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Marcin Zajączkowski edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 9 revisions


1. Why my µService fails at startup with the following error?

java.lang.VerifyError: Bad <init> method call from inside of a branch
Exception Details:
    com/ofg/microservice/config/web/HttpMockServer.<init>()V @100: invokespecial
    Error exists in the bytecode
    0000000: 04bd 0017 5903 b200 6fb8 001d 5359 10ff

It is a problem with changes in Java 8u11 and Ju65. As a workaround you can downgrade Java version or use -noverify compiler flag. See those two commits.

2. Gradle build of both boot-microservice AND twitter-collector ends with error:

"com/ofg/infrastructure/StubRunnerPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0".

Same build of boot-microservice version from August 1 worked fine. How to fix my environment?

Answer: use Java 8

Answer2: bump up version of com.ofg:micro-deps-gradle-plugin to 0.0.2

3. How can start other µServices mocks? ./gradlew runMocks ends with success, but nothing happens.

There is a known issue with micro-deps-gradle-plugin <=0.0.2. As a workaround run:

./gradlew runMocks --info

and copy-paste a command from a penultimate line starting with java -jar:

Executing command [java -jar /home/foo/micro-deps/0.5.2/cf232e59c250101290872f6b33d06a17710581d0/micro-deps-0.5.2-fatJar.jar -p 2181 -mp 18081 -f /home/foo/twitter-collector/src/main/resources/microservice.json -r]
:runMocks (Thread[Daemon,5,main]) completed. Took 2.072 secs.

Note: The paths in your case will be different, don't copy-paste the string above.

Run this command from your shell.

4. TODO: Feel free to add more questions/answers.