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Jef Kazimer edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 21 revisions

This Wiki is just a brain dump at this point in time. FAQ is a work in progressed based on feedback







What is MIMWAL?

The MIMWAL is a powerful solution accelerator for MIM / FIM that provides foundational activities which can be combined to create complex workflows to implement business processes within a MIM / FIM solution simply by configuration instead of coding for days and months

Can I use MIMWAL on FIM 2010 R2?

Yes, as long as the FIM 2010 R2 instance is at release level 4.1.3496 or higher.

Why should I use MIMWAL?

WAL allows you to build complex FIM / MIM workflows quickly and consistently with little or no development work. A standardise way of building workflows not only speeds up development but also substantially decreases support / maintenance cost.

How stable is MIMWAL?

MIMWAL is essentially open sourcing of FIMWAL project that is being used in the hundreds of MCS engagements worldwide since 2011. The initial release of FIMWAL got extensive update as FIMWAL "2" in Jun 2014 and the baseline check-in for MIMWAL is essentially the FIMWAL "2" version 2.15.1026.0.

How is the MIMWAL licensed?

MIMWAL is published under the MIT License. See the MIMWAL project's License.txt for more information.

How is MIMWAL supported?

Developer support is primarily via MIMWAL Project TechNet forum community

When was MIMWAL first developed?

The concept and early development for the WAL began in 2010, and was developed and deployed in both a FIMWAL1 (2011) and FIMWAL2 (2013) version before the project was moved to GitHub in 2016, and renamed to MIMWAL.


Where is technical documentation for MIMWAL?

Documentation, scenarios, and examples can be found on the MIMWAL Wiki


What version of MIM can I use MIMWAL with?

MIMWAL can be used with Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) 2016 - 4.3.1935 and above.

What version of FIM can I use MIMWAL with?

MIMWAL can be used with Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 R2 - 4.1.3496 and above.

How do you migrate from FIMWAL2?

MIMWAL is backward compatible with FIMWAL "2". It retains the same assembly names and build and deployment procedures. The main visual changes post deployment are AIC's are prefixed with "WAL: " and the EventLog is called now called WAL. (Note: The deployment of MIMWAL will delete the FIMWAL event log and create a new WAL event log.) See Deployment Wiki for more details.

How do I migrate from FIMWAL1?

FIMWAL1 uses a completely different namespace than MIMWAL, so there is no direct upgrade of workflows based on MIMWAL1 activities.

Can I run FIMWAL1 and MIMWAL activities side by side deployed on the same instance?

Yes, but you should plan to replace existing workflows with MIMWAL versions to utilize MIMWAL benefits.

Can I run FIMWAL2 and MIMWAL activities side by side deployed on the same instance?

No, since when you deploy the MIMWAL, your existing workflow definitions which contain FIMWAL2 activities will be updated to use the MIMWAL verions.


What version of the .NET Framework is MIMWAL built with?

.NET FrameWork 3.5

How do I extend MIMWAL?

In order to extend the functionality of MIMWAL, please review the guidance on the Custom Activity Development Wiki entry.


How do I report MIMWAL bugs or feature requests?

You can also submit an issue. Use the Issues tab to create a new issue.

How do I discuss and ask questions to the community for MIMWAL?

For questions and conversations focused on MIMWAL, please visit the MIMWAL Project TechNet Forum:

How can I contribute code or wiki entries to MIMWAL?

For details on how you can contribute, please check

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