Go implementation that allows you to mount a messaging service to send notifications such as: email, sms, iot, push and hooks. The service has a planner who, through the grpc protocol, can place, update or cancel the sending of notifications.
Corresponds to the type of message that could be sent, for this there must be the implementation of that channel. There are currently several channels available to use, some are Email, SMS, IoT, Push and Hook.
The channel corresponds to an attribute of message, therefore, the name will be the unique key to identify the type of channel.
The provider corresponds and attribute of channel and allows to identify what types of messages are available for a specific channel.
For example, for the Email Channel there are the providers of Sendgrid, Mandrill and AWS SES. To know more, you must enter the repositories associated with the channels.
message Message {
string id = 1;
string channel = 2;
string provider = 3;
string content = 4;
string status = 5;
message Channel {
string name = 1;
repeated Provider providers = 2;
string host = 3;
string port = 4;
message Provider {
string name = 1;
map<string, string> params = 2;
service MessageService {
rpc Put(MessagePutRequest) returns (MessagePutResponse) {}
rpc Get(MessageGetRequest) returns (MessageGetResponse) {}
rpc Update(MessageUpdateRequest) returns (MessageUpdateResponse) {}
rpc Cancel(MessageCancelRequest) returns (MessageCancelResponse) {}
If you are already using Messages APIs we recommend you to use the client in go. [Link]
- Catch errors inside Schedulersend(id ulid.ULID) method and push on pq again adding X seconds to delivery time.