This rep contains an n-gram language model that predicts the next word, given a phrase of text as input. The prediction model is implemented as a shiny web application, in which the input text box was enabled with the functionality of the jQuery-ui autocomplete widget. The end result is a list of suggested words that shows up underneath the input text box and gets continuously updated as the user types.
- nGramsLite.RData: An R data file that contains four data frames (ngram1, ngram2, ngram3, and ngram4). Each data frame corresponds to a specific length n-gram with three columns (n-1 phrase, nth word, and the corresponding frequency of occurrence). For example, the top 3 entries in the ngram4 data frame are:
n-1 phrase | nth word | Count | |
1 | the end of | the | 7676 |
2 | the rest of | the | 6698 |
3 | at the end | of | 6651 |
ngramPredictionFunction.R: An R function that predicts the next word(s) based on a given phrase and a set of n-grams. Example of usage for predicting the 5 top most likely words: ngramPredictionFunction("fool me once ", ngram1, ngram2, ngram3, ngram4)
server.R: The shiny server-side R code.
www\index.html: The html ui. Note that this file replaces the ui.R file, which does not exist in this alternative implementation.
www\jquery-ui.min.js: The jQuery-ui auto-complete widget, downloaded from
www\jquery-ui.css: The css stylesheet for the jQuery-ui auto-complete widget, downloaded from
**www\images**: Some other dependencies for the jQuery-ui auto-complete widget.
screenshot.png: Screenshot of working application in chrome browser.
More on the methodology of constructing the n-grams can be found here:
The live application is hosted on