title | TOCTitle | ms:assetid | ms:mtpsurl | ms:contentKeyID | author | ms.date | mtps_version | audience | ms.search.region |
(RUS) Inventory close |
(RUS) Inventory close |
889b7005-b81d-4f27-a93d-ecf677e349a6 |
49387682 |
tonyafehr |
04/18/2014 |
v=AX.60 |
Application User |
Russia |
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
The following topics provide information about closing inventory.
(RUS) Generate an inventory balance turnover based on an inventory profile
(RUS) Create cash flow forecasts for supply and demand forecasts based on an inventory profile