to/output --seed 42 --model 'whole-brain' --reg 'lasso' --confound /path/to/confound/file --run_bootstrap
- --path_dataset: specifies the path to json file containing the dataset
- --path_fmri: specifies the path containing the fmri data (not in BIDS format)
- --path_output: specifies the path to output the results of the regression analysis
- --seed (optional): specifies the integer to initialize a pseudorandom number generator. The default value is 42
- --mask (optional): specifies the mask to use to extract the signal. This argument can take the path to a nii file containing a mask. The default value is 'whole-brain', meaning that the signal from the whole-brain will be used
- --reg (optional): specifies the regression algorithm to use in the analysis. The default value is 'lasso', meaning that a LASSO regression will be performed
- --confound (optional): specifies the path to the counfounds file if needed. The default value is None, meaning that no confounds will be taken into account for the signal extraction
- --run_bootstrap: need to be specified in order to run the bootstrap tests. No value is needed for that argument
The similarity analysis can be run independently of the other scripts with
How to launch the similarity script:
python ./ --path_signature '/path/to/signature' --path_feps '/path/to/feps/or/any/other/signature' --path_output '/path/to/output'
- --path_signature: specifies the path to the signature Nifti file on which to compute the spatial similarity
- --path_feps: specifies the path to the feps Nifti file (or any other signature) on which to compute the spatial similarity
- --path_output: specifies the path to output the results
The visualization script can be run with The fonts and the disposition of the figures were edited using Adobe Illustrator.
How to launch the visualization script:
python ./ --path_output '/path/to/output' --path_feps '/path/to/feps' --path_behavioral '/path/to/behavioral/measures' --path_dot_product '/path/to/dot/product' --path_feps_expression '/path/to/feps/expression/scores' --path_performance '/path/to/performance/metrics' --path_y_test 'path/to/y/test' --path_y_pred '/path/to/y/pred' --path_siips_similarity_networks '/path/siips/similarity' --path_pvp_similarity_networks '/path/pvp/similarity' --path_maths_similarity_networks '/path/maths/similarity' --path_similarity_matrix '/path/similarity/matrix'
- --path_output: specifies the path to output the figures
- --path_feps (optional): specifies the path to the feps Nifti file. If not specified, the signature weights will not be plotted
- --path_behavioral (optional): specified the path to the csv file containing the behavioral measures
- --path_dot_product (optional): specified the path to the npy file containing the dot product values between a signature weights and the FACS scores. If not specified, the correlation between the signature expression and the FACS scores will not be plotted
- --path_feps_expression (optional): specified the path to the csv file containing the feps expression scores for each activation maps, and the experimental condition related to each map
- --path_performance (optional): specifies the path to the csv file containing the performance metrics of the model. If not specified, the violin plot of the model performance will not be plotted
- --path_y_test (optional): specifies the path to the pickle file containing the y_test values. If not specified, the regression plot of the model performance will not be plotted
- --path_y_pred (optional): specifies the path to the pickle file containing the y_pred values
- --path_siips_similarity_networks (optional): specifies the path to pickle file containing the spatial similarity metrics between the FEPS and the SIIPS-1. If not specified, the spatial similarity barplots across networks are not plotted
- --path_pvp_similarity_networks (optional): specifies the path to pickle file containing the spatial similarity metrics between the FEPS and the PVP
- --path_maths_similarity_networks (optional): specifies the path to pickle file containing the spatial similarity metrics between the FEPS and the MAThS
- --path_similarity_matrix (optional): specifies the path to numpy npy file containing the spatial similarity values between the FEPS and other pain-related signatures. If not specified, the similarity matrix is not plotted