A user should provide a URL and receive a shoreded url
A user should be redirected to the original URL when going to the shoretened URL
Timelimit on the short? URL valid for a configurable amount of time
How many short urls created per day?
Before redirecting the user should see a
Temporary Accept page
Temporary Add
Content Filtering
1M per day Possibly going to increase over time.
- How many short urls accesssed per day? 100M per day
- Scalability
- Performance (Max Latency e.g. 100 MS with 99.999) and Elasticity
- Availability
1M per day
URL Object
- url:string (PK)
- shortened URL:string
- creation date:date
URL Index
- shortened URL:string (PK)
- url:date
1M * (4 byte character) * 40 Characters Average
1M * (4 byte character) * 5 Characters Average
1M * (4 byte character) * 1 date
1M per day * 4* 46 Bytes = 160 MB per day data added
Per year -> 60GB per year
100M R per day * 10 ^ (-5) = 10^8 * 10*-5 = 100 QPS