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Clojars Project

API Docs.

Project statement

Unlike more general of our libraries (like compojure-api and ring-swagger) this project is primarily intended for use in Metosin's projects. Feel free to use, but don't expect full support.

  • We might remove features if we think they are not useful anymore
  • We will reject PRs and issues about features we wouldn't use ourselves


  • Represents application configuration as a single map which is read once on startup
  • Reads configuration from multiple sources and recursively merges it
    • EDN files in classpath – shipped with JAR, useful for default options
    • EDN files in filesystem – created by hand or by deploy tooling
    • Environment variables
    • Java properties
    • Override parameter – useful for overriding options for test systems
    • User selects the sources themselves
    • Extendable with functions
  • EDN readers can be provided as option, which allows use with Integrant


(ns backend.system
  (:require [maailma.core :as m]))

(defn system [override]
  (let [env (m/build-config
              (m/resource "config-defaults.edn")
              (m/env "prefix")
              (m/env-var "SERVER_PORT" [:http :port])
              (m/properties "prefix")
              (m/file "./config-local.edn")

Integrant example

Add reader options to resource and file calls:

    (m/resource "config.edn" {:readers {'ig/ref ig/ref}})
    (m/file "config-local.edn" {:readers {'ig/ref ig/ref}})))

(Not supported with read-config! function)


  • Is it necessary to refresh configuration of running application?
    • Most fixes done to running production systems over REPL are very small fixes to integration logic
    • It's possible that some integration settings need to be changed quickly?
    • Probably not necessary. Most logic is isolated to pure functions and the can be replaced over REPL without touching components or configuration.


Copyright © 2015-2018 Metosin Oy.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.