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Signed-off-by: Michael Barton <>
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michaelbarton committed May 6, 2013
1 parent d3cdf18 commit 9ef8e63
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
kind: article
feed: true
title: How accurate is marker based sequencing?
title: Generating high fidelity 454 data may require 5' trimming
created_at: "2013-4-17 17:00 GMT"

Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ One point bothered me about may analysis: how I identified which reads are
accurate in the output data compared the original mock community data. My
original method for doing this was:

* Remove barcodes from reads and trim down to 200bp.
* Remove barcodes from reads and trim down to 200bp from the 3' end.
* Select unique reads and count how many times each unique read is observed
in the data.
* Build an alignment from the **N** most abundant unique reads. **N** is
Expand All @@ -42,64 +42,77 @@ abundance based approach didn't actually compare the accurate reads against the
original mock community data. So before going any further I decided to first
test the accurate reads against the mock community data to determine fidelity.

## Read fidelity in Quince et. al XXXX data

Read fidelity might be considered as a true/false value. Either a read is
correct or it contains errors such as an insertion, substitution or deletion.
Consider the following scenario: a read 250bp read with a homopolymer error at
base 196. If I compare this read with the community sequence from which it
originated then I will identify this read as inaccurate. Now if I trim this
read to 195bp and repeat this I will identify the read as accurate. Therefore
read accuracy is function of which portions of the read you choose to compare
and as read quality decreases towards the 3' end it is convieniet to trim the
3' to increase read accuracy.

I determined read fidelity by comparing all community sequences to each read to
determine if any were a subsequence. I did this in steps of 10bp. Given
community sequence **A** which is 200bp in length I compare this sequence to a
read to determine if **A** is a substring of the read. If not, then I reduce
the mock-community sequence by 10bp from the 3' end (now 190bp) and repeat the
process. I do this for each community sequence against each read until the
first match or until there were no more community sequences to compare. To
emphasise: this process only shows a positive if the generated read exactly
matches a subsequence of the community sequence from the 5' end. The
distribution of matches is as follows:

<%= lightbox(amzn('read-analysis/002-read-fidelity/SRR013437.read_fidelity.png'),
"Number of correct reads vs read length.") %>

This figure shows that many reads are accurate at ~240bp with a density of
accurate reads towards the cutoff at 50bp. The figure also shows that the
highest density of reads is <6%. This means that the majority of reads ~90% are
inaccurate when comparing 5' substrings of the mock-community sequences. I also
examined the distrution of reads for each mock community sequence.

<%= lightbox(amzn('read-analysis/002-read-fidelity/SRR013437.community_fidelity.png'),
"Number of correct reads for each community sequence.") %>

This figure highlights a large variance in the number of accurate reads
generated for each community sequences. There are 3 mock community sequences
producing >100 accurate reads, while there are 13 mock community sequences
producing between 1-10 accurate reads. This highlights a large disparity in the
volume and accuracy of generated reads with 3log10 differences in read

I find these results extraordinary - can there really be such a large disparity
in how reads are generated? These results are generated with a program I wrote
myself so the possiblity that my program contains an error should also be
entertained. There is a relatively straightforward way to test this using a
## Read fidelity in Quince et. al 2009 data

I determined read fidelity by trimming the community sequences to 100bp from
the 5' end then searching how many of sequenced reads contained this substring.
The advantage of doing the analysis this way is that it is straightforward to
find exact matching substrings using `grep`. Furthermore using the community
sequence to search the sequenced reads removes the possibility of incorrect
trimming of the barcode or primers. I used the divergent sequences and
corresponding 454 dataset from the [Quince *et. al* 2009][quince] analysis. The
following code shows this approach.


<%= highlight %>
fastx_trimmer -l 100 -i -o trim100.fasta
fastx_trimmer -l 100 -i -o trim100.fasta

grep --invert-match '>' trim100.fasta \
| parallel 'grep {} SRR013437.fasta | wc -l' \
| sort -r
| sort -r -n \
| tr "\\n" " "

#=> 1609 1543 1024 14 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
<%= endhighlight %>

This appears to show a large variance in the number of reads matching a
community sequence substring. There are 3 community sequences with >1000
matching reads while the rest of the community sequences have &lt;20 matching
reads. I found this is somewhat surprising so I double checked what I saw was
true by comparing the individual read and community sequences. The follow
alignments compare two example community sequences (8 and 72) with the most
abundant corresponding unique reads according to nucmer. This highlights errors
in the 5' end of the reads.

<%= highlight %>
>SRR013437.14 tccacacc...A.......A........
>SRR013437.627 tccacacc...A.......A........
>SRR013437.935 tccacgcc...G.......A........
>SRR013437.2322 tcctcgcc...A.......A........
>SRR013437.2423 cccacgcc...A.......A........
>SRR013437.245 tccac.......A...............
>SRR013437.351 tccac.......A...............
>SRR013437.433 tccac.......A...............
>SRR013437.542 tccac.......A...............
>SRR013437.661 tccac.......A...............
<%= endhighlight %>
What happens if instead of using 100bp substrings from the 5' of the
mock=community sequence I drop the first 50bp and repeat the process?

<%= highlight %>
fastx_trimmer -f 50 -l 150 \
-i \
-o trim50_150.fasta

grep --invert-match '>' trim50_150.fasta \
| parallel 'grep {} SRR013437.fasta | wc -l' \
| sort -r -n \
| tr "\\n" " "

#=> 2273 2229 1943 1873 1802 1795 1774 1701 1692 1677 1670
# 1628 1596 1573 1545 1522 1446 1442 1399 1356 935 635 548
<%= endhighlight %>

This shows the confirms the above results: that a majority of reads are
inaccurate and of the reads that are accurate there is a wide disparity in
<%= lightbox(amzn('read-analysis/002-read-fidelity/'),
amzn('read-analysis/002-read-fidelity/'), "Number
of correct reads vs read length.") %>

This figure shows the difference trimming the 5' end has on the number of reads
matching the mock-community sequence. This figure is on a log. 10 scale on the

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