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2015 12 03@Peace Innovation Lab

Moritz E. Beber edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 2 revisions




  • exchange with Oli
  • getting to meet Samir

Discussion with Oli

Meeting Samir

  • Moritz was introduced to Samir by Katharina who knows him through a mutual friend at, Isabell(e) of
  • Samir has a very interesting project that he would like to work full time on in the context of a social enterprise
  • basically he wants to implement a flexible, extensible, secure software system that is adaptable based on the underlying data model
  • this could be a huge cornerstone of the social app platform, however, also needs a lot of development time
  • his general mindset aligns very well with ours and that of the refugee hackathon team, he wants to build open source software but paid licenses for business, he wants empowerment and sustainability, and he wants to conduct interviews and research like Rahman Satti has done

Take Home Messages

  • we have even more data
  • the Sahana template for organizations could be useful for our database structure
  • we need to start thinking about an online presence quickly
  • we need someone who does (mainly) partner mapping, management, and communication and who can keep track of events in the various communication channels