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Functional Requirements:
- A user should type letter in the search box
- The system should return 10 suggestions of search
- The order is based on popularity
Live Popularity - Daily Update - No Histical Results -
1B DAU 10 search per day
Non-Functional Requirements:
- Scalability
- Availability
- Fault Taulerance
- Latency Fast Results 200 MS?
- Performance
Back of Enveloppe Estimations API Design Schema Design System Design
Estimate the number of words: 10 letters per search 26^10
1B unique Terms
1term = 3 words = 1 word * 5 average = 17 letters average
30 Bytes per word average
30byets * 1B. = 30GB
100 characters typeahead suggestion
Storage Suggestion
key: Term Value: List of Suggestion
30B 1B * 10* 100 Bytes = 1TB
/search term: string
result: list of suggestions
Storage Count key: Word Value: Count of Search Yesterday Number of days ago
abcd abc abc abab ab ab ab add aeee
a: ab (3) ab: ab (3) abc: abc (2)
Trie: Limit Storage Keep the Trie in Memory