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Experiment Management - Emphasize on data management / visualization

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

--- Unmaintained ---

Fork purpose

The purpose of this branch is to enhance the web browser experience. Therefore, multiple extensions to the previous framework are made. Every result is wrapped within a bootstrap design with an navigation bar, which allows to leave the file preview more easily, and allows direct file access.

How to manipulate the folder behaviour?

The user is able to add a .settings.json to every folder below the specified root_directory. These settings are propagated recursively to all the subfolders. They can be used to add a specific behaviour to certain filetypes. Remove specific filetypes from the specific output and so on. An exemplaric .settings.json and a description can be found below


  "blacklist": ["\\.asv"],
  "folder_template": "<i class='fa fa-folder'></i><a tal:attributes='href item' tal:content='item'></a>",
  "file_template": "<i class='fa fa-file'></i><a tal:attributes='href item' tal:content='item'></a>",
  "specific_filetemplates": {
    ".png": {
      "group_by": ["^.{4}", "(grid|scalp)plot"],
      "elements_per_row": 2,
      "template": "<div tal:repeat='(group, rows) sorted(grouped_files.items())' metal:define-macro='filter_depth'><h1 tal:content='group'></h1><div tal:condition='python: type(rows) is dict' tal:define='grouped_files rows'><div  metal:use-macro='template.macros[\"filter_depth\"]'></div></div><div class='row' tal:condition='python: type(rows) is list' tal:repeat='files rows'><div tal:repeat='file files' class='col-sm-${columnwidth}'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-sm-12'>File: <span tal:content='file'></div><div class='col-sm-12'><img tal:attributes='src file' class='col-sm-12'></div></div></div></div></div>"
    ".csv": {
      "group_by": ["^.{2}"],
      "elements_per_row": 2,
      "template": "<div tal:repeat='(group, rows) sorted(grouped_files.items())'><div class='row' tal:repeat='files rows'><div tal:repeat='file files' class='col-sm-${columnwidth}'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-sm-12'>File: <a tal:attributes='href file' tal:content='file'></a></div><div class='col-sm-12'><iframe tal:attributes='src file' class='col-sm-12'></iframe></div></div></div></div></div>"


The field blacklist, contains an array of regular expressions specifying filenames, which shouldn't be displayed in a directory listing.

folder_template / file_template

The fields folder / file_template specify the template which should be used for regular files. Usage of folder_template still under development.


The field specific_filetemplates, contains a dictionary of behaviour rules for specific filetypes. In this example all png files are supposed to be grouped first, by the first 4 letters of their filename and then by their category as grid or scalpplot. Furthermore it is specified that always 2 pictures should be displayed in one row. The last field is the template used to display the files.


It is possible to add an authentication layer to the server. If you wish so you can add --authentication = standard and --authenticationmodel = FileBased to the server call. The server expects a .users.yaml file in the root_dir.

Note: The .users.yaml file doesn't get auto-generated at the moment. You can use the following snippet as a start and generate your own users later on.

Username: admin Password: admin


  active: 'true'
  apikey: null
  password: 805d3d8280a360c310ddb42fe7f034be6a7781c1ed69de8a9b68e684280eafd0c16cba0f52c39b4657aeddd7244e76d137a47af559da35581aabe437180cf5a5
  - g:admin
  salt: 'QEpO3ClIa3fN2jm3/m8BRw==

  settings: {}

Run server instance

Two options to run the server

python bin/Finder [options]

pserve [bin/production.ini, bin/development.ini] <-- recommended method



  • new directories have to be detected and the directory_settings from the parent folder should be used - Done
  • Add a button which can be used to add an local .settings.json file which can later be edited - Done
  • allow user to select plots over multiple folders in order to gnerate a report - partial
    • allow user to select a folder or a specific filetype in a directory and create a presentation - done
    • allow users to create a pdf report - partial
      • images can't be included at the moment
  • allow to toggle entries - done
  • download a folder as zip container - done
  • download a specific subset as a zip container - done
  • add a button/view to manipulate the .settings.json file - done
  • filename specific preview option ==> change the identificator for filespecific templates to a regex string (i.e. - done
  • user authentication - done
  • disable specific keys in folder/presentation view - done / see below
    • assign ids to the specific key entries and add a widget to select/deselect them - done / see below
  • allow user to add comments to a folder about content contained - done


  • add favorite files, which can be displayed in other folders
  • file-based preprocessing i.e. convert pptx files to another kind of documnet which can be visualized in a presentation
  • add a inputbox to each row or use something like a feedback slider (e.g
  • store "presentations" in a specific format and make them editable
  • fix the item selection bug
    • for some reason you have to click twice before the menu opens
    • the menu looses the information which items are saved
  • store the item selection
  • auto save the description fields, user-dependent
  • search function on webpage


Experiment Management - Emphasize on data management / visualization






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