I need a tool to compare two PDF files to catch regressions in mgp2pdf.
- I know the PDFs have the same number of pages (well, they're supposed to; if they don't, the tool needs to report that as a difference).
- I care about the visual layout, not just textual contents. Perceptual diff: good, piping pdftotext to GNU diff: bad.
- I want automation: the tool should be able to compare two sets of PDFs and tell me if they're identical, and if not, produce a report with the differences between each pair of files.
My options are:
- Find an existing tool.
- Write a new tool.
I actually once wrote such a tool for an internal project. I can extract and open-source it. I just need a name. This means I have to survey existing tools to avoid name clashes. And hey, maybe one of the existing tools will turn out to do what I want and I can save effort!
Google search for "pdf diff" or "pdf compare"
- https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/cas.cremers/misc/pdfdiff.html (relies on pdftotext)
- apt-get install diffpdf (package of https://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf.html)
- https://github.com/vslavik/diff-pdf
Nice idea in one answer: compare PDF content directly, ignoring irrelevant changes
diff --brief -I xap: -I xapMM: -I /CreationDate -I /BaseFont -I /ID --binary --text
apt-cache search compare pdf
- comparepdf - command line tool for comparing two PDF files
- diffpdf - compare two PDF files textually or visually
GitHub search for "pdf diff" or "pdf compare"
- https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pdf+diff: 24 repos, which I cut
down to this list:
- https://github.com/vslavik/diff-pdf
- https://github.com/JoshData/pdf-diff
- https://github.com/zeliboba/DiffPDF-app (import of https://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf.html)
- https://github.com/hyperjeff/PDF-Diff (text only)
- https://github.com/witwall/diffpdf (import of https://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf.html)
- https://github.com/apex-hughin/DiffPDF (import of https://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf.html)
- https://github.com/apark0114/pdfBox (no README)
- https://github.com/koyachi/diff_pdf_image (small Ruby script, grayscales and composes as different color channels)
- https://github.com/momeni/visual-pdf-diff (small shell script that composes two pdfs with imagemagick)
- https://github.com/mattcorey/pdfpdiff (perceptual diff in Java, no screenshots, "still under development")
- https://github.com/omiron/pdfdiff (no README; uses Pillow to convert PDF to PNG; loops over every pixel in Python to diff them)
- https://github.com/HyGear/diff-dwg (Python script; "only compatible with Windows but Linux compatiblity will be added later"; red/green composition)
- https://github.com/svi-berlin/image-diff/blob/master/send_email.py#L44 (the repo is otherwise uninteresting, but the use of ImageMagick's convert foo.jpg bar.jpg -compose difference ... was intriguing)
- https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-versions-difference (no README; Java)
- https://github.com/tpltnt/cli-diffpdf (pdftotext + wdiff)
- https://github.com/hgustafsson/skillnad (requires LaTeX sources)
- https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pdf+compare: 28 repos, some of
them duplicating the ones from the previous search
- https://github.com/jnweiger/pdfcompare
- https://github.com/ESCRIBA/lenient-pdf-compare (Java; no screenshots)
- https://github.com/enroxorz/pdfcompare (Ruby, wraps PDFBox which is Java; no screenshots)
- https://github.com/magmax/pdfcomparator (pypi and travis badges! computes similarity percentage, doesn't produce visual reports with differences; uses Poppler's python bindings and Cairo to render PDFs)
- https://github.com/kspeeckaert/pyPdfCompare (uses Wand, which is a ctypes-based ImageMagick binding; produces PDF with differences)
- https://github.com/anandsudhir/pdfassert (Java unit test assertion library)
- https://github.com/ralfebert/imageassert (Java unit test assertion library)
- https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pdf+diff: 24 repos, which I cut
down to this list:
compare.py in this very repository:
- Can compare an .mgp with a .pdf, not just two PDFs.
- Renders the pages to images, makes them translucent, overlays them for manual visual comparison.
- Can be used interactively.
- Can produe a "report" (set of PNG files with translucent original pages overlaid on top of each other) in non-interactive mode.
- Not automated: doesn't tell if the two presentations are identical.
- Written in Python, uses Pillow and/or Pygame.
- Relies on external tools: mgp, pdftoppm, ImageMagick.
compare-reportgen-output from that internal project I mentioned:
- Can compare two sets of PDFs.
- Renders the pages to images, compares them pixel-by-pixel.
- Automated.
- Produes a report with differing pages shown next to each other and a third page with the differences highlighted.
- Some work needs to be done to make it generic.
- Written in Python.
- Relies on external tools: ImageMagick.
- Packaged for Ubuntu (apt-get install diffpdf).
- Upstream no longer open source.
- Interactive.
- Packaged for Ubuntu (apt-get install comparepdf).
- Automated.
- Reports "yes" or "no", doesn't show differences, doesn't produce reports.
- Website: https://vslavik.github.io/diff-pdf/
- Uses overlaid red/green channels to compose an image from two sources.
- Automated.
- Can produce a report as PDF.
- Has an interactive mode.
- Written in C++.
- Compares document text rather than visual layout.
- Produces a nice PNG report.
- Written in Python.
- Relies on external tools: pdftotext.
- Can compare document text, annotate the PDF with highlighted changes.
- Doesn't compare images.
- Written in Python.
- Relies on pdftohtml.
- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdfcomparator
- Compares rendered images.
- Automated: can report yes/no, can report similarity percentage (using difflib on extracted text).
- Doesn't produce a report with the differences.
- Written in Python.
- Relies on Poppler and Cairo Python bindings to render them.
- Automated.
- Produces PDF report using Pillow's ImageChops for highlighting differenes, using https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18341754/color-in-red-diffrencies-between-two-pictures
- Written in Python.
- Relies on ImageMagick via Wand (ctypes-based wrapper).