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Releases: microsoft/kata-containers


09 Jul 16:27
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Release Notes

  • Added support new confidential CSI driver types (cc-managed-csi, cc-local-csi driver, cc-azurefile-csi drivers)
  • Added support for pulling container image layers using containerd (-d). This enables:
    • Managed identity authentication to private registries
    • Support for images with v1 manifest and prettyjws media type
  • Added support for read-only hostPath in pod spec
  • Updated caching mechanism for image layers to allow to run in parallel
  • Added version flag (-v)
  • Added support for non-default namespace names. It may now be specified in the genpolicy-settings.json file.
  • You may now also specify persistent volume claims (PVCs) using -c param (for e.g. CSI driver)
  • Improved handling of images that have layers with special symlinks (tarfsindex crate)
  • Added persistent storage support for statefulsets

What's Changed

Limitations and important notes

  • This release is only compatible with Kata components based on release 3.2.0.azl0 and onwards
  • Building method has been updated from cargo build to LIBC=gnu BUILD_TYPE= make
  • Removed -i option. Simplify path handling with explicit flags for rules.rego (-p) and genpolicy-settings.json (-j)
  • Authentication to private registries is not supported on Windows
  • Windows support will be deprecated next release
  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods that use IPv4 addresses

Full Changelog: 3.2.0.azl0.genpolicy1...3.2.0.azl1.genpolicy0


05 Jun 19:40
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This release only applies #197 over 3.2.0.azl1. This is needed to upgrade to LSG release v2405.9.2
Full Changelog: 3.2.0.azl1...3.2.0.azl2


27 Apr 22:33
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Release Notes

  • Reliability fixes for tarfs driver (ex. support for directories with many files in container images)
  • Improved handling of images that have layers with special symlinks (tarfsindex crate)
  • Add support to handle SMB mounts in the guest VM to work with the cc-azurefile-csi driver
  • Improved agent shutdown behavior
  • Use PCI segments 1+ for blk devices. This adds support for container images with more than 31 layers
  • Remove opa and replaced with regorus
    • Improves policy diagnosis and debugging
  • Improved cleanup behavior of clh process where sometimes the process would occasionally linger after requesting to kill it

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.2.0.azl0...3.2.0.azl1

Limitations and important notes

  • This release requires genpolicy release 3.2.0.azl0.genpolicy1 and onwards


28 Mar 19:17
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Release notes

  • Added support for optional Env value in docker image config. This fixes an error on the latest version of commonly used images, such as busybox

What's Changed

  • genpolicy: fix optional docker image config Env support by @Redent0r in #168

Limitations and Important Notes

  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods the use IPv4 addresses
  • Doesn't support identity token based authentication for private registries

Full Changelog: 3.2.0.azl0.genpolicy...3.2.0.azl0.genpolicy1


21 Mar 20:45
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Release notes

  • Added support for following fields: envFrom, shareProcessNamespace, runAsUser, seccompProfile, priorityClassName, and podDisruptionBudget
  • Fixed error where policy generation panics if cache file doesn't exists
  • Block symlinks with directory traversal in CopyFileRequest

What's Changed

  • genpolicy: Add support for envFrom by @Redent0r in #128
  • genpolicy: pick up improvements from upstream by @danmihai1 in #149
  • genpolicy: add shareProcessNamespace support by @danmihai1 in #150
  • genpolicy: don't panic without cache file by @danmihai1 in #151
  • genpolicy: add support for runAsUser by @danmihai1 in #153
  • genpolicy: Add support for seccompProfile field by @Redent0r in #152
  • genpolicy: add priorityClassName as a field in PodSpec interface by @arc9693 in #145
  • genpolicy: add support for PodDisruptionBudget spec by @arc9693 in #156
  • genpolicy: block all relative paths for copyFile requests by @Redent0r in #166

Limitations and Important Notes

  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods the use IPv4 addresses
  • Doesn't support identity token based authentication for private registries

Full Changelog: genpolicy-0.6.2-5...genpolicy-0.6.2-6


15 Feb 16:44
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  • Aligning with the latest vanilla Kata release, both packages now use the same sources based on upstream v3.2.0 plus some Microsoft changes for AKS
  • osbuilder: use Azure Linux PMC UVM build meta-package

There is no new release of genpolicy with this version, please keep using genpolicy 0.6.2-5.


08 Jan 22:00
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Release notes

  • Policy generation improvements

What's Changed

Full Changelog: genpolicy-0.6.2-4...genpolicy-0.6.2-5

Limitations and Important Notes

  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods the use IPv4 addresses
  • subPath field in the volume mount is not supported
  • Pod Disruption Budget is not supported
  • Priority Classes are not supported
  • User managed identity based ACR authentication is not supported


08 Jan 19:51
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  • merge upstream 3.2 code base
  • utarfs: implement the enumeration of xattrs
  • enforce restrictive policy
  • alignment of memory allocation between vanilla Kata and Kata-CC


21 Dec 22:54
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Release notes

  • Add support for images with application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json manifest media type, such as latest versions of and

What's Changed

  • genpolicy: Update oci_distribution to 0.10.0 by @Redent0r in #129
  • lib: Add type definition for Windows support by @Redent0r in #134

Full Changelog:

Limitations and Important Notes

  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods the use IPv4 addresses
  • subPath field in the volume mount is not supported
  • Pod Disruption Budget is not supported
  • Priority Classes are not supported


19 Dec 19:52
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Release notes

  • Add support for running genpolicy concurrently
  • Update default configuration to deny UpdateEphemeralMountsRequest by default

What's Changed

Full Changelog: genpolicy-0.6.2-2...genpolicy-0.6.2-3

Limitations and Important Notes

  • Doesn't support CronJob deployment
  • Doesn't support the UDP protocol for Services, LoadBalancers, and EndpointSlices
  • Only supports pods the use IPv4 addresses
  • subPath field in the volume mount is not supported
  • Pod Disruption Budget is not supported
  • Priority Classes are not supported